View Full Version : General Discussion
- Practice makes nearly perfect
- Obama looks into online ammo
- Really awesome holster
- Why?
- August All Fun Thread / The good stuff goes here.
- Holster options for CW9
- Chick-fil-A Day
- Ramcharger fans?
- Citizen saves LEO
- Think this would encourage break ins?
- XS big dot sight for cw9
- laser sights for pm9/cm9
- Common beark in wear for CW9?
- K9 Gun Show & K9 Elite Qs
- Tom Givens Instructor Course
- Ask the Aussies about their gun control....
- How'd I do?
- New Member
- Aviation videos
- No Rapid Fire?
- media fans flames
- Jocko, you owe me...
- bullet weight for cm9
- California shooters **SB 249
- "I'm fixin a put one in em"
- Mex. Drug Lord: Fast and Furious is not what we think it is.
- Having a little fun
- Holster Review: Galco Paddle "Lite"
- Good Friend Got Into A Gun Fight
- For sale; manure spreader
- driving
- cm .380?
- I'm still keeping my polymer
- Pm45 803$
- Hello From Japan!
- Rev. Sun Myung Moon hospitalized with pneumonia
- 22 minutes of anger
- SSA to Purchase 174K AMMO
- child flying alone
- Need to rant/rave....
- Kahr E9
- Kahr MK9 Speer 9mm Performance
- Food for thought
- CW9 Carry ammo
- TV gun shows crack me up...
- Broken Trail
- Why do we drop the slide instead of slingshot?
- Five Son's Shooting Guns
- Went to pick up my cm9 at the gun store...
- Obamacare
- Estate Ammo brand
- TP9 or P9?
- I bought a used MK9 Elite, sight un-seen for $600
- Stuck slide stop pin
- Attn. Legal Eagles
- Made a descision on IWB Holster
- a true story from ol jocko
- UpLULA Loader
- Are We Training Like Our Life Depended On It?
- its a good one
- Doctor Visit
- Anybody have any experience with holsters from D.M.Bullard Leather Co
- Texas Judge Preparing For ‘Civil War’ If Obama Re-Elected
- Dammit, things is messed up.
- So which Kahr will it be?
- Charley Reese's Final Column
- Barrel threading snobs?
- A good week for me
- 174,000 rounds.
- Sad news: RIP Mark Craighead, CEO Crossbreed Holsters
- Photographing guns
- Empire State Building Shooting...
- God Speed Neil Armstrong
- Why I moved up to a Kahr
- Question about shipping
- Exactly why does the ACLU even exist anymore?
- Coolest Kahr picture that I have ever seen
- States May Lose Gun Makers Over New Laws
- Israeli Women
- Cant' decide one my next Kahr
- Bawanna Grips ROCK
- The movie "2016"
- Hybrid holster question for a Kahr P380
- Changing my name to Murphy
- Quote of the Decade
- School wants 3-year-old to change name
- oh my what next..
- Handgun Safe?
- Here comes the Eye!
- Another reason to BEAR arms!
- September Silliness and Frivolity. Fun stuff.
- Armed bystander
- what is this?
- Cracked PM45 5rd mag.
- Taking Concealed Carry to the Extreme
- I love our Governer Chris Christie but?...
- Eastwood does comedy at the RNC
- OOP's
- K9 or K40 next
- 357sig
- Cornucopia
- Weapons arsenal in Queens N.Y.
- CREAK! Goes my water heater
- RIP: Sun Myung Moon
- My MK9 Breakin is Complete
- An Alternate Look at Handgun Stopping Power
- What does your avatar mean or represent?
- Not-so-concealed carry!
- Any WWII/WWII Aviation/Aviation enthusiasts on board?
- Free Romney Bumper Sticker!
- Dr. Phil.... anti 2A???
- Mernickle Holster review
- Why are the Federal Government Agengy's arming themselves so much, recently?
- and behind closed door #3 is
- Security Guard Shoots Robbers in Melbourne Internet Cafe
- Kahr PM9 came without test-fired round. Why?
- Is Kahrtalk Popularity Up?
- for adults
- An Interview with Lord Monckton
- Anyone heard from thetmanski?
