View Full Version : Graphic Example of What can Go Wrong

01-03-2012, 11:54 AM
I hesitate posting this and if considered too graphic, please just delete the thread. The reason it may be too graphic is that it is a real video of a real gang shooting which I'm pretty sure killed one man.

WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fd7_1284690688) Don't watch if not prepared.

The reason I'm posting it is to educate us all on what can go wrong when confronted by a couple gang bangers. I can't be sure but it appears his gun was in a pocket holster, slowing down his response but I doubt it would have made a difference. Secondly, forget 15' or even 10' these guys were on top of the guy.

This victim may have been a gang banger also, but just as well could be one of us with the random violence going around. It appeared to be in a clean mall, not some back street littered with glass and brass.

So other than fortify your home and stay inside what do you do?

01-03-2012, 12:14 PM
It looks like the the vic was shot and down before he come thru the door, confimed by the 1st guy inside running away.
The shooter in the white coat is using a jamo-matic and keeps racking, while the vic gropes in his pocket.
The white coat drops the jamo-matic and goes for the vic's groping hand and 2nd bg pics up the jamo-matic.
And the shooter picks up his motorcycle helmet going out the door.
Thanks for posting the link,

Longitude Zero
01-03-2012, 12:34 PM
Interesting. If I was the one down I would have had my weapon instantly accessible. However if I could not immediately get to it in this circumstance I would have physically engaged and "floored" the jamomatic man and gone from there.

Based upon clothing the supposed vic is in all likelhood a banger.

01-03-2012, 01:07 PM
sure doesnt look like a random shooting to me. . my bet is about in line with longitude zero, equal gangbangers...LOOKS LIKE AT THE END THEY Emptied the gun on ther fella do..

01-03-2012, 01:58 PM
Watching this video reminds me of why we carry and why it's so important to be totally aware of your surroundings at all times...Here in Atlanta as well as many other major cities this type of gang crime is a daily event...

We keep talking about arming ourselves in case the SHTF but IMHO it has already started!!!

01-03-2012, 02:05 PM
Something to think about the next time a loved one says, "I'm just going up to the Mall."

01-03-2012, 02:39 PM
Humm: atlanta,not a frikedly place to be at night, I guess...

01-03-2012, 03:05 PM
And some people ask why carry a firearm :rolleyes:

01-03-2012, 03:10 PM
This happened in Brazil and was gang-on-gang violence, FYI

01-03-2012, 03:17 PM
Unfortunately some parts of Atlanta have become a war zone and this isn't the same town I grew up in....The campus of Georgia Tech is in downtown Atlanta and there have been so many street robberies of students of their wallets and cell phones that a group called students for concealed carry have been trying to get permission to legally CCW on campus but so far the University will not even hear of it....

I believe another reason that students are targeted other other than the BG knowing a student isn't armed is that most of them can't walk more than three feet without playing with their smart phones which gives the thugs pleanty of opportunity to sneek up and rob them before the students even know someone is following them...

Rule 1...Always be armed where it is legal to do so

Rule 2...Always be aware of what is going on around you at all times and be ready to react...

When I'm walking to my truck in a parking lot I always have my right hand in my pocket on my PM40 and my head on a swivel watching everyone around me just in case....Sure makes me feel better that way!

01-03-2012, 04:56 PM
Shot in the top of the head at point blank... he didn't have a chance

01-03-2012, 05:10 PM
not sure he had a chance in the first place, two against one and both with guns ablaze. He must have been honking one of the bangers gals, u thinketh.

2 questions: #1 do u think they had nighgt sights on their guns??? #2 Do u think they did the propper prepping of a new gun??:behindsofa:

01-03-2012, 06:08 PM
Unfortunately some parts of Atlanta have become a war zone and this isn't the same town I grew up in....The campus of Georgia Tech is in downtown Atlanta and there have been so many street robberies of students of their wallets and cell phones that a group called students for concealed carry have been trying to get permission to legally CCW on campus but so far the University will not even hear of it....

I believe another reason that students are targeted other other than the BG knowing a student isn't armed is that most of them can't walk more than three feet without playing with their smart phones which gives the thugs pleanty of opportunity to sneek up and rob them before the students even know someone is following them...

Rule 1...Always be armed where it is legal to do so

Rule 2...Always be aware of what is going on around you at all times and be ready to react...

When I'm walking to my truck in a parking lot I always have my right hand in my pocket on my PM40 and my head on a swivel watching everyone around me just in case....Sure makes me feel better that way!

When is it not legal to have a pencil or ink pen? I consider my brain to be my most effective weapon... taught my children to fight back with everything they can get their hands on.

What amazes me is that very seldom do you hear of one fighting back with anything other than bare hands. HELLO you are students you surely have pens and pencils and if you don't you should. Grab a pencil, soak it in super glue thinned with acetone... harden that thing up good... or get a Cold Steel Sharkey or Delta Dart or similar.

