View Full Version : cw9 ..... Trigger pop/click

12-19-2011, 09:11 PM
I am new here and not sure where to post things yet. I posted in the P9 AND CW9 Pistols about this problem, My cw9 has a little pop or click in the trigger after you rack the side and pull the trigger about 1/8in. you hear and feel alittle pop. if you let the trigger back out and try it again it is fine and smooth untill you pull it back to fire. rack the slide and you get that little pop/click again.... What would do this? Is this normal? what can i do about it?

12-19-2011, 09:17 PM
No need to double post. All new posts, no matter what forum they are in, appear in the Recent Threads window on the Main Page (http://kahrtalk.com/), and also in the New Posts search. This is where people go to read new posts, not by visiting the forums one at a time.

12-19-2011, 09:22 PM
Ok.. Sorry I didn't know how this worked.... Thank you.

MW surveyor
12-19-2011, 11:01 PM
This is where people go to read new posts, not by visiting the forums one at a time.

Not everyone. I go through the individual forums most of the time. :9:

12-19-2011, 11:43 PM
Thanks guys. CJB got it right.. after a good cleaning it still had the pop. CJB said to put the mag. in and try it.....No more pop. I feel alittle stupid now. What a great guy. He got it fixed for me. Thanks for a great forum and great people....

12-20-2011, 07:26 AM
Not everyone. I go through the individual forums most of the time. :9:


MW surveyor
12-20-2011, 08:05 AM

Just because! No, really because when I go out of the US and don't get my Kahrtalk on a regular basis (hourly, daily), I've got to go back through the forums to see what was posted days ago, not just the most recent. Just got into this habit over the long run.

But I do check the new posts when signing on or just browsing when home :)

Not real fond of double posting but hey it happens sometimes!

BTW- I never knew about the pop/click either!

12-20-2011, 09:47 AM
Just because! No, really because when I go out of the US and don't get my Kahrtalk on a regular basis (hourly, daily), I've got to go back through the forums to see what was posted days ago, not just the most recent. Just got into this habit over the long run.

But I do check the new posts when signing on or just browsing when home :)

I understand. Long times away from the forum makes Recent Posts, and even New Posts and Today's Posts, useless.

BTW- I never knew about the pop/click either!

Me either. I still think there is something wrong with that gun.

12-20-2011, 01:05 PM
Sorry for the double post guys. I am new and just wanted help... And i thought something was wrong with the gun also. It is new to me and i put 200 rounds through it last weekend and didn't remember the click. At home with the mag out and chamber clean. I wanted to feel the trigger and thats when it happened... I tried everything... read CJB post and thought it was crazy for a gun to do that with the mag. out.... but he was right. 50 rounds today gun shot beautiful....No Pop or Click... I know it sounds crazy but true... Thanks again for a great forum.


MW surveyor
12-20-2011, 01:22 PM
problem, Littlejoe. Just yankin your chain a bit. All in good fun and not intended to belittle you. Sorry if it came out that way.

At least you only posted in two places. I've seen some that get posted in General, gun specific, CCW, and tech. So you did good, plus you got the answer! No harm, no foul. :o