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  1. Best NRA can do?
  2. Biblical self defense song
  3. The "Mental Illness" Discussion
  4. Worst apocalypse ever!
  5. SE PA Local Report
  6. New York Governor Coumo "Confiscation is an option"
  7. gun ownership works
  8. Why don't the media interview the professionals...
  9. Bawanna, Something you'd like to explain to us?
  10. China Demands Gun Control for US citizens
  11. The NRA
  12. Interesting Leftist View that's Anti-Gun Control
  13. manual question...
  14. This says it all about Dear Leader...
  15. La Pierre on Meet the Press
  16. I need to stay off the net for a while
  17. Merry Christmas KahrTalk Friends!
  18. Who can tell me about Kahr 9mm's?
  19. From ol jocko
  20. GOA's Pratt MIA?
  21. love or hate NutnFancy
  22. It's the end of the world as we know it...
  23. Letter to Congressman Bishop--Utah
  24. Merry Christmas
  25. Israel vs Australia
  26. Reloading karma winner
  27. List of Gun Owners Published in NY Paper
  28. Two Thumbs Up - dp509
  29. School Obama's Daughters Attend Has 11 Armed Guards...
  30. Merry Christmas!!
  31. Deport Piers Morgan?
  32. Merry Christmas lookie what I got!
  33. Just what we needed
  34. I must've been a REALLY good girl this year
  35. Got a bang out of this Christmas tequila
  36. Obama, bring em home NOW
  37. Live by the sword
  38. Ants in my Pants
  39. Demand A Plan
  40. So now what are they goin to ban
  41. just in case ya'll have so spare time
  42. CHL holder saves woman's life!!!!
  43. The bear is dead!
  44. Listing of horrible online merchants...
  45. Maybe not a 1911?
  46. ol jocko
  47. Glock 33 round mag only $149.97
  48. Just Curious....
  49. Here he comes...full court press!
  50. I got some karma now going to have a KARMA GIVE AWAY!
  51. The January is Here New Years Thread!!!
  52. Karma pays off on my bday!
  53. Happy New Year
  54. Karma holster n mag pouch give away winner is...
  55. Pic of your EDC setup
  56. D!ck's's
  57. Cleaning/Lubricating internals
  58. No AR/AK available
  59. no ammo at walmart
  60. Run and Gun
  61. Good video from MAC
  62. Interesting Video
  63. click and clack the tappet bros. LOL
  64. This vid disturbed me
  65. Americans want guns
  66. Goodbye Grand Slam
  67. I'm considering selling all of my AR-15 related stuff
  68. Son came home with Earrings
  69. Where is the "Politics" subforum? Never mind, found it!
  70. Thoughts on this vid
  71. Sporting Arms
  72. Just sayin
  73. looks like Davidson's low on guns
  74. No Chinesse ammo for me
  75. Just Sayin' by Jocko
  76. Cell Phone Rescue Tips
  77. Unable to locate a sr22 anywhere !
  78. piers morgan a?? kicked by nugent
  79. Jesse Stone Alert
  80. John Noveske killed in a single car crash
  81. Fox News tells it like it is.
  82. Laugh of the Day!
  83. Dakar starts tonight.
  84. New shooting in Aurora!!!
  85. L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace
  86. Call me Paranoid but....
  87. Who Will Still Be Here....
  88. Simple Eye Test = Mental Status Screen for Buying Guns
  89. Judge Jeanine calls out 'The Journal News'
  90. Fyi
  91. why I(we) carry a gun
  92. Dawson Precision Sights
  93. who knew that a rifle like this even existed......
  94. help or hurt the antigunners?
  95. Free firearms classes for teachers in OH and TX
  96. When I got my Kahr...
  97. Biggest Loser
  98. Obama's Place in History
  99. Charles Whitman's guns
  100. Free NRA membership(pretty much)
  101. Kahr Esthetics
  102. Piers Morgan debunked
  103. NRA Life Member discounted to only $300!!!
  104. purchase advise needed...
  105. Military Forum
  106. any plans for a c380?
