View Full Version : CovertCarrier Grip Clip??

12-27-2011, 07:07 PM
Tried doing a search here, but no results. Has anyone tried the CovertCarrier grip clip sleeve for their CM/PM9's?? I'm actually interested since i'm looking for deep carry at times but was wondering of others experiences with these.

12-27-2011, 09:26 PM
That looks cool. Looks like something I'd be interested in.

12-27-2011, 09:31 PM
I'd only carry that way the same way the guy in the video, without one in the chamber. Now I do have a snubbie revolver that I carry that has a similiar clip on the grip, but I'm pretty sure I'd feel the cylinder rotating or some other signal it was about to fire if the trigger got caught on something. Plus it has a pretty hefty double action trigger pull, unlike the Kahr's smooth trigger. I think I'd rather have a system that allows for a chambered round incase you have one of your hands occupied.
Here is a web site for the Covert Carrier:

12-27-2011, 11:37 PM
I wouldn't do that with the Kahr because of the issues with the slingshot slide rack. (Like thetmanski I would not want to have a round in the chamber w/o a trigger cover.) I know some people have devised ways around that issue that they are comfortable with, but I prefer to accommodate Kahr's recommendation and always release the slide stop to load the first round. The only FTF's I've ever had with my CM9 were during some slingshot experiments.

12-28-2011, 03:38 AM


Meh I got no issues with someone who carries in this fashion.. I just hope they take necessary precautions. I carry a Ruger SP101 in my pocket sans holster.

12-28-2011, 08:12 AM
I like the covert carrier grip clip sleeve. Will probably buy one.....but I always carry with one in the chamber. That won't change. The guy in the first video is pretty good at chambering a round. I just think it's one more step that's not necessary. Also he's assuming he'll have time to do it. But most importantly, what if you don't want to alert the bg that there is a gun present. In that video you'd have to be deaf to not hear the LCP being chambered. If it's a bigger gun you're not going to do it covertly.

12-28-2011, 08:33 AM
My biggest issue with this is not necessarily time to chamber a round, that can be argued all day long - but to me, the biggest fault is that with a round chambered your chances of the gun going bang at least one time are quite high. However most problems seem to occur when chambering a round, multiply this with stress/adrenaline and you're in trouble. Sure, the guy in the video can rack the slide and catch an ejected round like there's no tomorrow when he's calm and collected - but what happens when you're in fear of your life or don't have the full manual dexterity and mental ability to have that much control?

I'll stick with a proper holster so I can carry a gun that is ready to help me safe the life of a loved one and/or myself.

12-28-2011, 09:26 AM
I like the covert carrier grip clip sleeve. Will probably buy one.....but I always carry with one in the chamber. That won't change. The guy in the first video is pretty good at chambering a round. I just think it's one more step that's not necessary. Also he's assuming he'll have time to do it. But most importantly, what if you don't want to alert the bg that there is a gun present. In that video you'd have to be deaf to not hear the LCP being chambered. If it's a bigger gun you're not going to do it covertly.

There was wording on the video that said he now carries a CM9 that way with a round chambered. I see no problem doing that with a Kahr, even with the 5 lb spring. We all know that you don't put your finger on the trigger when drawing the gun. With a small Kahr, even if you lifted the gun solely with your trigger finger, the weight of the gun is not enough to make that trigger go off. (I in no way am condoning such an experiment with a loaded gun. Just using that scenario to illustrate how safe the Kahr trigger is.) And I just don't see the slightest possibility of the trigger getting snagged on some clothing when drawing the gun. I guess if someone was wearing PJs with a draw string around the waist, the string could get in there. But you would still have to consciously pull very hard against the obstruction to get the trigger to go off. Now, I can understand such concern with a fully cocked single action, knowing that the safety could get bumped off, but not with the Kahr trigger.

12-28-2011, 09:42 AM
All really good points. I was hoping someone here had actually used one of those clips and could add some experience with it. Currently I personally carry without one in the chamber due to personal preference and a prior experience of actually having my gun drawn in a dark situation and find that the racking noise is a great deterrant in the situation I was in. Adrenaline didn't hinder my thinking at all...actually enhanced my awareness of what I was exactly doing. I'm probably going to give the clip sleeve a try...just was concerned about the weight concentrated on the low part of the grip causing the severe cant in the pants.

12-29-2011, 10:40 AM
My biggest question would be the comfort of that clip in the palm of your hand while at the range.

12-29-2011, 11:12 AM
If I were going to carry with something like that, I'd only do it with a revolver with the Barami Hip Grip. With a revolver you're going to feel the cylinder turning and it will have a stiffer DA trigger pull than a Kahr so you will know if the trigger catches on something. Without trigger protection and one in the chamber, I feel there is too great a chance of an negligent discharge and shooting yourself in the hip or upper leg. Not something we want to do with our SD ammo.