View Full Version : RKBA Discussion
- Never Happen ?
- I hope this is true
- Does this guy look normal to you?
- Are you insured?
- Biden is right - I don't need an AR.....
- Carzy Uncle Joe is at it again
- The DICK Act-not a joke
- Afraid to Purchase More Guns - Lib. Ins.
- what the he!! is this
- Ohio is now introducing an "assault weapon" ban
- Tell 0bummer the truth
- The pen is mightier than the sword?
- How many rounds do you need
- veterans... criminal firearms ownership
- Illinois no longer a (the only) NO issue state
- Free Shotguns
- Armed citizen report
- More anti gun
- pro 2nd commercial denied airplay everywhere
- Hope the republicans don't cave to that Liar!
- Freedom to Slavery A.K.A Gun Control
- Top Gun Supply joins the list...
- whole bunch of armed citizen reports
- Coming to a head?
- Yet Another Armed Citizen
- Beretta considers leaving Maryland as O'Malley pushes tougher gun laws
- Anti-Gun Senator Shoots Intruders
- Cuomo Considering Exemption to N.Y. Assault Weapon Ban
- Wilson Combat Announces Anti-Gun States, No-Sale Policy
- Quick question.
- Oregon needs help!
- GO Metcalfe Good For PA
- My Bank Removed NO Weapons Signs
- Gun Control Works! No One will argue THIS!
- God Given Rights vs Govt. Privledges.
- Midway USA Donates $1M-NRA
- Black Americans and the NRA
- this is not right
- Zimmerman will not seek SYG Hearing
- Florida bill would require anger management courses for bullet buyers
- Maryland gun control bill testimonies
- The Mother of All Questions
- The new medical question......
- Best commercial ever- reason to carry
- Food for thought
- New NRA ad
- what did i say? WHAT DID I SAY? tax to control
- Universal anything is BAD!
- Gabby Gifford's Husband Fails to Prove a Point
- Connecticut Wants to Become # 1
- The Secret Behind Obummer's Success
- Democrat admits assualt ban only the beginning
- Parents, check out what they're teaching our children
- California gun confiscation program
- Pictures
- Utah poised to join others in instate CCW no permit
- Not Again
- Second Amendment march in Lansing, Michigan March 20.
- Firearm Confiscation...
- Man faces 3 years in jail for pulling ‘unlicensed’ gun on burglar inside his home Re
- Great political promo
- Told you METCALFE was good for Pa.
- Child protection services threaten family - for a gun photo
- news story from New Jersey.
- first time buying from a dealer in my whole life
- If you can't control The American Guns....
- This is what George Soros did with the NAZI's
- NY offers $500 to snitch on illegal gun owners
- NICS has to give it up after 3 days?
- Nice little information link
- Carrey mocks Heston
- CC Confidentiality Bill Overwhelmingly Passes NC House
- Stupid question from a newbe
- MAIG Sneak attack in battleground NC
- The letter that needs to go viral! I got this sent to me
- Hi Viz moving?
- IDPA cancelled in Colorado
- I wonder how they're gonna do this
- Good for them
- Obama announces "the next great American project"
- How crazies get guns: 3 sorry tales
- Guns Conscificated in NY
- These are the idiots we have elected.
- Indiana advances first-in-nation proposal to require arming school officials
- Here's the problem, well one anyway
- NRA Talks to America
- The best 7 minutes on gun control.
- Knew this was coming
- Federal back-room deal?
- Shotgun Joe Biden
- Cautionary Tale - Crayon's family get's ~$1M
- A Good Summary of RKBA Issues
- You won't be seeing this on the LameStream Media
- Cartoon Relief?
- Universal Background checks seem reasonable?
- Just Facts
- It’s time to turn the table on these (*&_(*(
- There goes another one
- Diane Feinstein disrespects ALL Vetrans
- The results are Clear!
- Find your Representative
- Find your Senators
- Idiots in Power that know nothing about what they speak!
- LEO survey on gun control
- Stabbing attack Lone Star College campus
- Teen Girl’s Pro-Gun Video Gets 2.3 Million Hits
- Water gun threat leads gun confiscationd
- Get out and vote HERE!
- Sen. Toomey Betrays Gun Owners
- If I lived in MO, I'd be pissed
- Republican Senators that must be removed from office.
- Let's send Piers Moron to Serbia
- My Playbook!!!
- Your Dr. would be able to take your guns away
- What is in the current gun control bills being worked on/voted on?
- Sickening... liberal "educators"
- Scary faux petition....Gun Conscification Video
- Full Text of Toomey-Manchin ‘Public Safety And Second Amendment Rights Protection Act
- We have nothing to fear
- It always comes down to mental illness
- Stop the UN Gun Ban: a plea from US Senator Rand Paul
- Decorated Vet Disarmed and Arrested in TX while Carrying Rifle on Boy Scout Hike
- CNN: Senate declares entire US a battleground
- Retired Special Ops taking on the Whitehouse
- Bulletproof whiteboards installed in Minnesota school district
- DC "Stop the NRA Rally" today
- 4 TV shows removing segments from Colorado
- Rare thread start in this area for me
- 3 more arrested in connection to Boston
- Pentagon may court-martial Christians for sharing their faith
- 11,000 gun murders in 2011 in USA
- I hate stories like this
- Kansas Governor Signs Second Amendment Protection Act
- Gun Control 20 shot in Chicago in 1 day!