- Second Amendment Weekend
- It's new Truck Day!!!
- Is it redundant???
- Romney on 2A - it's good
- First Match Win!
- "No Concealed Firearms" sign on the door.
- My first "Accidental Discharge" today
- buy a trainer or train with what ya got?
- Jocko's Biker Chick Photo Collection
- September 11th never forget
- Gives new meaning to the term "gun printing"
- great news for cw/cm owners!
- OKC Gun Club's 13th Annual Women On Target Fun Shoot
- Double Barrel 1911, Kel-Tec 3 Barrel P333AT
- Kahr Arms: Gear Up Giveaway
- Custom Pepsi machine Gun Safe/Locker
- $1 for 20 ccw business cards!
- Watching the Osprey over Quantico
- Finally bought a safe
- Recoil magazine controversy
- gun belt recs
- U.S embassy
- Happy Birthday to me! (My husband stinks at keeping seekrits)
- Night Sight Install
- Cw45 Rust
- Brown Truck Brought Vintage Rimfire Ammo!
- Who knew?
- Common & Spare Parts
- PNC Bank, a minor rant
- Lee Harvey Oswald
- America Should Return to 'Original Factory Settings'
- Want to get a CW45
- Night Sights - P380
- Fun with kydex
- purpose of this article?
- Holder Cleared
- Slain Officer Laid to Rest
- Earth to Steve In Florida
- Kahr / Thompsons Poor Customer Service
- Thoughts & prayers needed
- EDC picture thread
- It's time...........
- AR 15 Advice
- Send obummer packin
- What's up?
- New Additions - MK9 w/Wood and M&P 340
- My Wife Overcame the Fear
- Amazing customer service
- Armalaser for Kahr Pistols
- I Have Found "The" Car
- Went To The Denver Gun Show Today....
- P380? Should I purchase one?
- Interesting Range Experience Yesterday
- Kahr customer service question?
- Old School
- Seahawks Win ??
- Different slant on the Star Spangled banner.
- 92 year old shoots burgler
- Operation Hot Mic
- You gotta start 'em young.
- K 45?
- China Launches it first Nuke Aircraft Carrier!
- What do I got here?
- No Deer Hunting!
- Vid - Taking Four To The Chest
- K40 Trigger question
- Grips for CW45
- Granddaughter wwas an indirect victim of a home invasion yesterday
- Decisions ! Decisions!
- Trigger finger position?
- October Free for All
- what is wrong with me?
- Stupid stunt
- Kahr warranty transferable ???
- Old Glory?
- I thought this was interesting, but not anything new
- Picking Up the CW45 Today
- survery: sexin the shower
- Voto obama
- Battery Trick
- Great description of the unemployment rate.
- Candidates Debate
- "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky". - Neil Armstrong
- The greatest debate loss excuse in history
- Teacher student relations
- I Guess the Secretary of State is too busy to....
- Sons of Guns, MP18 legal?
- sometimes 6+1 isnt enough?
- blind date (almost) - help needed
- Tale of 2 shows
- 4 more years of this... we're done!
- behind the scenes from the debate....
- wallet & weapon on same side = problem?
- First Vietnam War Book from Northern Sources
- Just sayin
- Poll Are You Undecided on Presidential Vote?
- Happybirthday
- Slide release
- New Member and New PM9 - Sight Issue
- Exploding targets with Extreme Wildfire Danger
- Bawanna is in big trouble!
- Mernickle holster update
- Need Bawanna's skill set
- Homemade targets
- new flashlight
- Definition
- An update on the Cause of Pearl Harbor Attack...
- +P ammo?
- TruGlo TFO sights
- Creative Carry System
- pm9 gun prep
- world record parachute jump
- Washington shooting range locations
- Snap Cap Sale At Midway
- New Appreciation for Revolvers
- P380 Small melted defect on the polymer behind the trigger
- Are you Preparing for this?
- play day at the range
- Under Water
- Look what got delivered today!!
- Shooting drills
- You're not going to believe this!
- Just a heads up from Cabela's
- Deaf folks and guns.
- Rare footage of Ben Bernanke's childhood
- Bumper Sticker
- Have a great trip Jocko
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