  107. selling help/questions
  108. Help. Utah allows conceal carry in schools
  109. Excellent Kahr CS
  110. Contact your Reps in 1 easy step
  111. Good Samaritans....with guns
  112. Negligent Discharge at the WAC gun show in Monroe, WA today
  114. Gun Appreciation Day -!/!9
  115. vette owners
  116. dumb burglar
  117. WalMart Suspends Ammo Orders
  118. Come in Les Strat
  119. like a kick to the guts
  120. Nutzi germany
  121. Two school shooting today!
  122. A Glut of Magazines?
  123. President on Gun Violence
  124. Nra lifetime special
  125. New Laws don't always matter
  126. This is for Bawanna
  127. The Pres Proposals??
  128. ABOUT THE CHILDREN by Massad Ayoob
  129. Beat the ban
  130. 2 A Rally at Capitol Buildings -1/19/13 Noon
  131. Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show
  132. Americans With No Abilities Act
  133. Bang! You're suspended
  134. CM45 video from Kahr at SHOT 2013
  135. Subwoofer to hidden gun safe.
  136. newbie question
  137. Gnat Shooting
  138. House Bill Would Ban All Internet Ammunition Sales
  139. SHOT 2013: Kahr Arms CW380
  140. True story
  141. Kook Jin Moon
  142. What to buy
  143. Mass Murderers Are All Democrats!
  144. General Brand Specific Question
  145. Need Advice Help
  146. Can Anyone confirm this?
  147. GAD Draws Huge Crowds Nation Wide
  148. Best 1 minute gun commercial ever
  149. Good read about German military drug use during ww2
  150. Hello, and K/CW question
  151. Survey: best detail strip tools
  152. Teachers would you carry?
  153. Cabelas making a stand.
  154. Destruction test??
  155. Should this be examined during permit issuing?
  156. Best holsters for concealed carry
  157. Gunvault safe heads up
  158. Pistols ya should of NEVER got rid of!
  159. Could prescribed drugs have a role in these shootings?
  160. Another Shooting
  161. Need Advice
  162. Paper gun gets 5th grader in big trouble
  163. Darn, they put a safety on the TP45...
  164. Quad mag pouch for Kahr?
  165. NBC Admits AR-15 NOT used at Sandy Hook
  166. Obama wants military leaders who will fire on U.S. citizens
  167. help finding online ammo source(s)
  168. Austin gun show arrest
  169. a brace of Bearcats
  170. how much ammo
  171. Happy Birthday John Moses Browning
  172. Feinstein on C-Span now
  173. E. Sport show "postponed"
  174. Would you be upset?
  175. $699 - 1000 rd case - 5.56 / 223 Lake City Green Tip 62gr M855 Penetrator loose ammo
  176. Washington city councilman walks out on council meeting because of citizen with CCW
  177. A big thanks to you all
  178. Tapatalk
  179. Another one for jocko
  180. obummer got his ass spanked
  181. Geico cancels car insurance over guns
  182. Grandaddy's Gun...
  183. New task for Bawanna
  184. Good place to buy grips?
  185. she's gone
  186. PMC .40 S&W any good?
  187. Ammo and Range
  188. Burning Question?
  189. Crime and Gun Control Laws
  190. Austin gun show today
  191. Favorite movie/TV gun scenes?
  192. Kahr mags may be available at Impact Guns or Ivanhoe
  193. Carry Permit Classes
  194. No Semi Auto "Assault" Rifles? Completely HYPOTHETICAL Question
  195. Just for fun! What is the first gun you fired.........
  196. XS sights?
  197. I Miss You Honey
  198. Store Ammo Fight
  199. Ideas for hiding pistols around the house?
  200. Now this is a knife.
  201. My new Feinstein/Bloomberg-approved Personal Defense Weapon
  202. Shut Down a Liberal...
  203. Interesting email about possible intruders on my block
  204. VT Gun Club bans LEOs
  205. another joke
  206. Prints Rejected
  207. Liberals with Guns
  208. Hell Yeah
  209. Coordinated Practice/Training to pound you in submission?
  210. February's Fabulous and Festive Frivolities.
  211. please cash my check
  212. why the 2A?
  213. Police deal with this-How?
  214. It is about the kids
  215. Strange Timing
  216. Jocko's new bike....
  217. Forum advice helps out elsewhere
  218. the media is bashing and blaming the NRA
  219. Zimmerman defense fund is running dry
  220. As firearm sales soar, Wal-Mart rations sale of ammunition
  221. Incredible Speech on Gun Violence
  222. POTUS - Skeet Shooter in Chief?
  223. Cast bullets
  224. The Greatest Moment in Baseball... an Act of Patriotism
  225. It's time for our daily school shooting - Teen shot at Price Middle School in Atlanta
  226. kahr
  227. Pistol mounted light for home defense...are you using one?
  228. Kahr Repair
  229. Embasy in Turkey Bombed
  230. Wheel and Deal
  231. SGT. Maj. Ken Baschke
  232. DHS and an Active Shooter
  233. You're White, You're Guilty, You're Dead
  234. Need some AR mags? Just print 'em.
  235. Difference in mags
  236. Talon Grips
  237. Pic of Obama Skeet :)
  238. America loses another great hero, Chris Kyle murdered
  239. Something to Fear?
  240. Girls CAN shoot too
  241. super bowel I love football
  242. To tuck or not to tuck...
  243. Inflated prices or Typo?
  244. "You Are There" - remember this TV series...
  245. R.I.P Chris Kyle
  246. Kydex, take me to school please
  247. train from concealment
  248. Oh what a strange few days
  249. new movie trailer
  250. Sandy Hook dad speaks out