View Full Version : RKBA Discussion
- 2A/Open carry Public Relations Knothead
- Obama Hypocrisy And The Arms Trade Treaty
- They’re Kidding, Right? Official Senate Web Page Trashes 2nd Amendment In Novel Inter
- On Obamacare (and Guns), We Won't Comply
- Welcome to Amerika
- Another SAFE Act Arrest…
- ATF on Steroids?
- Seattle says keep your guns ouuta my Business!
- Reason for RKBA - Tinman's Signature line
- Unbelievable
- Ammo Shortage Could be Permanent
- Colorado Democrats outsmart GOP on gun vote recall?
- NFL bans 2A ad but accepts anti-2A ads
- VA shrink gets $3K per vet that has guns confistcated.
- Support the 2A? Check out this new voice for your rights.
- Hey Connecticut, the gun Police are calling....
- A Wholes unite!
- The Sandy Hook that wasn't!
- ESPN Rejects Catholic Hospital Ad
- Another Poll Shows Americans Don’t Think Gun Control Prevents Crime
- NY Patriots Protest
- Obama and Company are the best gun salesmen!
- NY gun law, strikes down seven-bullet limit
- Another end run around the 2A...and Congress...and the courts...
- FINALLY...a Detroit official gets it right
- Chicago Gun Ban Struck Down
- Wrong House
- Here we go again - shooting at New Mexico middle school
- Murder by CCW.
- NY Ammo Background Checks - Sucks
- Operation American Spring
- Nice pro-gun rant.
- SCOTUS Abramski Decision
- S&W and Ruger to stop gun sales in CA
- Another newspaper wants concealed weapons databases
- GA carry permit
- Billy Johnson - NRA
- The UN and dems
- A Really Safe Society
- Good Shoot
- NJ the Next Battleground State!
- Nat'l Guard practicing against 2A supporters
- 9th Circuit Recognizes Carry Outside the Home
- Beating Stupid Gun Laws...Just Ignore Them
- I wondered when !
- The Previledged
- More on Connecticut's Civil Disobedience
- Web site
- Open Carry
- Are you Glad This old Focker ain't in power any more!
- Way to go Katie !
- Piers Moron FIRED
- SCOTUS denies Certiorari
- learning from History? Connecticut gun owners are under the Gun
- Connecticut members?
- Enough!
- To Arms!
- More from Conn.
- 2nd Amendment opposing Idiots.
- 1 author's view how the CT gun laws will play out
- Does Yeager sum it up for you?
- Vet Vid
- Sage Advice
- The Gun Is Civilization.
- Jersey Girls ARE tough!
- The G at it again
- Nationwide Call/Fax to Chris Christie All Gun owners Everywhere!
- New AzzHat trying to make headlines!
- ARES Raided by ATF
- I'm moving to Idaho !
- Gun Confiscation
- Texas Folds Under Pressure!
- Illegal Polymer Frame?
- Colorado
- What a Fluster Cuck
- 4/1
- Oh Connecticut, where do you go Astray?
- Fort Hood - gun free zones are kill zones
- Permission to Purchase Ammo
- This is laughable
- Connecticut Rally!
- Sig batfe letter
- Aroma Therapy
- What if they passed a Law and Nobody followed it?
- Hope NY'ers Give Cuomo the F/U he deserves
- Bloomer's at it again
- What's happening to our children ?
- First CT Gun Owner Charged for Unregistered Assault Rifle
- VA- If you don't pay your Bills we will declare you incompetent to own a firearm!
- Bloomberg's an idiot
- Easter Weekend in "Safe" Chicago
- Undocumented Guns
- Listen to the Dummy
- Well Or. wasn't well known. But now ?
- More States need to do THIS!
- Granny Rambo...
- Jackasses myth-Bubble burst!
- Another place not to spend money at
- Gun Murder Rate Continues Its Decline
- Rahm's gone crazy.
- Anti's Given the Boot in Tulsa Chipotles
- More Holder BS
- An Empty Box!
- Target and Gun Carry
- Big Surprise, Here!
- Signs
- The Perils of Open Carry
- Supreme Court Ruling
- As of June 8th
- hildabeast speaks
- Colorado Governor caught lying!
- Ohhhh Chicago, you've got it so wrong for so long!
- Hmm Slow Friday afternoon, let's try an end run on Guns
- Pro-Gun, Pro-Hunting and Pro-Carry Laws Went Into Effect in Several States Today!
- Christie vetoes gun magazine reduction bill
- Get packin' outta Kalifornia!
- What Is Gun Violence?
- Tell MSNBC what you think about the 2A!
- PA CCW holder nabbed in NJ. This'll be interesting
- Detroit police chief gives credit to armed citizens for drop in crime
- Gun Safety ad
- Cleveland Mayor in action!
- Controversial and Risky
- Restaurant Owner post sign allowing guns
- Robbers Use Gun On Gun-Free Campus To – What Else? – Rob Four Ohio Students
- DC carry law struck down
- Carson City, NV doesn't want gun owner's business
- New Anti-gun video makes the best case for women with guns
- Several excellent posts on Forbes Magazine by a doctor
- Resisting Gun Confiscation in Boston
- Why there is a second amendment
- Federal Judge Uphold Mass Assault Weapon Ban
- Anti-Gun Message sends the wrong message! Everytown screws up again!
