View Full Version : Get a grip – LOL!

12-22-2011, 11:31 PM
When I picked up my second j-frame I went on a grip hunt.
Bought like 5 different types.
Then Mas suggested a one I hadn’t heard of for the 357.
So I got that one too - LOL.

Trying them on like a girl deciding on an outfit.
I settled on the Pachmayr Compac Grips for the 640-1
(As Mas had suggested of course).

One of the grips was a rubber Hogue Bantam that I never even tried.
Slipped them on my 342 tonight and Oh My.
Pulled out the digital scale and the gun now weights 11.1 oz empty.
13.5 loaded with 135 gr +P GDHPs!
I think I secretly didn’t try them on because I instinctively knew.
Once on, there not coming off – LOL!

12-23-2011, 07:26 AM
Barth, how tacky feeling are the Pachmayr Compac Grips? They look good. You know, I like checkered wood, too. The best value I have found are the Altamont (http://www.altamontco.com/products/pistol/smith_and_wesson/J-Frame/index.php) grips.

12-23-2011, 08:10 AM
I have Pachmayr grips on my K-38 and K-22. Love 'em.

12-23-2011, 08:37 AM
Barth, how tacky feeling are the Pachmayr Compac Grips? They look good. You know, I like checkered wood, too. The best value I have found are the Altamont (http://www.altamontco.com/products/pistol/smith_and_wesson/J-Frame/index.php) grips.

Normaly I'm a Hogue guy. And haven't liked Pachmyr in the past.
My 629 had some when I bought it 15 years ago and I didn't like them.
Got some Pach Decelerators for the big Smith earlier this year and pulled them back off.

Looking for the ultimate SD round for my new 640-1 Mas Ayoob recommended
the new Pach wrap around Compac grips (not Pro). So I got some along with Hogue Monogrip and others.

To my surprise the new Pach Compacs are amazing.
Very different feel from other Pachs I've tried.
To me they are not tacky at all.
It's a different hard rubber.
More like my Uncle Mikes boot grips.
Plus how they fill the hand has to be felt to be believed.
I tried everything several times and the Compacs are far and away
te clear winner on my SS 640. They are small enough for CC on the belt.
But a bit too big for pocket carry.
Plus they soak up the recoil of the 357s nicely.
Fancy grips look great.
But for shooting Magnum Force I prefer rubber combat grips.

I like them so much a got some for the big N frame.
Along with the new Speer 200 gr Short Barrel 44 Magnum ammo.
Went to the range and love them.
Big/soft enough for control, but still conceal on a belt!
I'm actually carrying that gun now some for SD!

12-23-2011, 10:05 AM
Nice! Thanks for the info.