12-28-2011, 06:24 PM
I got my new P380 a few weeks ago (serial # RC4xxx), and immediately I really loved the feel of this little gun, and SO wanted it to work. I should note that I have not reached the 200-round mark yet, so take this with a grain of salt, but I wanted to report on my experience so far and a great fix that seems to have remedied a problem I was having.
First 75 rounds: I was surprised at how well this thing aims, and also that there is less recoil than I expected from a 380. (My other sub-compact is a Rohrbaugh R9, and it's an awesome gun and completely manageable but definitely has some bite). I experienced 2 FTEs, 1 FTF, and six instances of the slide locking back prematurely (with rounds in the mag). The FTEs and FTF didn't concern me, as they are probably user error/limp-wristing as I get used to this gun. The lockbacks were very frustrating, however.
I searched this forum to see if others had experienced this problem, and found a very helpful thread suggesting tightening of the slide stop spring. http://kahrtalk.com/showpost.php?p=15672&postcount=5 I tightened it as much as I dared (dumb idea to have a screw going into polymer with no reinforcement, Kahr!) and hoped for the best.
Today, I got to the range again, for another 75 rounds. Had one FTE, one stovepipe, and NO premature lockbacks! I know I can't be completely certain that I'm out of the woods, but so far this fix seems promising. There's a lot to like about this gun, so fingers crossed...
First 75 rounds: I was surprised at how well this thing aims, and also that there is less recoil than I expected from a 380. (My other sub-compact is a Rohrbaugh R9, and it's an awesome gun and completely manageable but definitely has some bite). I experienced 2 FTEs, 1 FTF, and six instances of the slide locking back prematurely (with rounds in the mag). The FTEs and FTF didn't concern me, as they are probably user error/limp-wristing as I get used to this gun. The lockbacks were very frustrating, however.
I searched this forum to see if others had experienced this problem, and found a very helpful thread suggesting tightening of the slide stop spring. http://kahrtalk.com/showpost.php?p=15672&postcount=5 I tightened it as much as I dared (dumb idea to have a screw going into polymer with no reinforcement, Kahr!) and hoped for the best.
Today, I got to the range again, for another 75 rounds. Had one FTE, one stovepipe, and NO premature lockbacks! I know I can't be completely certain that I'm out of the woods, but so far this fix seems promising. There's a lot to like about this gun, so fingers crossed...