View Full Version : January Deceptive, Defer, Deviate Free for all 2012

01-02-2012, 08:46 AM
I didn't see one started for January so here we go:

This came from an email someone sent me. I thought it was pretty funny seeing how I have 3 Y's.


People born before 1946 were called The Silent generation,

People born between 1946 and 1964 are called The Baby Boomers,

People born between 1965 and 1979 are called Generation X,

And people born between 1980 and 2010 are called Generation Y,

Why do we call the last group Generation Y?

Y should I get a job?

Y should I leave home and find my own place?

Y should I get a car when I can borrow yours?

Y should I clean my room?

Y should I wash and iron my own clothes?

Y should I buy any food?

But a cartoonist explained it very eloquently below...

01-02-2012, 09:09 AM
I think we have reached "Star Trek, the LAST Generation!"

01-02-2012, 12:05 PM
Well done yqtszhi. I ssem to have a habit of forgetting these lately. Hope they don't put me on probation.

Thanks for having my back.

01-02-2012, 12:11 PM
That is very funny!

01-02-2012, 12:19 PM
I guess being a "Boomer" explains why I like shootin .

01-02-2012, 01:27 PM
I'm a boomer, but I have the pleasure of working with a lot gen y white and blue collar workers. Have to say that I'm very impressed by their good work ethics. Seems like every generation likes to see themselves as better than those that follow.

01-02-2012, 02:17 PM
To the above posts: My mother and father are boomers! :D

01-02-2012, 02:36 PM
Shhh..... I'm being VERY silent.....

01-02-2012, 06:30 PM
Well done yqtszhi. I ssem to have a habit of forgetting these lately. Hope they don't put me on probation.

Thanks for having my back.

This is the SECOND time someone else has had to take up your slack! Don't let it happen again!

01-02-2012, 08:04 PM
I'm a boomer, but I have the pleasure of working with a lot gen y white and blue collar workers. Have to say that I'm very impressed by their good work ethics. Seems like every generation likes to see themselves as better than those that follow.

Probably so. I'm pushing my Y'ers to be Z's or something like that. It's working pretty good so far but they still like to fall back on the Y's sometimes. :D But I about have them there.

Of course my first 2 were boys so it was easier to be a little rough on them and push. Now I have one left, one of those females, and I'm still trying to figure that one out............ :confused: so far so good though.

01-02-2012, 08:11 PM
Have you ever seen the first time a person hits a milk jug full of water at 100 yards with an AR and the thing explodes launching the jug about 6 feet in the air and throwing water everywhere? That was my youngest son today and it looked something like this...

Grinning like a possum :D

01-02-2012, 08:20 PM
This is the SECOND time someone else has had to take up your slack! Don't let it happen again!

I think it's more like third of fourth but who's counting. I'm totally ashamed of myself and admit to being the loser that I am.

I'll consider myself on probation and try not to screw up again. I do seem to be good at it though, seems a shame to waste a fortee.

Jocko? Fortess, that's something your good at like your one shot groups. Not sure that word is in your mobster dictionary.

01-02-2012, 08:23 PM
Have you ever seen the first time a person hits a milk jug full of water at 100 yards with an AR and the thing explodes launching the jug about 6 feet in the air and throwing water everywhere? That was my youngest son today and it looked something like this...

Grinning like a possum :D

An event like that can easily turn a boy into a life long shooter. Nice work!

Give a boy a gun or 5 or 6.

Got a kid from Australia here, arrived last night. They of course don't allow guns much. He said he thinks they can have a 22 rifle only but his family doesn't have any gun and doesn't recall ever having any.

I'm not sure he's ready for the man cave just yet but I'm sure he'll be a changed man before he leaves. Sad that he has to go back to the lack of guns country.

01-03-2012, 07:41 AM
You know I resemble that Y thing at least as far as age goes. That is where the similarities end though. Tread lightly there. Though you do have a good point about a great many of that generation.