01-03-2012, 06:18 PM
Scary, lots of home invasions and drive by shootings in NW Ohio. My sister who lives in the suburbs wonders why I sit with a gun at my side while watching TV and carry everywhere I go.

01-03-2012, 07:21 PM
Humm: atlanta,not a frikedly place to be at night, I guess...

Not at all.....
Several years back,[about 8], I took my daughter to the Napa 500 Nascar Race, she wanted to go down town to see the Hard Rock Cafe[about 7:30 pm], we took the Marta downtown walked up the exit stairs only to have gun pulled on us. We just turned around and went back down to Marta entrance where a cop was sitting only to have him say "welcome to Atlanta, that is the way it is here", He wouldn't even get off his butt to walk out side to look. We took Marta back to airport to head back to hotel. At airport, another cop was there watching Tomb Rider on his laptop, we told him and his response was, "sorry not my area". Great city, I will never go back!:mad:

01-03-2012, 07:52 PM
When is it not legal to have a pencil or ink pen? I consider my brain to be my most effective weapon... taught my children to fight back with everything they can get their hands on.

What amazes me is that very seldom do you hear of one fighting back with anything other than bare hands. HELLO you are students you surely have pens and pencils and if you don't you should. Grab a pencil, soak it in super glue thinned with acetone... harden that thing up good... or get a Cold Steel Sharkey or Delta Dart or similar.

This post SCREAMS to me how you'll bring a knife(or worse, a PENCIL) to a gun fight!

I think you meant to make the best out of any situation, but it came off sounding like, "Eh, I don't have my gun. Oh well, I have my protractor!"

I carry everywhere. Even school! Missouri laws FTW :)

01-03-2012, 07:53 PM
My flame suit is on....guys, looks like when TSHTF the pocket carry is not an easy option to get to. Better than nothing but if that guy had it on his hip, he probably would be alive.

I cannot help but look at that vid with a sad heart. No matter how you slice it, we watched a soul be forced out of a body. I think most would agree at exactly what time during that video this happened to. To be caught in a **** storm like that is a nightmare.

WOW thanks for sharing that vid. Makes me think.

01-03-2012, 08:20 PM
It looked like gang on gang stuff, but the victim wouldn't let them leave... he kept holding on, which cost him his life. He took many shots to the head and he kept hanging on until both of the other guys had had enough of him and purposefully unloaded on him at close range. A little playing 'possum could have made a big difference.


01-03-2012, 08:32 PM
Didn't find this at all disconcerting. All bangers. Good riddance. Just too bad he couldn't take the other two with him.

01-03-2012, 08:32 PM
It looked like gang on gang stuff, but the victim wouldn't let them leave... he kept holding on, which cost him his life. He took many shots to the head and he kept hanging on until both of the other guys had had enough of him and purposefully unloaded on him at close range. A little playing 'possum could have made a big difference.


Wynn, interesting you see it that way. I kind of saw it as he was trying to tie himself onto a guy so neither one could shoot him or risk hitting their partner or shooting themself. My view is way too tactical so Wynn's view is correct.

01-03-2012, 09:00 PM
This post SCREAMS to me how you'll bring a knife(or worse, a PENCIL) to a gun fight!

I think you meant to make the best out of any situation, but it came off sounding like, "Eh, I don't have my gun. Oh well, I have my protractor!"

I carry everywhere. Even school! Missouri laws FTW :)

Umm no sir what it screams is I have something in mind even when I go to FEDERAL buildings where I am not allowed to carry firearms, STATE law be damned, even should I be forced to go thru TSA screening for some odd reason. It amazes me that others haven't thought of what they might do in similar circumstances.

01-03-2012, 09:22 PM
That's exactly what I said I thought you meant. You must have missed it here: "I think you meant to make the best out of any situation..."

I simply said that you made it sound the other way. Please read carefully.

And besides, better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6!

01-04-2012, 11:59 AM
Unfortunately some parts of Atlanta have become a war zone and this isn't the same town I grew up in....The campus of Georgia Tech is in downtown Atlanta and there have been so many street robberies of students of their wallets and cell phones that a group called students for concealed carry have been trying to get permission to legally CCW on campus but so far the University will not even hear of it....

I believe another reason that students are targeted other other than the BG knowing a student isn't armed is that most of them can't walk more than three feet without playing with their smart phones which gives the thugs pleanty of opportunity to sneek up and rob them before the students even know someone is following them...

Rule 1...Always be armed where it is legal to do so

Rule 2...Always be aware of what is going on around you at all times and be ready to react...

When I'm walking to my truck in a parking lot I always have my right hand in my pocket on my PM40 and my head on a swivel watching everyone around me just in case....Sure makes me feel better that way!

Situational awareness is a good thing.

01-04-2012, 12:18 PM
Since that guy came flying through the doors already shot once, it's hard to be an armchair quarterback and say 'if that was me I would have...'

The guy had a good 45 seconds or so to rethink his choices in life, that's my thoughts on it.