- Washington State distrusts Veterans with guns
- Judge Jeanine Pirro gives a KO at the NRA
- State, national, and county issues
- Video strikes back at magazine limits
- Benghazi hearings - What a mess.
- We are so blessed
- Missouri lawmakers pass bill to nullify federal gun control laws
- Does Obama's disresepect ever end?
- Do we deserve to remain a free nation?
- Just the Facts Please
- just sent this email to my rep to the state, a bit long winded.
- Can the Obama Administration continue ducking the Schrapnel?
- ET Williams on 14 governors to be charged with treason
- Is this admin responsible for American Deaths?
- People Control
- This is what happens when you try and carjack an armed citizen!
- DOJ's own numbers
- Now we know -- Team Obama both corrupt and incompetent
- Beretta reacts to Maryland gun grabbing bill
- And you think Glocks are Ugly...
- militia men
- A teeny bit paranoid?
- This doesn't look like Skittles to me?
- Is the "Nat'l Reciprocity Act" (HR 822) simply (back-door) "Gun Registration?"
- Illinois House passes Shall Issue bill
- Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire
- States make it felony to record Police
- It has begun...
- Home defense not allowed in Oregon
- New Jersey Senate passes 8 gun contol laws
- 8-Year-Old Suspended Over Gun-Shaped Pop-Tart Gets Lifetime NRA Membership
- Will we see these headlines, Here, one day?
- Brits want their guns back!
- Illinois passes bill to allow concealed firearms; last U.S. state to have such a ban
- US Will Sign UN Gun Ban Treaty
- Frank Lautenburg ANTI GUNNER DEAD!
- Colorado Recall Update
- Bloomberg Persecutes Cooperative Shop Owner: $60,000 Fine For Selling Lighters Shaped
- Recall looms for Colorado lawmaker who supported gun control bill
- Maryland sheriff says new state gun law violates 2nd Amendment
- Kid suspended for 10 - talked about guns on school bus
- "It's Up To You...New York...New York"
- Tell What You Think!
- The Opposition is Growing!
- Zimmerman video
- Renewing my conceal permit.
- Let 'em Fly Granny!
- gun grabbers not done
- Zimmerman Trial Circus before it starts
- Neighbors organize ‘Glock Block’ after increase in crime
- Pro-gun advocate gets tasered by cops after heckling gun control supporter at rally
- Gun owner targeted with 'no-knock' raid
- More of the liberal spew we're up against
- Do you have a supporter of Bloombergs- Mayor Against Guns?
- Ex-Chicago Cop: Zimmerman Acquittal to Cause Race Riots
- I Cocked My Gun, and I Just Pointed It Right at Him
- Magpul stands for freedom on the way out of town
- CCRKBA to Bloody Baltimore: ‘How’s that new gun control thing working?’
- Great concise 2A speech
- False Flag Group Launches Today
- Letter Received : If we can save one child!
- Activist arrested after loading shotgun in Freedom Plaza
- Usps ?
- Not gulity
- Where to stash your firearms
- Eric Folder attacks Stand your Ground
- Uncle Ted's Quote
- John McCain is a Treasonous Dunce
- George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue
- Abandon Ship!
- A warning from our Canadian brothers
- I got made, jerkwater LEO
- Sitting poolside reading Feb issue of Concealed carry magazine
- 80% of LEOS support CCL's
- Stand your ground isn't new.
- These type of stories are turning up a bit more regular
- Gun Owners Urgent message
- The liberal Dem anti-gun playbook
- Chris Christi ANTI_GUN Candidate
- Will Zimmerman ever get a rest
- McCain Officially joins Democrat Party!
- Archy Bunker predicts Obama.
- Out of control
- This'll get your 2A juices flowing...
- China demands that US citizens be disarmed
- California Begins Confiscating Legally-Purchased Guns
- Ah, where have all the dem gun owners gone
- RINO'S must go.
- Top 10 Reasons Why the U.S. Should Not Sign the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty!
- They can ask but you don't have to answer...
- More crap from our jackwagon of a "President"
- You can't make this stuff up.
- Background Chechs
- Colorado Governor Goes Far Left in Nationwide Appeal to Gun-Grabbers
- Good ole North Cackalackie!
- Mo. Man tries to stick up clerk who also happens to be a four-deployment iraq war vet
- Am I the only one?
- Where else could this be done ?
- What a MORON Poser in Cheif
- Colorado Dem Governor Goes All "Bloomberg" After Recall Rebuke
- The Epic Meltdown of the Gun-Grabbers
- Unlucky thugs target texas man with heightened sense of awareness…and a concealed ca
- Bloomberg & MAIG plot to lead anti-gun legislators in five more states off a cliff
- White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Plugs Gun Control Agenda After Shooting Traged
- Reid: Senate Doesn’t Have The Votes For More Gun Control
- Background checks on the Rebels?
- SHH, don't tell the anti gun left
- At least my kid will know the TRUTH
- Was the Navy Yard part of a bigger agenda?
- "It's the law of the land!!!"
- Gun Grabbers Blame The AR-15: Oops! No AR-15 Found
- Obama’s Gun Control Philosophy:
- McDonald’s, Dunkin' Donuts to Gun Owners: Hey, We Respect Gun Laws
- Obama’s Gun Control Eulogy:
- This act disgraces all LEO's
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