01-03-2012, 07:53 AM
Military Wives Sing Tribute to Their Beloved Heros


01-03-2012, 08:33 AM
That was very cool. I had not seen or heard of the military wives choir before!

01-03-2012, 09:49 AM
That was very cool. I had not seen or heard of the military wives choir before!

Well, they're Brittish, so not known about here.

01-03-2012, 12:05 PM
Jocko? Fortess, that's something your good at like your one shot groups. Not sure that word is in your mobster dictionary.

HEY, YOUSE!! Listen up - Where I shoot IS the target and don't youse forget it!! (Jocko)

01-03-2012, 12:09 PM
HEY, YOUSE!! Listen up - Where I shoot IS the target and don't youse forget it!! (Jocko)

Good point and a point well taken.

01-03-2012, 12:36 PM
I like they way they put that together and the feeling put into it. We used to have that sense of patriotism and togetherness here and occasionally it pops up, but from my experience nothing like the Brits.

I spent time in England when most of their WWII vets were alive and I was thoroughly loved wherever I went. I seldom bought my own drinks in pubs and the vets went on about how much they appreciate what America did for them in the war. We shot darts and laughed a lot.

I returned in the late 80's and was sick at the changes. The new generation acted as if we caused the war and we were tolerated at best. But this video reminded me of what I loved about them.

01-03-2012, 05:56 PM
An event like that can easily turn a boy into a life long shooter. Nice work!

Give a boy a gun or 5 or 6.

Got a kid from Australia here, arrived last night. They of course don't allow guns much. He said he thinks they can have a 22 rifle only but his family doesn't have any gun and doesn't recall ever having any.

I'm not sure he's ready for the man cave just yet but I'm sure he'll be a changed man before he leaves. Sad that he has to go back to the lack of guns country.

Yeah, that's my last son at home. He ships out for basic training in 2 weeks (fingers crossed, they delayed his entry last time.) My other one is going to be stationed in your neck of the woods in March it looks like, Whidbey Island.

That only leaves the daughter and her new .22 that santa brought but she is my best shooting buddy anyway. Oh, and the wife with her new 9mm.

That's cool about the Australian kid. He's going to have a real blast if you can get him out shooting. Then he can go back and run for President and change things there.

01-03-2012, 06:58 PM
Yeah, that's my last son at home. He ships out for basic training in 2 weeks (fingers crossed, they delayed his entry last time.) My other one is going to be stationed in your neck of the woods in March it looks like, Whidbey Island.

That only leaves the daughter and her new .22 that santa brought but she is my best shooting buddy anyway. Oh, and the wife with her new 9mm.

That's cool about the Australian kid. He's going to have a real blast if you can get him out shooting. Then he can go back and run for President and change things there.

Well Whidbey's only a hop skip and a jump away. If your boy needs anything up in our neck of the woods don't hesitate to let me know.

01-03-2012, 07:40 PM
Thanks sir.

01-04-2012, 10:49 AM
Got this in an email this morning...

We don't know who replied, but there is a beautiful soul working in the dead letter office of the US Postal Service.


Our 14-year-old dog Abbey died last month. The day after she passed away my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey.

She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could do so, and she dictated these words:

Dear God,

Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much.

I 'm happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick.

I hope you will play with her. She likes to swim and play with balls.

I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog.

I really miss her.

Love, Meredith

We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey & Meredith , addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon, she dropped it into the letter box at the post office.

A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet.

I told her that I thought He had.

Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, 'To Meredith' in an unfamiliar hand.

Meredith opened it.

Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, 'When a Pet Dies.'

Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope.

On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith,

Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big helpand I recognized her right away.

Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog.

Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in so I'm sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you writeit and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you.

I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much.

By the way, I'm easy to find. I am wherever there is love.


01-04-2012, 11:29 AM
Thanks for the story. Its nice to see good deeds in the news.
I'm certain there is a dog door at the bottom of St. Peter's gate.

