View Full Version : Just got my CW45 and I'm ready to return it
12-27-2011, 10:54 AM
Just bought it yesterday, NIB, after reading reviews about problems here and there and I'm already ready to take it back to my dealer without shooting a single round through it.
Long story short, I was given a box of Hornady 185gr XTP's and when I went to chamber the first round the slide stuck. I gently coerced the slide closed and made sure the slide would reopen and was stuck. I was anle to get the round out and tried another.round from.the box with the same experience. The first round has some.scarring so im not sure what to.think of it. The pistol dry.fires like a dream and feels like the but im ready to take it back if im going to have nothing but problems
Any ideas or suggestions are.welcomed! Thanks guys!
12-27-2011, 11:04 AM
Sorry to hear you are having problems. I can't help much. I got one for Christmas and took it to the range yesterday, ran 150 rounds of Aquilla 230gr FMJ thru it without a hitch.
Did you do the suggested prep and lube from the sticky? I used both the 6 round and 7 round mags and neither failed.
Did you try any other ammo? It may not have like the Hornady for some reason.
12-27-2011, 11:11 AM
Try some Winchester ammo (white box or PDX1 Bonded) and see if it likes it... my Kahr's really seem to prefer Winchester, especially my PM series.
12-27-2011, 11:15 AM
I'm really hoping its the ammo...I didnt have.time yesterday to pick up anything different, my dealer is reasonable one guns and has lost his mind one his ammo prices so I never buy from him. I may run out tonight and grab a couple different kinds and see how that works
Also, the scarring im seeing one the rounds is most likely from the magazine itself so no worries there
Longitude Zero
12-27-2011, 12:17 PM
Try several different brands and bullet weights. Semi Autos can be kinda particular about what they like.
12-27-2011, 01:10 PM
Your CW should eat anything you feed it except maybe that steel cased import stuff and even then it should eat it.
I think you need to shoot it and get things working. While many auto's can be choosey about what they like Kahrs generally are not ammo sensitive.
If it don't like name brand US made stuff it needs attention and Kahr will take care of it.
12-27-2011, 01:27 PM
Break it in with some FMJ. Make sure you use the slide release to chamber the 1st round (i.e. don't slingshot it).
12-27-2011, 03:35 PM
I disassembled it, checked it over and putt it back together. It chambered the Hornadys with no problems. I fired 3 shots, single loading with no problems. So I'm going to hit my local range thursday as planned and break it in. I think it just needs some tlc and proper breaking in and I should be good.
Thanks alot guys, I'm new to kahrs so I look forward to speaking with you guys in the future!
12-27-2011, 07:07 PM
You are correct on the breaking in. Mine did the same thing before I even shot it. Got a round stuck in there and had to really work hard to get it out. Members here said to just shoot it. Great advice. Shot like a dream and now I can chamber any ammo any time, even slingshot, without a problem. You'll be pleased. And thanks for the advice given me a few months ago.
12-27-2011, 07:29 PM
I disassembled it, checked it over and putt it back together. It chambered the Hornadys with no problems. I fired 3 shots, single loading with no problems. So I'm going to hit my local range thursday as planned and break it in. I think it just needs some tlc and proper breaking in and I should be good.
Thanks alot guys, I'm new to kahrs so I look forward to speaking with you guys in the future!
I need some more information on who gave you the box of XTP ammo, is it reloads? Your problem sounds typical of bullets that are too long. If they are reloads and too long they will not function properly. Get some factory ammo and start over at the range.
Rollin Thunder
12-27-2011, 07:35 PM
I'm assuming you haven't been to the range yet. Trying to cycle any gun by hand won't replicate the action (it's violent). Use some good old fashion FMJ ammo and use the break in tips listed in this forum.
FWIW, these guy's here, had me shaking in my boots with some of the negative threads.
I'm over the 250 round mark and haven't had the first FTF or FTE.
Have faith!
12-27-2011, 11:00 PM
Have you tried filling the mag -1 and then trying to chamber.This worked for me when the mag is full there it is a pretty tight fit between the first round and the slide.When there is 1 less round there is a little more space for movement of the round into the feedramp...
12-28-2011, 04:56 PM
I received the xtp's from a friend, purchased new at the local bass pro. I messed with it some more today and still having issues. I had one chambered and one in threw mag and it ftf the 2nd rd. I'm going tonight to pick yup some basic roundst and ill report back tomorrow
Thanks guys!
12-28-2011, 09:19 PM
quick update, picked up a 100rds of winchester fmj and they chamber perfectly and I can eject them by hand with ease. Gonna shoot up the hornadys in a friends h&k tomorow so art least I didn't este any money!
12-29-2011, 06:28 PM
Range update!
100rds down the pipe with 0 issues. The XTP'S did not chamber correctly in my friends H&K either, however they did chamber and fire flawlessly through a rental Glock 30 so not sure what to make of that.
So far so good though, as accurate as can be so I'm super hsppy with my first Kahr purchase!
12-29-2011, 06:43 PM
XTPs are problematic in the P45 and CW45 that I have. I believe others here have experienced similar problems with Hornady factory loads. I just avoid them for the Kahrs and stick with Gold Dots or Golden Sabers.
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