View Full Version : Stellar customer service from Kahr

12-31-2011, 07:54 AM
I sent my mk9 in for a cocking cam problem. Received it back after only 8 days but when the replaced the trigger bar the trigger pivot pin was not all the way in. I emailed Rich at Kahr and he replied to call him directly. When we spoke he said if I could not tap it in he would arrange for Fedx pickup at no cost to me. He said that they want all of their customers to be satisfied. I wanted to test fire the gun first but the range was so crowded yesterday I would have had to wait at least an hour. Forget that next week is fine. I really can't imagine any better customer service on the planet. I have 2 Kahrs now and would not hesitate to buy another.

12-31-2011, 07:57 AM
+1 on Kahr CS

12-31-2011, 09:20 AM
When you get some lemons (trig pin) make some lemonade (with vodka of course)