01-06-2012, 09:07 PM
I've seen this before, but just received it again:

An old prospector shuffled into the town of El Indio, Texas leading a tired old mule. The old man headed straight for the only saloon in town, to clear his parched throat.

He walked up to the saloon and tied his old mule to the hitch rail.

As he stood there, brushing some of the dust from his face and clothes, a young gunslinger stepped out of the saloon with a gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other.

The young gunslinger looked at the old man and laughed, saying, "Hey old man, can you dance?"

The old man looked up at the gunslinger and said, "No son, I don't dance... never really wanted to"

A crowd had gathered as the gunslinger grinned and said, "Well, you old fool, you're gonna dance now!" and started shooting at the old man's feet.

The old prospector, not wanting to get a toe blown off, started hopping around like a flea on a hot skillet.

Everybody standing around was laughing.

When his last bullet had been fired, the young gunslinger, still laughing, holstered his gun and turned around to go back into the saloon.

The old man turned to his pack mule, pulled out a double-barreled 12 gauge shotgun and cocked both hammers.

The loud clicks carried clearly through the desert air. The crowd stopped laughing immediately.

The young gunslinger heard the sounds too, and he turned around very slowly.

The silence was deafening. The crowd watched as the young gunman stared at the old timer and the large gaping holes of those twin 12gauge barrels.

The barrels of the shotgun never wavered in the old man's hands, as he quietly said;

"Son, have you ever kissed a mule's ass?"

The gunslinger swallowed hard and said, "No sir ... but ... I've always wanted to"

There are a few lessons for all of us here:

*Don't be arrogant.
* Don't waste ammunition.
* Whiskey makes you think you're smarter than you are.
* Always make sure you know who is in control.
* And finally, Don't screw around with old folks;
they didn't get old by being stupid.

I just love a story with a happy ending, don't you?

01-06-2012, 09:12 PM
Got another short one:

Shot my first turkey last week,
scared the sh!t out of everyone in the frozen food section…

It was awesome!

Getting old is so much fun....

01-06-2012, 10:06 PM
Good ones, Wynn! Are We going to have to start a Dear Wyntrout thread! LOL!

01-07-2012, 12:15 PM
Most of Australia's modern parents think it improper to spank children.

The other day I was talking to one of my colleagues about methods used to discipline children.

We talked about 'time outs', grounding, holding back 'rewards' until the child displayed desired behavior etc. One of the things we discussed was the act of spanking and my friend explained that no, he does not spank any of his children.

He explained that what he does is to take the misbehaving child out for a ride in the car and talk. He said that usually this works and that the child calms down fairly quickly and really it doesn't take too much time.

By removing the child, in this case his son, from the immediate situation and providing a change of scenery, the child is allowed to focus on something different.

Once the child has the opportunity to change perspective, things get better quickly and the child has better understanding of his place within the family and begins to understand the family's concept of acceptable behavior.

He kindly shared a picture of the process which I share with you now.


01-07-2012, 12:27 PM
The Five Minute Management Course

Lesson 1:
A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings.

The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs.

When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor.

Before she says a word, Bob says, 'I'll give you $800 to drop that towel.'

After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob, after a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves.

The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs.

When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, 'Who was that?'

'It was Bob the next door neighbor,' she replies.

'Great,' the husband says, 'did he say anything about the $800 he owes me?'

Moral of the story:

If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure.

Lesson 2:
A priest offered a Nun a lift.

She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg.

The priest nearly had an accident.

After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg.

The nun said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?'

The priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again.

The nun once again said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?'

The priest apologized 'Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.'

Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way.

On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, 'Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.'

Moral of the story:
If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.

Lesson 3:
A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp.

They rub it and a Genie comes out.
The Genie says, 'I'll give each of you just one wish.'
'Me first! Me first!' says the admin clerk. 'I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.'
Puff! She's gone.

'Me next! Me next!' says the sales rep. 'I want to be in Hawaii , relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.'

Puff! He's gone.

'OK, you're up,' the Genie says to the manager.
The manager says, 'I want those two back in the office after lunch.'

Moral of the story:
Always let your boss have the first say.

Lesson 4
An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing.

A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, 'Can I also sit like you and do nothing?'

The eagle answered: 'Sure, why not.'

So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Moral of the story:
To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

Lesson 5
A turkey was chatting with a bull.

'I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree' sighed the turkey, 'but I haven't got the energy.'

'Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?' replied the bull.
They're packed with nutrients.'

The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree.

The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch.

Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree.

He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.

Moral of the story:
Bull Sh * t might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there..

Lesson 6
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field.

While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him.

As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was.

The dung was actually thawing him out!

He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.
A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate.

Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.

Morals of the story:
(1) Not everyone who sh * ts on you is your enemy.

(2) Not everyone who gets you out of sh * t is your

(3) And when you're in deep sh * t, it's best to keep
your mouth shut!

01-07-2012, 12:34 PM
Good ones, Linc, especially the first one!


01-07-2012, 01:05 PM
Good ones there OldLincoln.

01-07-2012, 01:09 PM
Good ones, Old Buddy, especially the priest and nun! Hillarious!

01-07-2012, 03:20 PM
Over the years I've added jokes and sayings I liked to a Word doc. It's up to 223 pages now and fun to read every now and then. I hate wasting paper but my wife has been in bed and now a chair with a broken ankle since 11/1 so I printed her 25 pages and she gets a good belly laugh now and then.

01-15-2012, 03:14 PM
B.C. for you Navy flyboys:



01-15-2012, 03:42 PM
B.C. for you Navy flyboys:



Never tried landing on a turtle - the boat was a little bigger and I had a tailhook. :)

01-15-2012, 04:03 PM
That one reminded me of you. In the BUFF we needed a bit more runway than you guys. I thought you Navy aviators said the boats looked like postage stamps.


01-15-2012, 05:17 PM
That one reminded me of you. In the BUFF we needed a bit more runway than you guys. I thought you Navy aviators said the boats looked like postage stamps.


I guess that depends on your altitude and attitude. If you're standing on the flight deck it looks pretty big. If you're on final in a thunder storm at night or with a sick jet, it looks pretty small.

01-15-2012, 05:26 PM
Not too mention swells and waves! :eek:


01-15-2012, 05:52 PM
Not too mention swells and waves! :eek:


The waves don't pitch a 90,000 ton warship too much, unless they're realllllly big waves. Anyway we time the swells - you don't want the deck coming up at you too fast or moving away too fast either. Ramp strikes can ruin your whole day!

We always considered it a real luxury when we got to land on a real concrete runway.

01-15-2012, 07:27 PM
I always wanted to do a carrier launch, thought it would be cool. But I'd take the long concrete runway for the landing any day of the week.
Course you'd have to drive, I never did make it to jet flying school.
I know just enough to be scary in a Cessna though.

01-15-2012, 07:31 PM

01-15-2012, 08:50 PM
Even narrow, short, dirt and asphalt is fine as far as I'm concerned. But I've always considered both helicopter and Navy carrier pilots to be death wish crazy. A lot coming from me.

01-15-2012, 09:36 PM
But I'd take the long concrete runway for the landing any day of the week.

It's quite simple, really. We have a mirrored landing system. All you have to do is to keep a ball of light, the ball, centered in the mirror and keep your airspeed where it should be and you're on the correct glide slope, and you'll grab a 3-wire for a perfect landing every time. You even have datum lights on each side of the mirror to help you keep it lined up. I'll give you another simple example that's close to our hearts. You take your PM9 to the range, line up the sights, and pull the trigger. You do this over and over and at the end of the day, you have a 9mm hole in the exact center of the 10 ring. Easy, huh?

Oh, did I mention variables? Every time the deck pitches, the ball moves. You can't chase it because you'll never catch up. You have to anticipate the moves so when it gets there, you're already there. Then there's the wind - it's not constant. The engine thrust isn't constant either. It goes up and down like the wind, and when either changes, so does your airspeed and altitude, so you're above or below the correct glide slope. Then there's the burble of disturbed air from the island that you hit just before touchdown. There are others, but you get the idea.

So, when it's all over, if you don't have that 9mm hole in the center of the 10 ring, you're going to make a big mess on the flight deck. That will anger your squadron leader, Air Boss, CAG, and the Captain, and you will probably not get cookies and milk at bedtime.

01-15-2012, 09:42 PM
So what your saying is it's easy peasy and any cave man can do it?

Me thinks not.

I x brother in law was the guy that sits in the little bubble on the deck and throws the catapult. Not sure what all else is involved but it sounded pretty cool.

I love the phrase call the ball. Guess you gotta be a pilot (Naval Aviator) to really appreciate it.

01-15-2012, 10:31 PM
I love the phrase call the ball. Guess you gotta be a pilot (Naval Aviator) to really appreciate it.

Yeah and have a pair of really stout ones to pull it off. Hats off to all Navy fliers catching 3 wires!

Reminds me of a shiny story, but another time....

01-16-2012, 12:02 AM
Keeping You Up To Date

Playboy magazine reportedly offered Sarah Palin $4,000,000 to pose nude in an upcoming issue.

Michelle Obama was offered $50 by National Geographic.

In other news... we all remember when KFC offered a "Hillary" meal, consisting of two small breasts

and two large thighs.

Now KFC is offering the "Obama Cabinet Bucket." It consists of nothing but left wings and chicken ****.

Just keeping you up to date...

01-17-2012, 11:50 AM
Some of these are really funny:

to all of you who fly!!!!
Happy trails


Actual Radio Exchanges Between

Pilots and Control Towers

Tower: "TWA 2341, for noise abatement turn right 45 Degrees." TWA 2341: "Center, we are at 35,000 feet. How much noise can we make up here?" Tower: "Sir, have you ever heard the noise a 747 makes when it hits another 747?"

O'Hare Approach Control to a 747: "United 329 your heavy traffic is a Fokker, one o'clock, three miles, Eastbound."
United 329: "Approach, I've always wanted to say this....I've got the little Fokker in sight."

A student became lost during a solo cross-country flight. While attempting to locate the aircraft on radar, ATC asked, "What was your last known position?"
Student: "When I was number one for takeoff."

A DC-10 had come in a little hot and thus had an exceedingly long roll out after touching down. San Jose Tower noted:
"American 751, make a hard right turn at the end of the runway, if you are able. If you are not able, take the Guadeloupe exit off Highway 101, make a right at the lights and return to the airport."

A Pan Am 727 flight, waiting for start clearance in Munich, overheard the following: Lufthansa (in German):
"Ground, what is our start clearance time?"
Ground (in English):
"If you want an answer you must speak in English."
Lufthansa (in English):
"I am a German, flying a German airplane, in Germany. Why must I speak English?"
Unknown voice from another plane (in a beautiful British accent):
"Because you lost the bloody war!"

One day the pilot of a Cherokee 180 was told by the tower to hold short of the active runway while a DC-8 landed. The DC-8 landed, rolled out, turned around, and taxied back past the Cherokee. Some quick-witted comedian in the DC-8 crew got on the radio and said: "What a cute little plane. Did you make it all by yourself?"
The Cherokee pilot, not about to let the insult go by, came back with a real zinger: "I made it out of DC-8 parts. Another landing like yours and I'll have enough parts for another one."

The German air controllers at Frankfurt Airport are renowned as a short-tempered lot. They not only expect one to know one's gate parking location, but how to get there without any assistance from them. So it was with some amusement that we listened to the following exchange between Frankfurt ground control and a British Airways 747, call sign Speedbird 206.
" Frankfurt, Speedbird 206! clear of active runway."
Ground: "Speedbird 206. Taxi to gate Alpha One-Seven." The BA 747 pulled onto the main taxiway and slowed to a stop.
Ground: "Speedbird, do you not know where you are going?"
Speedbird 206: "Stand by, Ground, I'm looking up our gate location now."
Ground (with quite arrogant impatience): "Speedbird 206, have you not been to Frankfurt before?"
Speedbird 206 (coolly):
"Yes, twice in 1944, but it was dark, -- And I didn't land."

