View Full Version : Shot my new to me PM9 today

12-29-2011, 12:24 PM
I have been real worried after reading about all the problems some people on the forum have had with their PM9. I bought a PM9 off of Glock Talk and picked it up yesterday and did the prep and cleaning work to it even though it was used. Previous owner said said there was about a box through it. It's cold here in IL so I only fired a few magazines through it. It seemed very accurate and was 100% reliable with 115 grain Blazer Brass. I did not shoot any hollow points just FMJ but it performed perfectly. I tried to slingshot the slide and it worked but I really had to be very snappy with it. I was very happy after reading about the mods to get the mags to drop free, both of mine drops free very easily and I can tell it has not been sanded on the inside. The front sight did have the dot missing but he included a trijicon front sight, I just have to find someone to put it in for me. I had a pack of those glow in the dark dots you can stick on yourself so that's what I have done for now. It looks factory now. Being a big Glock fan I thought the take down procedure sucked. It's OK but I think they should have put the witness marks at least on the same side you have to pound the pin out of. Other than that I love it already. I didn't think the recoil was bad at all, a very nice shooting pistol. I liked the trigger pull, didn't like the long preset but that's not a big deal to me. I think I have room to be a Kahr fan as well as a Glock fan, it's a great little pistol.
I almost forgot but during prep I took the mags apart and the springs were installed properly but after putting the 6 rounder back together and snapping the bottom in place I pushed on it with my thumb to make sure it was tight and it slid off and the sping an locking plate flew out. Luckily I found both. I tried the pinching of the bottom plate but all that did was bulge out the bottom. I then took a punch and tried to make the little dimple a little more pronouned and I think it feels much tighter but I didn't push on it to hard. The plastic bottom on the seven rounder locks on tight.

12-29-2011, 12:36 PM
welcome abpoard, #1 don't believe everythihng u read either. The PM9 is a very very troble free gun, as u hve found out. Ur the first to ever say anything aobut the witjnhess marks ot being where u think they should. Most don't even use the witness marks.

the more u shoot this gun the beter u and it will like each other to...

12-29-2011, 12:58 PM
Welcome bolling, you've got the best carry piece in my opinion - enjoy that firearm! Guess I'm preaching to the choir saying that though. :)