View Full Version : General Discussion
- Feel good for my buddy Bawanna
- Lakeline LLC
- Isn't It Strange?
- Oaks Gun Show coming up in Pa.
- CDDN Sports has the P9 on sale for $439.
- Wow! Just Wow! Incredible artist!
- Shooting at Hickock45's compound.....
- My Ideal Gun Work Room
- The Revenant
- Factory Burnt Bronze CW45
- Cleveland Kydex holsters
- GovX discount and SIRT Laser Training Pistol order!
- WW II and Today really cool how they did this..
- Gun Addict
- The 21 foot rule
- reloading for Kahr 9mm
- Deep Thoughts from a married man.
- Has anyone used all the metal magazine parts from Lakelinellc?
- Lakeline llc questions
- Found on AMAZON (Kahr Shirt)
- Kahr's Entering Commerce 2014
- Jocko? That You?
- Age old question I face...
- K9/CW 9 compatibility JM Custom Kydex holsters?
- message from Cptn Higgins AKA Captn America
- Slide dis-assembly video
- New Knives - What have you bought recently?
- Front strap serrations on K9?
- Go Iowa
- Good Deal on P40
- Hey Bawanna - check out these SAA grips
- it's been a year
- Loaning guns
- March toward the light(er) side of the month!
- On a lighter note: 12 Celebrity Hypocrites!
- New(same) Holster
- Kahr Family Photo
- Bless the Intertube
- How would you handle an agressive home invasion
- K9 "FOR THE WIN" chosen by my 15yr old daughter.
- Fyi
- Interesting Article about the cause of the Civil War (It's not Slavery)
- Beware the Ides of March.
- Ticked off the gun store owner
- Holster suggestions
- Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
- ?? Put grommets in a sleeved flag??
- Fishing Season -- YAY!
- Bald Eagle Cam
- The stories that you don’t hear about on the news
- Spring and Gotta Get out for a spell!
- Damascus - whatcha think?
- deSantis Nemesis lost it's stickiness
- Be Prepared... Bill Whittle. Words to live by.
- I'm back
- CW-9 barrel in a CM-9?
- Always Carry, You never know
- muggsy this is really for you!
- Obesity, It not limited to the U.S.
- Tannerite + lawn mower + close range = leg gone
- Explain Kahr series designations
- What is my West Hurley tommy gun worth?
- Different kind of war souvenir
- “Jelly” Bryce
- Help me with my West Hurley Tommy gun value
- Duluth offers "Man-teddy"
- G&G room
- Need To Order Dawson Precision Fiber Optics or XS Outdoor Big Dot?
- Yep, I did it!
- Magazines, prices, vendors
- A Winner From Brownells
- Met downtownv at Oaks gun show
- Gun TV... like HSN for guns and ammo, etc., but with safety lessons!
- Some inexpensive knives to the rescue.
- Bees are smarter than our politicians!
- R.I.P. Hagg
- Cat Sniper
- Butterscotch?
- Bullet Stopping Foam
- Nature's Best Pilots!
- I can't stop laughing
- East is East, West is West a view from the other side....
- Mark Twain Quotes
- Honda is at it again
- Amazing Wildlife Photos
- Kahr CW9 - Velcro backed holster
- Reloaders, can I do this?
- Red Dot for Buckmark
- 7 dollar sex
- Ford Transponder Keys
- Political correctness
- Range un-safety!
- Can't decide which one to carry!
- April Humor
- CT Lasergrips
- Solder dancing with his dog !
- The Father of 3 sons.....
- Knives Matter
- Pop Quiz: How was this barrel rifled?
- We Lost another one
- Balistol vs. Break Free?
- Prince, dead at 57
- Don't Draw on a Drawn Gun
- New face on the $20 bill
- The media screwed up... or the typical MSM Spin.
- In honor of Moms everywhere
- Pork Fest!!!!!!!!!
- Four italian ladies !!!
- 40 years ago today
- The new gang street code, don’t worry they’ll honor the rules NOT!!!!
- Anybody interested in De Santis gun leather products?
- Who invented the back-up sensor?
- $900 later at the gunshow...
- Alfonse link up.
- 11 Year Old shoots Intruder- A Must Read
- The phrase get the hell out of Dodge
- Break In
- Calling Bawanna
- Last NJ Pearl Harbor Survivor Died- RIP Sailor
- Complaints
- OUCH: Fox Just Got MASSIVE Bad News…They’re Paying for All Those Trump Attacks
- May humor
- My blood boiling again!!!
