View Full Version : Most reliable P380 range/target ammo

01-02-2012, 05:04 PM
I'm interested to know what range/target ammo members have found to be the most reliable for the P380

01-02-2012, 06:06 PM
Target load PMC Bronze for me. Dan

East River Guide
01-02-2012, 08:23 PM
Mine runs Federal, Blazer, Atlanta Arms and Speer 95 gr FMJ with no problems. That's all I've tried.

01-03-2012, 10:29 AM
I think it can vary by individual gun. Mine like Federal Red Box and UMC / Remington "bulk" ammo. S&B works pretty good but Fiocci can have priomer problems in some lots (It's NOT light strike with these) The only range ammo I have tried that really did not work was Winchester White box flat nose that I tried recently. It just did not want to feed reliably!

One thing you should be aware of is that the "range" ammo is not loded with the consistency of the expensive 20 to a box hollowpoints. This means that in some boxes you will get a few rounds which really don't work the slide enough on the p380 because it is so small and springed for the powerful stuff. You can tell when you get one of those boxes,

Foor "carry" if you do so - I prefer Corbon 90 JHP and Speer Gold Dot. Both are very reliabl;e and have the umph to work that little slide and heavy spring no matter how badly you hold the gun.

01-07-2012, 01:11 AM
Do different bullet weights work better than others in the P380S?

01-07-2012, 06:06 AM
I always use Federal American Eagle.

01-07-2012, 10:15 AM
I've found that anything other than Fiocchi, TULAmmo, or Sellier and Belloit work great in mine. It's really not fussy. That's 3 varieties of 32 that it didn't like. Details can be found here. http://mousegunaddict.blogspot.com/2011/07/great-380-fmj-jhp-ammo-test-results.html

01-07-2012, 11:42 AM
I've found that anything other than Fiocchi, TULAmmo, or Sellier and Belloit work great in mine. It's really not fussy. That's 3 varieties of 32 that it didn't like. Details can be found here. http://mousegunaddict.blogspot.com/2011/07/great-380-fmj-jhp-ammo-test-results.html

I believe that Fiocchi it is a decent ammo, and I have never had any kind of problems with it. However, it uses to run hotter than other standard pressure ammo. The Russian Tula is IMO not a good ammo at all. I do not have any experience with Sellier and Bellot.

01-07-2012, 12:13 PM
In my P380, Fiocchi wouldn't allow the pistol to return to full battery. Glad that it works for you, but others may want to try one box before ordering a bunch.

01-07-2012, 03:41 PM
I looked at the Herter's last night at Cabela's. I think it's their brand. I said Made By Fiocchi on the back. I remembered that I've seen several people say that Fiocchi doesn't run well in their P380s, so I bought Remington instead.

01-07-2012, 11:24 PM
I think it can vary by individual gun. Mine like Federal Red Box and UMC / Remington "bulk" ammo. S&B works pretty good but Fiocci can have priomer problems in some lots (It's NOT light strike with these) The only range ammo I have tried that really did not work was Winchester White box flat nose that I tried recently. It just did not want to feed reliably!

One thing you should be aware of is that the "range" ammo is not loded with the consistency of the expensive 20 to a box hollowpoints. This means that in some boxes you will get a few rounds which really don't work the slide enough on the p380 because it is so small and springed for the powerful stuff. You can tell when you get one of those boxes,

Foor "carry" if you do so - I prefer Corbon 90 JHP and Speer Gold Dot. Both are very reliabl;e and have the umph to work that little slide and heavy spring no matter how badly you hold the gun.
I agree the range ammo will not always be reliable in this gun. But I found Speer Gold Dot carry ammo always works, even makes the slide lock open on last round every time.:D I guess it is a hotter round!?

01-14-2012, 05:48 PM
I shot two kinds of ammo today. I had 6 S&B rounds in the gun already so I shot those first. They worked great. I then shot 50 Remington UMCs. I don't think my gun liked them. The slide didn't lock back on the last round twice. I had to dump the last shell out of the gun twice. One shell didn't come out and a new round chambered underneath it. I flicked the spent shell out and continued on. I looked at the shells and many were deformed. They ejected fine but were pretty bent up. They must be lower powered. I'm not sure what caused the shell deformation. I then switched back to the cheaper S&B and the gun was perfect again. I don't think I will get Remington next time. :(

01-14-2012, 06:06 PM
indeed stick with what works. M Y P380 wouldnot function at all with 102 golden sabres, so I just moved on. I have corbon power ball in it now and it seems OK with them. I realy need to give the gun another couple hundred rounds to get my confidence back in it. I love this P380 for everything that it is but I am also very aprenhensive about it to. I hardly ever carry it so therefore I don't give it the TLC that I should for a true carry peace. I don't carry a spare mag, so if it empties all7 rounds OK in a defense siuation kthen it has done its job..

01-14-2012, 11:32 PM
Do lower weight bullets work better? The Rems were 95 grain and the S&B are 92. Probably not enough difference to matter.

01-15-2012, 03:16 PM
indeed stick with what works. M Y P380 wouldnot function at all with 102 golden sabres, so I just moved on. I have corbon power ball in it now and it seems OK with them. I realy need to give the gun another couple hundred rounds to get my confidence back in it. I love this P380 for everything that it is but I am also very aprenhensive about it to. I hardly ever carry it so therefore I don't give it the TLC that I should for a true carry peace. I don't carry a spare mag, so if it empties all7 rounds OK in a defense siuation kthen it has done its job..
I am with you. After all I have been thru with this P380, went to the range with confidence, just fired my carry ammo Hornady CD, had one light strike:eek: in 50 rounds. I have not had any lite strikes since it came back from Kahr, so here I go again. I am going to try the new spring, and another 50 rounds. Any failures, on the auction block it goes.:mad: