View Full Version : For P45 owners only.

12-31-2011, 08:15 AM
I've recently bought a used P45 and noticed that it will not extract certain brands of unfired rounds.


In studying the problem it becomes evident that part of the issue is that my gun, which is 5 years old, doesn't have the relief cut in the barrel hood that all CW45s seem to have and that some of the P45s also have. (see photos)

So, how many of you with P45s have the relief cut into your barrel hoods? And, in your response, will you state when your P45 was made? (if you know)



12-31-2011, 11:58 AM
Bought NiB 11/2011
DoB unknown, but I suspect at least one year old.

Responded to the poll

Good luck.


01-01-2012, 03:35 PM
RK, I think the poll is a good idea; good way to record the variations.

P45 recently bought used. It does have the relief cut on the shroud but also shows strikes on the inside front edge of the ejector port and several sharp edges. I'll look into that in a few weeks.

Unlike yours, this one came in just filthy; carbon, crud, lint and not a sign of lube anywhere to be found. I guess it didn't run for somebody and ended up on my bench.

edit: Serial is SB0xxx which is not shown on the sticky lists. Maybe 2007??

01-01-2012, 08:40 PM
Jeeze, I'd think if any of the barrels have that cut, then it should be on all of em, no?

01-02-2012, 01:28 AM
Jeeze, I'd think if any of the barrels have that cut, then it should be on all of em, no?

Amen, brother. I plan on calling Kahr on Tuesday to see if they will retro fit my barrel with the relief cut.

01-02-2012, 07:27 AM
Amen, brother. I plan on calling Kahr on Tuesday to see if they will retro fit my barrel with the relief cut.

would think Kahr might do that cut but once again, they are under no oblicagion to do so. It is not a recall safety thing but anongoing change insdesign whcih happens in alot of roducts. The question I would have is if they do this cut, , I am sure they will not renickel the barrel for the customer or maybe even it is not necessary to do so as a good polishing would bring the shime the same. but it is a question that I would want answered and then to think about it. Somethingin the order of these new version PM9 andPM40 beveledslides. I have the blunt noxe version, so am I entitled to this new beveledslide??? absolutely not.

01-02-2012, 08:06 AM

I am a believer in "you never get what you do not ask for". Now, if you ask you may not get it either...

So..if Kahr will not relief cut for you at a reasonable cost and you do not want to have it done yourself then maybe a replacement barrel - list $140.80 - but ask for it at cost or less ;) I assume a current P45 barrel will fit a 2005 gun.

Love spending OPM :D


01-02-2012, 08:46 AM
I had the same problem on a CW45, a little filing and problem was solved at zero cost.

01-02-2012, 08:59 AM
Oh... worst case scenario... about 15 minutes for a decent machinist to take out a little ball end mill... set the barrel in the mill vice and make one like the other. It doesn't have to be totally precise, its relief. In these parts, it would be worth a couple of sixes of Miller-Lite

01-02-2012, 09:56 AM
Oh... worst case scenario... about 15 minutes for a decent machinist to take out a little ball end mill... set the barrel in the mill vice and make one like the other. It doesn't have to be totally precise, its relief. In these parts, it would be worth a couple of sixes of Miller-Lite

Good idea. I do have a friend who is a supervisor in a machine shop. :D
I'll call him if Kahr won't do it.