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  1. Maybe we should all move to Oklahoma!
  2. Batman movie hysteria
  3. The Evidence
  4. Yahoo article on Gun Control
  5. Murdock Tweets
  6. Hit this Poll, AWB? We're loosing..
  7. Bloomberg's latest firearm foolishness
  8. The Dark Knight Movie Massacre & Why I Carry a Gun Everywhere I Go
  9. Presidential true colors?
  10. The Vetting, obamas long history with gun control
  11. 24 out of 25
  12. democrat senators try to sneak in gun control.
  13. "Stand Your Ground" Infographic
  14. Small Arms Treaty DEAD!
  15. It's only a matter of time, and nothing can be done about it...
  16. There is always a solution
  17. Scalia opens door for gun control debate.
  18. Rabbi waxes eloquent regarding 2nd Amendment
  19. Another story ignored by the lame stream media.
  20. This can't happen.
  21. Lautenberg submits bill to ban internet ammo
  22. Letter from Portman to Obama & Clinton
  23. best article i've read, well thought out, great points
  24. Paul Ryan
  25. Ice T and gun control
  26. National Weather Service Buying Ammo?
  27. Secret Service's Most Valuable Asset
  28. Not just Jersey Guys....
  29. Should be required reading for gun grabbers
  30. Proof Positive
  31. Alabama Mother Stops Criminal In His Tracks
  32. Ammo Sales Ban
  33. 4 life!
  34. U of C and concealed carry
  35. I'm all in.
  36. Another life saved by concealed carry
  37. "The Gun Is Civilization" by Maj. L. Caudill USMC (Ret)
  38. Gun owners not welcome.
  39. DNC platform is anti-2A
  40. Jack-Booted Thuggery
  41. An interview
  42. More nobama fun.
  43. Getting Guns Right
  44. All In NRA
  45. Wat happens with Liberal Judges and Legislatures
  46. D H S ammo purchasing
  47. Small arms treaty
  48. Assaulted - Civil Rights Under Fire video
  49. Gun control doesn't work over there, either
  50. If they want to tax....
  51. The judge is the threat
  52. Obama did not give go ahead to kill Bin Laden
  53. 2012 Election Gun Politics...I No Longer Care
  54. Need some good questions for a NJ State assemblyman
  55. Obama's Record on Gun Rights
  56. Another warning
  57. Expect more of this if dems keep getting elected
  58. Gun rights under an emergency
  59. President of Troy, Mo., bank pulls gun, nabs masked robber
  60. Hours after win
  61. The NRA is dying and the people want more gun control
  62. It's the 2nd Amendments fault.
  63. More lies and deception on handguns.
  64. Great 2A Read
  65. This just in....
  66. Federal court strikes down Illinois ban on carrying concealed weapons
  67. Texas School District Will Let Teachers Carry Guns
  68. democrats coming for our guns
  69. News Flash: "Assault Weapons" already a felony in Conn
  70. 2nd Amendment doesn't apply today.
