View Full Version : What holsters do you use for your Kahr?
09-04-2009, 11:33 PM
I use a variety of leather for my PM9 depending on the situation and what I am wearing. What holsters do you guys use?
Mitch Rosen Thumb Break Scabbard:
Galco PRO 460 pocket holster:
DeSantis Nemisis:
Don Hume IWB:
09-05-2009, 07:19 AM
I use Del Fatti ISP-SS (IWB) holsters, and have them for the K9/K40 and P45. Here is my K9/K40 one with my K9 Elite 2003 inside:
And, here is the one for the P45:
09-05-2009, 11:12 AM
The holster I carry depends on where I'm going and what I'm wearing.
Bianchi Shadow II, Mini-slide from the NRA store, DeSantis pocket holster.
I would post pictures but I'm having trouble getting them to post.
09-05-2009, 12:35 PM
A Comp-Tac "Pro-Undercover" for IWB and a K&D "Laredo Defender" for OWB.
09-05-2009, 02:44 PM
Fist belt and a CrossBreed Quick Clip
09-05-2009, 02:49 PM
Sweat proof nylon mesh IWB holster w/ felt inside of it.
09-05-2009, 06:13 PM
Fist belt and a CrossBreed Quick Clip
I am curious about the CroosBreed Quick Clip. I had been looking at their super-tuck, but the Quick Clip looks awful nice.
09-05-2009, 06:15 PM
Have a Galco Horsehair, an Uncle Mike's #4 and a Fist Kydex #5 for my PM9. Best of the lot is the FIST Kydex #5 for my pocket carry needs.
09-05-2009, 07:19 PM
Alessi talon plus for iwb. High noon pocket grabber that I can't keep in my pocket when I draw:mad:. I just ordered a fist #1AK and #K5:D.
09-05-2009, 07:35 PM
What do you all think of a service type holster with thumb-break made of Kydex similar to what Glock makes for it's G-17, G-19, etc.? Don't think there would be a patent infringment, but a very good holster that would sell well !
09-05-2009, 07:48 PM
I've been using the Don Hume IWB, but I really dislike the belt clip location. I found a very nice IWB from AKJ Concealco ( for my G19. Rides well and is verrry comfy. I ordered one for the PM40 last week.
Here's an opdate with the PM40
09-05-2009, 08:02 PM
I use a highnoon split decision for my PM9 and a public secret for my P9. Highnoon holsters are the best, IMO.
Oh Shoot
09-06-2009, 05:53 PM
For PM9 I use this for pocket carry (
and this for IWB (David Bullard Dual Carry -
- OS
I used a Galco like the stow and go but it was difficult to get on and off and hard to re-holster. I made my own Kydex one and am very happy with it. More comfortable than I expected. I highly recommend trying your hand at it. :D
**Question, how do you have your pictures displayed with your replies??
Mine are attachments you have to click on to view. That's the only way I see to do it unless everyone else is posting a URL to where they have their pictures hosted.
Please let me know.
09-07-2009, 05:57 PM
drawer full of good leather pocket holsters but I just keep coming back to my good ol desantis nemesis for my PM9 and P380.
09-07-2009, 07:30 PM
Little bear Fair price, very good to work with, and good time on delivery.
Oh Shoot
09-08-2009, 12:10 AM
**Question, how do you have your pictures displayed with your replies??
Mine are attachments you have to click on to view. That's the only way I see to do it unless everyone else is posting a URL to where they have their pictures hosted.
Please let me know.
Folks using PhotoBucket or other pic hosting site.
Or their own webspace that comes from your ISP - that's what I do, as Comcast allows you about 5 GB free space.
You can right click/properties on any of the pix to see the path to where they reside.
- OS
09-08-2009, 01:18 PM
I also hav a "DUAL CARRY" by D.M.Bullard and it has got to be one of the nicest carry holsters I have owned.
09-08-2009, 01:42 PM
I use a Wild Bill IWB leather holster. It was reasonable, immediately available, and they happen to be locally made. It works pretty well.
Folks using PhotoBucket or other pic hosting site.
Or their own webspace that comes from your ISP - that's what I do, as Comcast allows you about 5 GB free space.
You can right click/properties on any of the pix to see the path to where they reside.
- OS
Thanks for confirming Oh Shoot.
09-10-2009, 02:08 PM
It is very nice, but so is the ST. I ordered mine
with the combat cut. Better grip on the gun. Only wish
they made it with metal clip. I ordered the metal clips
for my ST for my MP 45c. Good luck
Bulldog Custom Gun Leathe
10-11-2009, 09:37 PM
My favorite holster for my PM45 is my version of the Summer Special IWB. The first photo is my personal carry Kahr PM45 and IWB holster. The other 2 photos are customer holsters I've made for their PM45's.
10-12-2009, 12:53 AM
Blade-Tech IWB for PM9 and P45.
DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster for PM9.
Fobus ankle holster for PM9.
Mostly, 98%....Mitch Rosen for IWB and Del Fatti for belt carry.
10-12-2009, 09:36 PM
PM9 in Alessi belt-slide .. for now :D
10-15-2009, 08:18 AM
Comp-Tac C-TAC IWB holster:
I also use a Galco Matrix paddle holster around the house or at the range
10-15-2009, 10:47 AM
Crossbreed minituck for IWB. Pocket holster from Wild Bill`s here in N.C.
10-16-2009, 09:32 AM
I also use Blade-Tech IWB for my PM9. I am very satisfied with this holster and have a "nano" for my Glock 26 which I am very happy with.
Just Bob
11-01-2009, 09:51 AM
I use a Don Hume H715M WC IWB and love it. Comfortable sitting or walking all day. I bought brown but now they are also available in black. Good price straight from
11-01-2009, 08:13 PM
Dietrich ... I've bene looking for a minimalist tuckable for my cheapo Bersa 380cc, short listed to Wild BIll and Sideguard. Then I Google WildBill there have a been few complaints on their LOOOONNNNNGGGG leadtime and some quality. How's their quality? Should I better off go with Sideguard?
Just curious.. today WildBill e-mail me that they have one is stock for my Bersa.. I am tempted to ask them to send me pix with date stamp ;)... if it is indeed in stock I don't mind to give me a try....
Crossbreed minituck for IWB. Pocket holster from Wild Bill`s here in N.C.
11-02-2009, 07:19 PM
Don Hume for pocket carry and Ross Leather pancake for owb. Looking at High Noon for soon to be MK9 I hope.
11-11-2009, 07:54 PM
I carry my CW9 in a Crossbreed Mini Tuck holster. Very comfortable and it dissapears. I have a small frame body and the Mini Tuck is just the right size for me and my CW9.<a href=
11-13-2009, 11:23 AM
I use the Crossbreed Mini Tuck for my CW9 and it is one comfortable puppy. Even in the Florida sun it feels comfortable. The rig dissapears also under a shirt or t-shirt. Great combo holster and gun for CC SD.
Zippo Guy
11-23-2009, 08:33 PM
I have been using the IWB FIST. Delivered in only 3 weeks and very high quality.
I'm using a High Noon Holsters Mister Softy IWB for my PM9. Great package! Cheap, in-stock, and very minimal foot print. Literally disappears in the waist band! I'd say it would be pretty hard to beat for the money! It is forming to the gun nicely after just a couple weeks wearing it around the house.
11-27-2009, 11:20 AM
I currently use a Desantis thumb break scabbard for OWB a Bianchi 6D for IWB (I actually got it for my wife to use in her purse, it is to floppy for one handed reholstering, I use it as a pocket holster, sometimes clipped inside the pocket) and a Passport sholder rig.
12-02-2009, 11:34 AM
I carry my MK9 in a Comp-Tac C-TAC tuckable IWB holster for CCW, and I occasionally use a Galco Matrix M5X paddle holster for carry around the house.
12-06-2009, 07:59 PM
PM9 in a Smart Carry holster--7days/week. The clothing changes to fit the day--the holster does not.
12-06-2009, 11:31 PM
I have a leather Desantis belt slide holster (the same one sold in the Kahr Shop) which fits all my Kahrs. I only use it for my T40, though, while I'm in the process of seeking out a good IWB holster for that particular gun.
For my K40, I use an AKJ Concealco Select Grade IWB. It's a fantastic holster, that uses extremely thin leather, but still allows one handed reholstering. I own three others of the same type for different non-Kahr guns, and my only complaint is that it's not offered for the T40.
I carry my PM40 in a Desantis Nemesis nylon pocket holster. It's a temporary solution, as I have a Pocket Concealment Systems' Blackbird and a K&D Holsters' Maverick Defender on order for it. The PM40 is my "Always Gun"/BUG, and when I get the Maverick Defender I intend primarily to carry it crossdraw between the belt and the pants, reverting to pocket carry only for times when I can't wear a belt mounted holster.
12-07-2009, 07:08 AM
Kahr MK9
1. RGrizzle leather pocket holster
2. Tucker Silent Thunder IWB
3. Raven Ghost OWB
03-25-2011, 11:21 PM
03-26-2011, 01:07 AM
I'm waiting for my new Don Hume belt holster for my CW45. I normally carry it IWB but in certain situations I prefer an OWB rig.
03-26-2011, 02:10 PM
Just got the holster in the mail. Really nice fit right out of the box, never had that before. It's a Don Hume model H721ot( open top). Purchased it from Gunners Alley. Good bunch of people there. I ordered 2 different holsters for different pistols and Don Hume was out of stock on both. Gunners Alley called me, let me know this, and asked if I would take either in a different color. They were able to get this one in a brown, ok with me, so they split my order and sent this one to me with the other to follow as soon as DH gets it in. All this at no extra shipping cost to me. They actually called me 3 or 4 times setting all this up. Kudos to Gunners Alley for excellant customer service.
