View Full Version : RKBA Discussion
- Maybe we should all move to Oklahoma!
- Batman movie hysteria
- The Evidence
- Yahoo article on Gun Control
- Murdock Tweets
- Hit this Poll, AWB? We're loosing..
- Bloomberg's latest firearm foolishness
- The Dark Knight Movie Massacre & Why I Carry a Gun Everywhere I Go
- Presidential true colors?
- The Vetting, obamas long history with gun control
- 24 out of 25
- democrat senators try to sneak in gun control.
- "Stand Your Ground" Infographic
- Small Arms Treaty DEAD!
- It's only a matter of time, and nothing can be done about it...
- There is always a solution
- Scalia opens door for gun control debate.
- Rabbi waxes eloquent regarding 2nd Amendment
- Another story ignored by the lame stream media.
- This can't happen.
- Lautenberg submits bill to ban internet ammo
- Letter from Portman to Obama & Clinton
- best article i've read, well thought out, great points
- Paul Ryan
- Ice T and gun control
- National Weather Service Buying Ammo?
- Secret Service's Most Valuable Asset
- Not just Jersey Guys....
- Should be required reading for gun grabbers
- Proof Positive
- Alabama Mother Stops Criminal In His Tracks
- Ammo Sales Ban
- 4 life!
- U of C and concealed carry
- I'm all in.
- Another life saved by concealed carry
- "The Gun Is Civilization" by Maj. L. Caudill USMC (Ret)
- Gun owners not welcome.
- DNC platform is anti-2A
- Jack-Booted Thuggery
- An interview
- More nobama fun.
- Getting Guns Right
- All In NRA
- Wat happens with Liberal Judges and Legislatures
- D H S ammo purchasing
- Small arms treaty
- Assaulted - Civil Rights Under Fire video
- Gun control doesn't work over there, either
- If they want to tax....
- The judge is the threat
- Obama did not give go ahead to kill Bin Laden
- 2012 Election Gun Politics...I No Longer Care
- Need some good questions for a NJ State assemblyman
- Obama's Record on Gun Rights
- Another warning
- Expect more of this if dems keep getting elected
- Gun rights under an emergency
- President of Troy, Mo., bank pulls gun, nabs masked robber
- Hours after win
- The NRA is dying and the people want more gun control
- It's the 2nd Amendments fault.
- More lies and deception on handguns.
- Great 2A Read
- This just in....
- Federal court strikes down Illinois ban on carrying concealed weapons
- Texas School District Will Let Teachers Carry Guns
- democrats coming for our guns
- News Flash: "Assault Weapons" already a felony in Conn
- 2nd Amendment doesn't apply today.
- Sam Elliott Speaks Out
- NRA Response To Newtown Shooting
- And I thought I was just paranoid...
- Quotes you never would have bought they said!
- Should a teacher have a right to Conceal carry?
- Volunteer "sheepdog"
- NRA Presser at 11EST
- Join the NRA for FREE
- Finally, A Media Reporter Gets It Right!
- Ann Coulter on School Shootings
- Media Intimidation of Lawful Firearm Owners
- Feinstein's Opening salvo
- Obama's Response to We the People
- We need to push for MORE Firearm Rights
- Barth's response to Obummer
- Obummer considers gun gontrol
- Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp on the 2nd Amendment
- I love south carolina!
- Gun Confiscation, Govt. ordered to kill. etc.
- Link for Online Message to Congress - Important!
- Americans never give up your guns
- 2nd Admendment Rights
- One click to send your feelings on Gun Control!
- A Marines letter to Feinstein-spread it far and wide!
- Uncle Ted Letter to Biden
- Illinois Dems advance ban on most modern firearms
- Feinstein bill?
- Feds start to introduce specific anti-gun bills
- Jim Crow II Laws
- gun ban
- Bloomberg and guns
- Semi auto ban in Illinois Senate
- Choose your own crime stats
- Which Obama did they vote for?
- Just remeber this when the New Congress Takes-Over!
- List of items to buy prior to possible ban.
- I urge you to contact your reps daily
- Walmart being seduced by Obama to support anti-gun legislation?
- If you're not an NRA member? Join Now!
- Gun Appreciation Day January 19
- Gabby Giffords comes out for gun control
- Feinstein caught lying
- Debate about guns and safety calls for logic not emotion
- Gawker Posts Full List of All ‘A**hole’ New York City Licensed Gun Owners
- Gun Ban Answer
- NY gun grabber update
- Oath Keepers
- Executive order
- Austin seeks gunshow ban
- Biden to make gun-control recommendations by Tuesday
- Enemy at the Gates: A Warning for All SHOT Show Attendees and Exhibitors
- Statement From the NRA Regarding Today's White House Task Force Meeting
- Why I never messed around in parochial school
- Ted not being so "Ted"
- She'd love to hear YOUR thoughts!
- It's paranoia that is causing these gun sales
- Connecticut proposed bill, 1 round guns
- If they come for your guns
- Want to feel good? Watch this Piers Morgan interview
- The 2nd ensures the 1st, and vice-versa
- All but single shot firearms to be banned
- I need a Labor attorney that's Also a Pro-Gun attorney!