  71. Sam Elliott Speaks Out
  72. NRA Response To Newtown Shooting
  73. And I thought I was just paranoid...
  74. Quotes you never would have bought they said!
  75. Should a teacher have a right to Conceal carry?
  76. Volunteer "sheepdog"
  77. NRA Presser at 11EST
  78. Join the NRA for FREE
  79. Finally, A Media Reporter Gets It Right!
  80. Ann Coulter on School Shootings
  81. Media Intimidation of Lawful Firearm Owners
  82. Feinstein's Opening salvo
  83. Obama's Response to We the People
  84. We need to push for MORE Firearm Rights
  85. Barth's response to Obummer
  86. Obummer considers gun gontrol
  87. Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp on the 2nd Amendment
  88. I love south carolina!
  89. Gun Confiscation, Govt. ordered to kill. etc.
  90. Link for Online Message to Congress - Important!
  91. Americans never give up your guns
  92. 2nd Admendment Rights
  93. One click to send your feelings on Gun Control!
  94. A Marines letter to Feinstein-spread it far and wide!
  95. Uncle Ted Letter to Biden
  96. Illinois Dems advance ban on most modern firearms
  97. Feinstein bill?
  98. Feds start to introduce specific anti-gun bills
  99. Jim Crow II Laws
  100. gun ban
  101. Bloomberg and guns
  102. Semi auto ban in Illinois Senate
  103. Choose your own crime stats
  104. Which Obama did they vote for?
  105. Just remeber this when the New Congress Takes-Over!
  106. List of items to buy prior to possible ban.
  107. I urge you to contact your reps daily
  108. Walmart being seduced by Obama to support anti-gun legislation?
  109. If you're not an NRA member? Join Now!
  110. Gun Appreciation Day January 19
  111. Gabby Giffords comes out for gun control
  112. Feinstein caught lying
  113. Debate about guns and safety calls for logic not emotion
  114. Gawker Posts Full List of All ‘A**hole’ New York City Licensed Gun Owners
  115. Gun Ban Answer
  116. NY gun grabber update
  117. Oath Keepers
  118. Executive order
  119. Austin seeks gunshow ban
  120. Biden to make gun-control recommendations by Tuesday
  121. Enemy at the Gates: A Warning for All SHOT Show Attendees and Exhibitors
  122. Statement From the NRA Regarding Today's White House Task Force Meeting
  123. Why I never messed around in parochial school
  124. Ted not being so "Ted"
  125. She'd love to hear YOUR thoughts!
  126. It's paranoia that is causing these gun sales
  127. Connecticut proposed bill, 1 round guns
  128. If they come for your guns
  129. Want to feel good? Watch this Piers Morgan interview
  130. The 2nd ensures the 1st, and vice-versa
  131. All but single shot firearms to be banned
  132. I need a Labor attorney that's Also a Pro-Gun attorney!
  133. In the meantime, the slaughter of the children continues
  134. Obama Opposed Gun Ban Exception to Defend One’s Home
  135. Obummer's Gun Control Task Force
  136. Excellent Video defending the 2nd admement
  137. Colin Powell caves
  138. Bidens Recommendations
  139. Obama will move ahead on gun control this week
  140. Wow, NY is gonna go after your 1911, Kahr T-series, and...
  141. Obama backs gun limits, concedes tough fight ahead
  142. Libtard gets it bad, Must see video..
  143. The Truth About Assault Weapons
  144. A mother’s case for gun rights
  145. White House draws criticism ahead of gun control announcement
  146. Sandy Hook video..
  147. Video outs media hypocrites
  148. Threat of Impeachment keeps the Fuehrer in check
  149. "The Gun Is Civilization"
  150. Positive Karma / But not a give away, maybe later.
  151. Guns and the government
  152. Class Warfare of a Different Sort
  153. Gun Control for Dummies
  154. Piers Morgan, pwned yet again
  155. Contact all your politicians in 30 seconds!
  156. Texas to New York gun owners: come on down
  157. Wayne Lapierre LIVE on Hannity tonight at 9:00 PM
  158. Stand up for our Gun Rights
  159. Calm and Decisive
  160. New York 10.5 Ounce Law
  161. Are you too sick to own a gun?
  162. newsweek magazine and Obumer
  163. Prepare for a long, nasty four years
  164. NY Democrat pleads with Republican not to share document proposing confiscation of gu
  165. Coumo's real intentions....
  166. Teenager Reportedly Used AR-15 to Kill Five in New Mexico
  167. If anybody wonders where we should start.
  168. Response for my representatives
  169. Ole Jocko May be onto something!
  170. We are safer than ever. Obummer is the threat.
  171. German troops in US?
  172. Recording from Oak Harbor city council meeting
  173. House of Representatives hearing on gun control today
  174. Score for the Good Guys!!
  175. Another poll
  176. Here's the List of 158 Guns That Dianne Feinstein Wants to Ban in 2013
  177. Companies who Support Gun Control
  178. Buffalo Wild Wings Bans Guns
  179. Freedom Rifles
  180. Poll - Anti 2A businesses Yes or No
  181. The Real Stats
  182. Obama's $4.5 billion for new gun control plan
  183. This is what happens when
  184. Excellent Article in The Wall Street Journal
  185. Discussion on the Constitution and power
  186. Is there a bigger plan coming together here?
  187. Are American Gun Owners a Bunch of Fools?
  188. Thousands march for gun control in Washington
  189. Men with the Courage of their Convictions
  190. Please post elsewhere and pass around
  191. Why do so many gun Manufacturers stay in these anti-gun states?
  192. Bloomberg doesnt know the diffeence between semi and full auto
  193. "Why am I being punished?" by Tim Inwood
  194. 2/23 to be national day of protest
  195. Journalist Accosted by Security over Mayor Bloomberg Gun Control Question
  196. Check out this crapola!
  197. Local Sandy Hook Letter to Editor
  198. And these people vote and breed
  199. Virginia Welcome Sign
  200. Attention illinois residents
  201. Gun control: Tracing a firearm is a low-tech process
  202. Todays Gun Violence Prevention hearing
  203. Hacker Group Anonymous Declares War on US
  204. Why the Sudden Barrage of Live-Fire Military Drills at Schools?
  205. Wyoming House votes to block proposed federal firearms regulations
  206. Response from Representative Hans Dunshee (WA)
  207. I don't own one, but I defend, Your right to!
  208. Assault Weapons Ban Unconstitutional
  209. New Yorkers criticize NY Gun Ban
  210. Registration leads to Confiscation Canadian Speaks out
  211. Decorated Sniper killed after callling Biden Traitor
  212. Build your own AR15, Ar10, 1911
  213. New Jersey want what?
  214. NO magazines
  215. This article gets things right
  216. Because when seconds count...
  217. Minnesota House of Representatives disarming the public
  218. Time to reconsider shotguns
  219. Own a gun? Time to buy violence liability insurance, California Democrats say
  220. Is pa going backwards on Castle Doctrine
  221. Maryland TODAY is ground zero
  222. Ask your Illinois rep & senator to co-sponsor for IL HB0997 & SB1284
  223. 2A vs. Bloomberg's Money & Obama's agenda
  224. Please say tell me it can't happen...
  225. Here's a Newtown guy that's got it right
  226. Holders lips moving again
  227. Don't photoshop that picture of "Skeets" Obama or else!
  228. Biden on gun control
  229. Seattle cancels police drone program after outcry over privacy issues
  230. Anybody know the most and least restrictive states?
  231. To Arms! To Arms!
  232. PA/FL ccw
  233. My candidate for 2016
  234. Gun Control to be featured in tonight's State of the Union
  235. No more self defense
  236. Please e-mail your Representives often
  237. Domestic use of American troops
  238. Olympic Arms takes a stand
  239. Anyone heard anything about Obama Indicted?
  240. more stats
  241. Good video about REAL "assault weapons" vs semi-auto
  242. Colorado is at now...
  243. First New York, Missouri next?
  244. MO will be introducing a new gun control law.
  245. Firearms Manufacturers Step up to the Plate
  246. Shouldn't this be a lesson
  247. Stronger Gun-Control Measures Clear First Votes in the Colorado House
  248. Dream come true (sorta) ... gov't inspection of your home proposed
  249. Right to Keep and Bear (Alligators) Forum?
  250. It's time to enforce the 10th Amendment.