So (yet another) new gun has come out, and lots of people need to get one right away so they have the latest thing.
I say ho-hum - the Shield might be very nice, and (gasp) it might even be better than one's favorite Kahr or Glock in some way, but is it absolutely necessary to get one immediately??? For one thing, nothing about the arrival of the Shield has changed any existing Kahr product as far as I know. If you liked your Kahr before, you'll still like it now; If you hated your Kahr before, the Shield won't change that either.
I know that some people always DO need the latest thing immediately or life as they know it will end, but if the Shield actually *is* a good product, S&W will be selling it for years to come and you can get one later. Or it might not be so good, and you will have dodged the proverbial bullet. Or ... something even better might come along, and you can get that instead.
I'm glad to see the Solo, the Nano, and the Shield come out, because variety is great, even if confusing. (I haven't bought any of them so far.)
I wouldn't mind seeing the Shield deflate Glock's tires a little bit though.
"Measure twice, cut once. Think twice, speak once."