- In the meantime, the slaughter of the children continues
- Obama Opposed Gun Ban Exception to Defend One’s Home
- Obummer's Gun Control Task Force
- Excellent Video defending the 2nd admement
- Colin Powell caves
- Bidens Recommendations
- Obama will move ahead on gun control this week
- Wow, NY is gonna go after your 1911, Kahr T-series, and...
- Obama backs gun limits, concedes tough fight ahead
- Libtard gets it bad, Must see video..
- The Truth About Assault Weapons
- A mother’s case for gun rights
- White House draws criticism ahead of gun control announcement
- Sandy Hook video..
- Video outs media hypocrites
- Threat of Impeachment keeps the Fuehrer in check
- "The Gun Is Civilization"
- Positive Karma / But not a give away, maybe later.
- Guns and the government
- Class Warfare of a Different Sort
- Gun Control for Dummies
- Piers Morgan, pwned yet again
- Contact all your politicians in 30 seconds!
- Texas to New York gun owners: come on down
- Wayne Lapierre LIVE on Hannity tonight at 9:00 PM
- Stand up for our Gun Rights
- Calm and Decisive
- New York 10.5 Ounce Law
- Are you too sick to own a gun?
- newsweek magazine and Obumer
- Prepare for a long, nasty four years
- NY Democrat pleads with Republican not to share document proposing confiscation of gu
- Coumo's real intentions....
- Teenager Reportedly Used AR-15 to Kill Five in New Mexico
- If anybody wonders where we should start.
- Response for my representatives
- Ole Jocko May be onto something!
- We are safer than ever. Obummer is the threat.
- German troops in US?
- Recording from Oak Harbor city council meeting
- House of Representatives hearing on gun control today
- Score for the Good Guys!!
- Another poll
- Here's the List of 158 Guns That Dianne Feinstein Wants to Ban in 2013
- Companies who Support Gun Control
- Buffalo Wild Wings Bans Guns
- Freedom Rifles
- Poll - Anti 2A businesses Yes or No
- The Real Stats
- Obama's $4.5 billion for new gun control plan
- This is what happens when
- Excellent Article in The Wall Street Journal
- Discussion on the Constitution and power
- Is there a bigger plan coming together here?
- Are American Gun Owners a Bunch of Fools?
- Thousands march for gun control in Washington
- Men with the Courage of their Convictions
- Please post elsewhere and pass around
- Why do so many gun Manufacturers stay in these anti-gun states?
- Bloomberg doesnt know the diffeence between semi and full auto
- "Why am I being punished?" by Tim Inwood
- 2/23 to be national day of protest
- Journalist Accosted by Security over Mayor Bloomberg Gun Control Question
- Check out this crapola!
- Local Sandy Hook Letter to Editor
- And these people vote and breed
- Virginia Welcome Sign
- Attention illinois residents
- Gun control: Tracing a firearm is a low-tech process
- Todays Gun Violence Prevention hearing
- Hacker Group Anonymous Declares War on US
- Why the Sudden Barrage of Live-Fire Military Drills at Schools?
- Wyoming House votes to block proposed federal firearms regulations
- Response from Representative Hans Dunshee (WA)
- I don't own one, but I defend, Your right to!
- Assault Weapons Ban Unconstitutional
- New Yorkers criticize NY Gun Ban
- Registration leads to Confiscation Canadian Speaks out
- Decorated Sniper killed after callling Biden Traitor
- Build your own AR15, Ar10, 1911
- New Jersey want what?
- NO magazines
- This article gets things right
- Because when seconds count...
- Minnesota House of Representatives disarming the public
- Time to reconsider shotguns
- Own a gun? Time to buy violence liability insurance, California Democrats say
- Is pa going backwards on Castle Doctrine
- Maryland TODAY is ground zero
- Ask your Illinois rep & senator to co-sponsor for IL HB0997 & SB1284
- 2A vs. Bloomberg's Money & Obama's agenda
- Please say tell me it can't happen...
- Here's a Newtown guy that's got it right
- Holders lips moving again
- Don't photoshop that picture of "Skeets" Obama or else!
- Biden on gun control
- Seattle cancels police drone program after outcry over privacy issues
- Anybody know the most and least restrictive states?
- To Arms! To Arms!
- PA/FL ccw
- My candidate for 2016
- Gun Control to be featured in tonight's State of the Union
- No more self defense
- Please e-mail your Representives often
- Domestic use of American troops
- Olympic Arms takes a stand
- Anyone heard anything about Obama Indicted?
- more stats
- Good video about REAL "assault weapons" vs semi-auto
- Colorado is at now...
- First New York, Missouri next?
- MO will be introducing a new gun control law.
- Firearms Manufacturers Step up to the Plate
- Shouldn't this be a lesson
- Stronger Gun-Control Measures Clear First Votes in the Colorado House
- Dream come true (sorta) ... gov't inspection of your home proposed
- Right to Keep and Bear (Alligators) Forum?
- It's time to enforce the 10th Amendment.
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