12-21-2011, 02:45 PM
Took delivery of a new CM9 yesterday, Serial number IN78**.
Gave it a good cleaning and lubed it with basic hoppes 9 gun oil. Figured if it needed to be broken in, I'd skip the synthetic oil for now. Racked the slide about 100 times and kept inserting and removing the mag. Seemed like every third time, the magazine got hung up in there. Wasnt really concerned about it, as I rarely carry an extra magazine. Just needed a slight tug to remove it.
Range report:
100 rounds Federal America Eagle, 124 gr FMJ from the factory 6 round mag and a 7 round mag that came with my MK9. Flawless !!!!
50 rounds Speer Lawman, 115 gr FMJ from both mags. perfect.
8 rounds Federal American Eagle 147 gr FMJ flat point from 7 round mag. perfect again.
7 rounds Speer LE Gold Dot 124 Gr +P from the 6 round mag. all good.
Want to note that when I dropped the mag to top it off after chambering a round, it always dropped freely, due to the weight of the ammo I'm assuming. The empty mag didnt drop freely a few times, but again, it didnt concern me and I think in time as the friction between the mag and inside of the frame polishes the contact surfaces, it will always drop free on its own.
Tight groups. A little more recoil than the MK9, which was expected. Gonna give it a good cleaning and lube it with TW25 this time and send another 100 rounds down rage.
Anyone on the fence about purchasing this gun, I'd say jump in. This is gonna be my EDC ,IWB. The MK9 is a much smoother and fun shooting gun but this fills the void when I dont want the extra weight of the MK9. Im now considering trading in the MK9 for a K9, but thats a story for another day. Dont let the mag not dropping freely controversy scare you off. I dont think its a magazine issue I think it will resolve itself in time as the gun and mag mate.
Gave it a good cleaning and lubed it with basic hoppes 9 gun oil. Figured if it needed to be broken in, I'd skip the synthetic oil for now. Racked the slide about 100 times and kept inserting and removing the mag. Seemed like every third time, the magazine got hung up in there. Wasnt really concerned about it, as I rarely carry an extra magazine. Just needed a slight tug to remove it.
Range report:
100 rounds Federal America Eagle, 124 gr FMJ from the factory 6 round mag and a 7 round mag that came with my MK9. Flawless !!!!
50 rounds Speer Lawman, 115 gr FMJ from both mags. perfect.
8 rounds Federal American Eagle 147 gr FMJ flat point from 7 round mag. perfect again.
7 rounds Speer LE Gold Dot 124 Gr +P from the 6 round mag. all good.
Want to note that when I dropped the mag to top it off after chambering a round, it always dropped freely, due to the weight of the ammo I'm assuming. The empty mag didnt drop freely a few times, but again, it didnt concern me and I think in time as the friction between the mag and inside of the frame polishes the contact surfaces, it will always drop free on its own.
Tight groups. A little more recoil than the MK9, which was expected. Gonna give it a good cleaning and lube it with TW25 this time and send another 100 rounds down rage.
Anyone on the fence about purchasing this gun, I'd say jump in. This is gonna be my EDC ,IWB. The MK9 is a much smoother and fun shooting gun but this fills the void when I dont want the extra weight of the MK9. Im now considering trading in the MK9 for a K9, but thats a story for another day. Dont let the mag not dropping freely controversy scare you off. I dont think its a magazine issue I think it will resolve itself in time as the gun and mag mate.