03-27-2011, 09:33 PM
I've had the PM9, my first Kahr for about three weeks now and have been accumulating various holsters I'll use for different situations.
First up is the Comp-Tac Infidel. I've been using a varaition of the Infidel, known as the Undercover Pro, for many years. The Infidel is a design improvement over the Undercover Pro in that the belt attachment clip is not integral to the holster and can be replaced if necessary. I carry this holster at 4 o'clock and it's very comfortable.
Next up is the El Paso Saddlery Pocket Holster. I got this holster as a birthday gift and it works surprisingly well. I inserted the holster and gun into the front pocket of some cargo pants and did my draw. Did it over and over and the gun came out everytime, leaving the holster behind. Very nice.
The holster below is Dale Fricke's Archangel. This holster is intended to be worn AIWB If one were to order a Fricke holster from One Stop Tactical they wound learn these holsters are sized to fit the longest pistol in the series. I guess that would be the T series for the Kahr. Then, one carrying the PM9 would have excess holster hanging down their belly. Turns out this is an advantage because the extra length provides additional stability for the gun and the unit does not try to flip out of your pants, (Hate it when that happens, don't you?) Well, to my chagrin, I had Dale make an Archangel sized to fit my PM9, without the extra length. Well, again, I am not as smart as I thought I was and I do feel the holster and gun wanting to elude my pants. I can wear it but it's not as it was intended. Anyway, Dale Fricke did a beautiful job in making the holster. It is super fast and holds the gun as securely as you like. Here are the pic. Note, it attaches to the belt using rubber straps.
Next and last for now is Dale Fricke's Ehud. The Ehud differs from the Archangel only in the way it attaches to the belt and the fact it is tuckable. The Ehud uses J hooks to connect to the belt. The first thing I learned about the Ehud is that the J hooks are not quite wide enough to hook my Tucker Gunleather gun belt. It does, however, work fine with my dress belts. In fact, I went out to dinner last night with she who cooks and wore the Ehud with a sport shirt tucked in and it worked quite well. For whatever reason, even though Dale Fricke made this holster also specifically to fit the PM9, i.e., without the extra length, the Ehud seemed quite stable in a pair of dress pants sized to accomodate a gun and holster. Here are the pics:
Thanks for looking.
03-28-2011, 07:50 AM
Crossbreed microclip for the pm9 uncle mikes pocket holster for the obvious.
03-28-2011, 08:00 AM
Well I thought I had posted on this one at some point, but find I am remiss. I carry my P45 in either an open top Don Hume (less and less these days, and not just due to the wife robbing me of my gun) or (get ready for this) an Ace Case tuckable sized for the 380. A whopping $10 for that holster at CTD, it's stable, hides very well, and stays put. Yes the leather is a little on the thin side, but it works, and for the price that's ok.
03-28-2011, 09:48 AM
Just got the holster in the mail. Really nice fit right out of the box, never had that before. It's a Don Hume model H721ot( open top). Purchased it from Gunners Alley. Good bunch of people there. I ordered 2 different holsters for different pistols and Don Hume was out of stock on both. Gunners Alley called me, let me know this, and asked if I would take either in a different color. They were able to get this one in a brown, ok with me, so they split my order and sent this one to me with the other to follow as soon as DH gets it in. All this at no extra shipping cost to me. They actually called me 3 or 4 times setting all this up. Kudos to Gunners Alley for excellant customer service.
Does the holster carry your Kahr high and tight to the body?
I have a DH 721 (with thumb snap) that I've used for several years with a Glock 23. I really like the holster because of the "high and tight" ride with a good carry angle. I have a 721OT for a 1911 that I don't care for but have been considering getting a 721OT for my K40 because of my experience with the Glock.
03-28-2011, 04:03 PM
Does the holster carry your Kahr high and tight to the body?
I have a DH 721 (with thumb snap) that I've used for several years with a Glock 23. I really like the holster because of the "high and tight" ride with a good carry angle. I have a 721OT for a 1911 that I don't care for but have been considering getting a 721OT for my K40 because of my experience with the Glock.
The Don Hume and others like it didn't work for me as they are just folded over and stitched (cheap). Always collapsed on me when I would take my gun out to leave in my truck. Then I would have to adjust my belt to compensate for the lack of retention.
I carry a Jason Winnie, they have a unique "built up or solid" side that does not allow the holster to collapse and I can re holster my gun with one hand without looking, now that's doing it right.
I have several, I have one that sits low and tight (appendix style) but I carry it @ 3-4 o'clock. The other sits up about 3/4 of an inch.
04-08-2011, 12:42 AM
Here is a my Kahr family all suited up in leather and suede.
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