While taxiing at London's Airport, the crew of a US Air flight departing for Ft Lauderdale made a wrong turn and came nose to nose with a United 727. An irate female ground controller lashed out at the US Air crew, screaming: "US Air 2771, where the hell are you going? I told you to turn right onto Charlie taxiway! You turned right on Delta! Stop right there. I know it's difficult for you to tell the difference between C and D, but get it right!"
Continuing her rage to the embarrassed crew, she was now shouting hysterically: "God! Now you've screwed everything up! It'll take forever to sort this out! You stay right there
and don't move till I tell you to! You can expect taxi instructions in about half an hour, and I want you to go exactly where I tell you, when I tell you, and how I tell you! You got that, US Air 2771?"

"Yes, ma'am," the humbled crew responded. Naturally, the ground control communications frequency fell terribly silent after the verbal bashing of US Air 2771. Nobody wanted to chance engaging the irate ground controller in her current state of mind. Tension in every cockpit out around Gatwick was definitely running high. Then an unknown pilot broke the silence and keyed his microphone, asking: "Wasn't I married to you once?"


01-17-2012, 12:15 PM
Good ones all, Wynn!


01-17-2012, 01:25 PM
Some of these are really funny:

to all of you who fly!!!!
Happy trails


That would be Happy contrails :rolleyes:

01-17-2012, 01:36 PM
Uh... when you're on your way to work in a combat aircraft, the last thing you want is CONTRAILS... NO contrails is happy trails. You can't sneak up on anyone with contrails pointing to your aircraft!:eek:

That was part of our mission briefings... expected contrails flight levels. Those older F4's had smoke trails that pointed them out!


01-17-2012, 02:19 PM
Uh... when you're on your way to work in a combat aircraft, the last thing you want is CONTRAILS... NO contrails is happy trails. You can't sneak up on anyone with contrails pointing to your aircraft!:eek:

That was part of our mission briefings... expected contrails flight levels. Those older F4's had smoke trails that pointed them out!


Yep, didn't have to worry about contrails in the F-4. They could spot our smoke 20 miles out. It wasn't just the old F-4's - all of them did it. It was characteristic to the J-79. The only way to stop it was to go to reheat, but that would have you thumbing a ride in about 15 minutes.

Of course being a fighter jock, we didn't try to sneak up on people. :D

Did your Buff have the old J-57's or the newer TF-33's? I understand that the AF has converted them to run on coal now.

01-17-2012, 02:40 PM
Laugh, but we had 8 engines and could maintain level flight with 6... took off with 7 once... verboten, but ORI-type mission... didn't fool the brass on takeoff roll, though. Flew missions with 7, but came home when only had six working... safety of flight and peacetime rules.;rolleyes:

The "H"s (only ones still flying, due to S.A.L.T.) have fan-jets... much more power than we had in the "D"s (tall-tails) and "G"s. Of my approximate 3,400 hours of BUFF time, mostly training flights, only about 175 was in the H-model, after Dyess AFB at Abilene, TX, converted to H-model from D's, then command post in West Germany next to France for three years, and finally G-models at Loring AFB after re-qual at Castle AFB in Commiefornia in '86. I was just getting started in class there when we attacked Libya!

Is this thread drift??:confused:


01-17-2012, 02:43 PM
All this fighter jock kinda talk has got the front of my britches sticking out....I always wanted to learn to fly but after that day I jumped off the 2nd story roof with a big umbrella and it didn't go so well I gave up on life in the air...

Don't get me wrong, the flight part that day was GREAT but the landing was a total beach...:p

01-17-2012, 05:16 PM
We've seen a lot of pics of the Kahr girls posted on the forum, but I wonder what trailer park EAA found this girl in, belly button piercing and all? :001_huh:


01-17-2012, 05:43 PM
she is a tad bit chunky, but so am I, so she is a keeper, certainly not in the Hawaii 50 gals class,but if she has 4 arms, then she is really a keeper. Pearcing, tells me there could even be more somewhere????

MW surveyor
01-18-2012, 04:49 AM
Finally got back to the great state of Texas after 23 days in the Falkland Islands. Once again, IP address banned so no KahrTalk for that time. Its taking a while to get back up to speed here.

Sorry to hear about Dietrich.

01-18-2012, 10:39 AM
Maybe she is.............................the owner's wife:eek:

01-18-2012, 11:28 AM
More likely his daughter! She looks about 16.

01-20-2012, 11:20 AM
Not the first time I've seen this:

In different parts of the country things have different meanings....
You may have heard on the news about a Southern California man put under 72-hour psychiatric observation when it was found he owned 100 guns and allegedly had (by rough estimate) 100,000 rounds of ammunition stored in his home. The house also featured a secret escape tunnel.

My favorite quote from the dimwit television reporter: "Wow! He has about a quarter million machine gun bullets."

A newspaper headline referred to it as a "massive weapons cache!"

By Southern California standards someone owning 100,000 rounds would be called "mentally unstable."

However, just imagine if he lived elsewhere:

In Arizona, he'd be called "an avid gun collector."

In Texas, he'd be called "a novice gun collector."

In South Dakota, he'd be called "the guy next door."

In Utah, he'd be called "moderately well prepared," but they'd probably reserve judgment until they made sure that he had a corresponding quantity of stored food.

In Montana, he'd be called "The neighborhood 'Go-To' guy."

In Idaho, he'd be called "a likely gubernatorial candidate."

In Wyoming, he'd be called "an eligible bachelor."

And, in Louisiana , he'd be called "a deer hunting buddy."

The only thing I thought was questionable... was where he lives!


01-20-2012, 11:31 AM
I got this forward from my buddy this morning... CUTE and FUNNY.

I didn't watch any of the other videos, but I image they were good, too.

This one is 7:42 long, but good.


Subject: Fw: Fwd: FW: Bear Counting in Canada

This is a great video. I think you guys will love it. The narrator/novice who is on this adventure is so funny.

This clip is great for animal lovers and young children -- Momma Bear
and her three very young cubs in the wild of northern Ontario ,
Canada. Humane wildlife experts taking a winter bear census right in
the hibernation dens.
You'll love this, besides the cute precious 6 week old baby bears
(eyes still closed) the guy (Rick Mercer) has some of the funniest
lines.This is a special video of retagging a mommy bear.

http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=vJRDpTUIrJI&vq=medium (http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=vJRDpTUIrJI&vq=medium)

01-20-2012, 11:37 AM
Navy recruiting ad:

Someone in the Navy still has a sense of humor!

Click here: New Navy Recruiting Ad (Funny) - StumbleUpon (http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2Yv7TI/www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZsERX844Tg)

View this before it gets pulled.

MW surveyor
01-20-2012, 03:20 PM

ROFLMAO! That was good and funny.

01-20-2012, 06:42 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=vJRDpTUIrJI&vq=medium (http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=vJRDpTUIrJI&vq=medium)

Beautiful! Thank you, sir! :D

01-20-2012, 09:13 PM
Flying a helicopter by instruments is difficult unless you do it every day. One afternoon on the tower frequency I heard a pilot report matter-of-factly that he had joined the holding pattern over the outer marker beacon at 3000 feet. Immediately, another voice cut in. "You can't be there!" it said in panic. "I'm holding at 3000 feet, too!" After a pregnant pause, the first pilot's voice came back on the air. "You idiot," it said. "You're my co-pilot."

01-22-2012, 09:53 AM
I was eating lunch on the 20th of February with my 6-year-old granddaughter and I asked her, "What day is tomorrow?"

She said "It's President's Day!"

She is a smart kid. So, I asked "What does President's Day mean?" I was waiting for something about Washington or Lincoln etc.

She replied, "President's Day is when President Obama steps out of the White House, and if he sees his shadow we have one more year of unemployment."

You know, ....it hurts when hot coffee spurts out your nose.

01-24-2012, 11:24 AM
Sometimes you gotta admire something simply for it's beauty. This, the Fisker Karma, is a good example. It does get 50 mpg but alas, sells for over $100K. Sure is shiny though.


01-26-2012, 08:30 AM
Another gem from Shot Show 2012. GunsAmerica has been sending out a series of emails with links to comprehensive reports on the web. No one else has come close to the coverage they are providing. This morning, they are reporting about a new line of striker fired pistols from FNH, their first use of strikers. You might say, "Ho, hum, another striker fired polymer pistol." But this one is very interesting, taking some good ideas from some of our favorite pistols:

The bore axis looks as low as our Kahrs, promising low felt recoil and muzzle flip,
They remark about the trigger letting off at 5.5 lb and feeling very much like a 1911 trigger,
It has a very unobtrusive ambi thumb safety, and ambi slide and mag releases,
The guns come with night sights as standard equipment,
And some additional ergo touches are interchangeable backstraps and forward slide serrations.

A very interresting new series from one of the largest and most respected gun manufacturers in the world. Frankly, I think it will give Glock, SA and S&W a run for their money in the duty, service and personal protection markets. And with the low bore axis and great trigger, I bet it will make a good target and competition gun, as well.

Here is the report: http://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/fnh-fns-fns40-striker-fired-pistols/.

FNH Details:

http://www.fnherstal.com/index.php?id=282&backPID=263&productID=172&pid_product=295&pidList=&categorySelector=&detail=&cHash= (And, no, it doesn't weigh 25 lb! That should be ounces. :))


01-26-2012, 02:02 PM
Somebody please send me some rat poison, I'm ready to cross the river. I just spent 2 hours in a worthless waste of time meeting with myself and 9 worthless women all of which make twice the money I do. Not a single word that I heard pleased me.
I'm ready for a new career for sure.

Wife even felt sorry for me, said she's picking up a nice bottle of scotch on the way home. Told her to drop by and leave it in the van, I need it NOW!

Don't be offended Melissa, TD2k, and Jdlott, these women are in a category all their own. Plus guys don't really see a benefit of talking about nail polish, and hair color at police admin meetings. Go figure.

Deep breathing. I think I'll goof off the rest of the day and stick it to the man...... boy does my attitude suck today.

01-26-2012, 02:28 PM
Sounds like a range trip is what the doctor ordered.
Maybe they have one of these:


01-26-2012, 02:39 PM
Sounds like a range trip is what the doctor ordered.
Maybe they have one of these:


That would be perfect except we need to add at least 150 lbs and in some cases 250 pounds. Looks and physical fitness are not a prerequisite for admin employment. I'm not bragging when I state I'm the prettiest admin employee and sadly the only guy / half man / human.

01-26-2012, 02:48 PM
>> only guy / half man / human.<<

Dammit - Listen up mister!! You are ALL man and better than most so no more half man crap! Don't make me come up there!

01-26-2012, 02:50 PM
>> only guy / half man / human.<<

Dammit - Listen up mister!! You are ALL man and better than most so no more half man crap! Don't make me come up there!

My bad. Why don't you bring the missus and come up anyway. You need a break from California anyhow.

01-26-2012, 03:00 PM
Sigh, I wish we could but she is plugged into a machine 2 days a week and everything else revolves around that. However some day we will get a week or so off and try to escape and you are the top of my must visit list. Sure won't be in no snow though.

01-27-2012, 10:58 AM
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson

01-27-2012, 01:35 PM
Oh Bawanna....... Only 4 days left in this month!!!!

01-27-2012, 01:51 PM
Oh Bawanna....... Only 4 days left in this month!!!!

Thanks Old Lincoln, I surely would have slipped again without the reminder.