- Hollywood Hypocrites.
- Police Cadet Goes on Shooting Rampage
- Pro-gun argument.....
- Should one man’s money be able to by the rights of a nation?
- Poor Washington State
- And the "Stupid" Continues in NJ
- Interesting Video from Australia
- Has the gun control movement fizzled?
- Oh those Crazy Moms....
- Think it won't happen here?
- Your 2nd Amendment Bill Whittle
- Who want's to be the Second in line to give this guy a beating!
- Makes Sense to me....
- Trouble brewing in PA
- Asking for money
- Bloomberg Spent $4 Million to Promote a Sweeping Background Check Law
- "Sorry your father died, hand over his guns - now."
- Why are Israelis so smart?
- Last year we were told to discuss Obamacare w/ Pajama Boy!
- Oh those Crazy Moms.... More Wine please!
- Heartwarming
- Say it ain't so Johnny, Bohner..
- Hope for the young'uns
- Have you seen this?
- BATFE 180 Turnaraound
- Every Day Carry
- New gun control Strategy- Keep Vigilant!
- Bill Whittle on the Truth About Guns
- Open carry rant
- OC Carry is DEAD in TX this Legislative Session
- Some Good News for Gunners
- They want to hang everyone in NJ
- More lunacy from Commiefornia
- Twang and Bang on the Ammo Ban
- Texas Open Carry Bill
- They Never Quit
- All Charges Dropped
- How they plan to do it
- Couple denied adoption due to gun permit.
- Another Jersey Debacle!
- Please vote yes! on mag limits repeal!
- A self-defense song!
- Some times things aren't what they seem!
- Another win for the good guys.
- Sucker!
- Letter from My Congressman
- The solution is simple, right? Cleveland PD Chief violates his constitutional oath
- Bill Whittle gives great lesson on the language used in the 2nd Amendment.
- Federalization of law enforcement would remove bulwark for second amendment
- House Bill to Stop Online Ammo Sales
- 0bama calls for gun control because of Charlston shooter
- Zew Jersey logic at its finest
- Defensive shooting
- Florida Supreme Court reverses rule of law
- Obama Plan To Strip Millions Of Social Security Recipients Of Gun Rights
- Sightmark Red Dot Reflex Sight
- I'm so ashamed of my neighboring city of Seattle
- Gun Control
- Shooting during live broadcast in Virginia
- San Francisco's Last Gun Store, High Bridge Arms, to Close
- SIG Loses Supressor/Silencer Lawsuit
- Already calling for gun control
- ATTN. all Ohio CCW Permit Holders
- Dems Calling for more Gun Control Legislation
- I couldn't be more proud of my neighbors down south
- We HAVE backgrond checks...More than half the time they didn't work.
- President Considering Executive Order to Expand Background Checks
- Supreme Court to Rule on Assault Weapons Ban
- More from Commifornia
- Violent crime rates.
- NRA Membership Thread
- We're from the Government
- Number One with a Bullet
- Gunowners~Please sign our Petiton!
- What would you Do? Your thoughts?
- Mossberg Treading on Dangerous Ground
- New Gun Laws
- N.s.a..
- Please post this on Every Forum you belong to!
- NRA Holiday Special $500 Life Membership
- Big Brother
- Obama Seeks to Expand Background Checks
- Wow! FBI Director doesn't know basic gun law.
- Chris Christie has an Epiphany
- Emergency Legislative Update the fight is on now!
- Petition to call for a Convention of the States
- Obama's plan to tighten gun laws sets up rematch with NRA
- Our Favorite President
- Stand and Fight
- Educating Liberals
- Self Defense Insurance for Gun Owners that are forced to use their gun for defense.
- Black Leaders Support the NRA!
- 80% AR-10/15 Lowers
- Liberal "Logic" - Animated - Funny!
- Trumps Position on RKBA
- Here’s how your state’s gun ownership rate stacks up to countries around the world
- I was listening to this live yesterday a.m.
- Designated Defender
- Got Pulled Over....
- The illegal gun fallacy
- Clinton delegate explains the deceptive propaganda hillary will use to ban guns
- Hell or High Water
- Hey, Libertarians, c'mere.
- RKBA Started here - pictures
- 3% of Americans own half of all the guns
- Renewed my CCP yesterday
- Hillary Clinton's Gun Control Plan... This will solve everything!
- Kalifornia has spoken
- Gun stocks after the election
- Kahrs renewed till 1/1/2018 on California approved firearms DOJ list
- Trump to Push for Nationwide Conceal Carry Law
- Santiaglo sure made us look bad.
- Passing Driver Kills Man Attacking Arizona Trooper on Road
- The final good bye
- Trump Releases His Plan for 2nd Amendment… Leaves Millions Furious, and that's good!
- Did you know this Washingtonians
- Has this been posted already
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