- Forum ownership
- We lost muggsy
- do we need a GBNFpost, or forum section, or somthing?
- Another familiar Member MIA
- On the lighter side - best present I ever bought for my wife...
- I'm sad....
- Introduce Yourself
- Gun free zones
- Ultrasonic cleaners??
- Great deal on a PM9!
- I'm totally screwed!
- Kahr on TV
- Snow...
- Z's gun for auction...again
- Hmmm not sure how I feel here?
- What Happend Here?
- NRA Convention
- Blow your nose already! Caution: rant
- Another trip added to my Bucket list
- Forget drones..I want one of these..
- future gen2's
- Not quite enough gun
- Once a Marine...
- Blade Show Atlanta 6/3-5
- Signature required for a barrel?
- Ram horn
- DIY parkerizing
- MK40 back in the rotation
- PPQ 22 or 22/45 ??
- Weekend Carry
- Recounting Johnny's story, as told by Al, on Memorial Day
- Thank You
- Got me thinkin
- June Jokes & Humor
- ojeda Knife
- Daughter gets a gun for a Wedding Gift. Should the groom get one too?
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- New Knife
- The goal of all this was achieved.
- Tranny in the men's room today
- What a Girl Wants
- TheTman
- Anyone cut the grip of CW45?
- Federal HST LE 9mm 147 Grain JHP - $20/50 Box
- my rant....
- In memory...
- Cowboy on horseback lassos bike theif at Walmart
- Happy 241st Birthday U.S. Army!
- Mateen and Disney
- No longer a Conan O'brien fan
- A list of handguns issued to Law Enforcement in the U.S. ?
- Tuckable holster for my PM9
- With theTMan passing, thought I'd serve this up in his memory...
- DLT (black) coating and Kydex
- Just received a glossy catalogue from Kahr. Probably not the best timing
- My new Carry Knife
- E9 & CW9 covert
- CCL for wifey
- Intervention
- What's your ideal Father's Day?
- Shooting at the range, can't hit the target.
- Desantis.... yuck!
- Baloney
- One of two remaining airmen who flew in World War II 'Doolittle Raid' dies
- Just Joined the NRA for LIFE!!
- 15 or 30 rounds Extension Magazine for the T9
- Forget Where's Waldo.... WHERE's Jocko?
- Long live the Queen
- Need Help....s&w 9mm 17 rnd mag
- Feed Failures with new Kahr CW380
- **HELP!** Re-assembly error with PM9 **Please Help**
- belated
- Sanford Fl mayor carjacked
- Defensive Carry dot Com
- Academy Sports pulled their ARs
- Just bought my second Liberty gun vault.
- A new must-have... the Wheeler Professional Digital Trigger Scale
- Speaking of gun free zones, Tennessee just passed a sensible gun law
- My Hk is one the way!!!
- New Kahrs for 2016
- July: Mayham, mischief, mental plunder and humor.
- E9 slide removal
- ..and all I got was this belt buckle
- My fireworks stash:
- Old Ironsides - USS Constitution
- more photo edits by the press
- Fixin' to have some BBQ at a friend's place....
- Florida teen shot at Gun range
- wanting to test out a kahr
- Whatever...........soap opera?
- Ahlman's Shooters Roundup coming up...
- NFA Deadline July 15 -
- k9 magazine baseplate
- Big thanks to getsome
- general bs from ol jocko
- what up wit dat ho?
- The scales will now tip
- What happened with Costile?
- Local LEO's on high alert
- Hard Target Training
- CT vs. CW vs. CM Differences?
- Micah Johnson: Panty Thief
- CW380 or CT380 - which has proven to "work better" - what about the CW45?
- NASCAR (Funny)
- Range trip with CW380 and PM9
- I think it's NYPD
- 7rnd mag for CM40?
- Anyone try the etched baseplates from Kahr?
- AK47 wielding robber gets a Texas version of Pulp Fiction at Waffle House in DeSoto,
- Thinking about another Kahr or ?
- Vive la France! It's Bastille Day!
- Terrorist uses a truck, Ban All Trucks!!!
- Another stupid crook.... gets disarmed at 7-11
- .50bmg zip gun crazy mo'fo!
- New Fiber Optic Colors!
- I think you'll like this one.....
- I'll give it a 2nd try
- Semi annual haircut.....
- Bikers for Hillary!!!
- For half a century, the world has applauded John Glenn
- p380 slidelock problem
- Bikini Cop
- Sharknado 4
- August's altogether awkward attempts at humor
- kudos to Charter
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