01-04-2012, 01:24 PM
I hope that was an example of gangs thinning out their ranks.
What do they swear during intitiation?.... "In by blood, out by blood"

01-04-2012, 08:04 PM
My original point is more along the line of a) situational awareness, and b) accessibility is as important as concealability. Lately I've been letting the concealability of pocket carry override the accessibility of IWB. I am now rethinking that and will revert, especially with the cold weather.

01-04-2012, 08:30 PM
If more than one come at you already drawn and ready unless you are Matt Dillon or Josey Wales you are probably in a world of hurt.. maybe the rifleman but if you watch he gets disarmed quite a bit. Then you could be J B Books...

IF I was worried about speed then I would open carry... oh wait I do that already.

HMMM guess it might be time to find a decent speed draw cowboy rig and a couple of SA revolvers. HHMM I think I'll opt for the Andrews Custom Leather Shootist rig modified for use with a couple of 5" 1875 2nd model Schofields in 45 Colt. Have em leave out a few bullet loops and add a couple of speed loader carriers. Then of course I may as well get a Winchester 1892 carbine in 45 Colt as well.

01-04-2012, 09:24 PM
Please don't miss my point. If you are shot in the back, yes you are shot, but if you can still get your gun and return fire at least you are doing something. Heck you may still die, but your assailant may not get off so easy.

In the case of the video neither assailant was shot. They had no need to back off and find cover or escape. Just maybe the victim could have lived. I'm not talking about the comic book lightening draw that gets both bad guys between the time they fire and the bullet hits you.

This is serious stuff and my goal is to get away from the trouble. I may get shot but hopefully not have a couple mags dropped into my body. I'm going back to my IWB because I know I can get to it and that at least offers me a couple points for defense.

01-04-2012, 10:44 PM
My original point is more along the line of a) situational awareness, and b) accessibility is as important as concealability. Lately I've been letting the concealability of pocket carry override the accessibility of IWB. I am now rethinking that and will revert, especially with the cold weather.


01-05-2012, 10:05 AM

Damn it! One more letter and I would have won too............

01-05-2012, 01:13 PM
Another Georgia Tech student was robbed at gunpoint last night except this time the thugs may have picked on the wrong guy I hope...His name is Jeffrey Portman who is the grandson of famous Atlanta architect John Portman...

Outside of Atlanta you probably haven't heard of John Portman but he designed most of the sky scrapers in the downtown area and even has a major street named after him here and is very well to do so maybe just maybe the Police will get off their duffs and do something and hopefully this will be the straw that broke the camels back and the Georgia Tech President will rethink the no firearms on campus rule....

TV Racin Fan said something about fighting back with a pencil or something but any Police Officer will tell you that resisting will most likely get you shot or killed and it's best to just give up your stuff which can be replaced rather than die trying to keep a cell phone or Ipad...So far only one student has been shot but he was lucky and the wound wasn't fatal but that may change with the next robbery...

This city is out of control and has gotten much worse since hurricane Katrina as many of the refugees that came here from New Orleans were drug dealing street gang bangers, punks and thugs and never went back home...The Atlanta Police spend the majority of their time writing up crime reports, busting bums for public intoxication or Jay walking and writing speeding tickets and not going after the real predators on the mean streets....

The people in this city and many others are on our own for protection and the Police are only there to write up what happened after the fact which is sad but true.... Sorry for the rant but I'm sick and tired of this crap....Does anyone know how to contact Clint Eastwood or Chuck Norris to come down here and clean the criminals out this town because God knows the Cops sure as he!! ain't getting it done!!!...:31:

01-05-2012, 01:28 PM
Another Georgia Tech student was robbed at gunpoint last night except this time the thugs may have picked on the wrong guy I hope...His name is Jeffrey Portman who is the grandson of famous Atlanta architect John Portman...

Outside of Atlanta you probably haven't heard of John Portman but he designed most of the sky scrapers in the downtown area and even has a major street named after him here and is very well to do so maybe just maybe the Police will get off their duffs and do something and hopefully this will be the straw that broke the camels back and the Georgia Tech President will rethink the no firearms on campus rule....

TV Racin Fan said something about fighting back with a pencil of something but any Police Officer will tell you that resisting will most likely get you shot or killed and it's best to just give up your stuff which can be replaced rather than die trying to keep a cell phone or Ipad...So far only one student has been shot but he was lucky and the wound wasn't fatal but that may change with the next robbery...

This city is out of control and has gotten much worse since hurricane Katrina as many of the refugees that came here from New Orleans were drug dealing street gang bangers, punks and thugs and never went back home...The Atlanta Police spend the majority of their time writing up crime reports, busting bums for public intoxication or Jay walking and writing speeding tickets and not going after the real predators on the mean streets....

The people in this city and many others are on our own for protection and the Police are only there to write up what happened after the fact which is sad but true.... Sorry for the rant but I'm sick and tired of this crap....Does anyone know how to contact Clint Eastwood or Chuck Norris to come down here and clean the criminals out this town because God knows the Cops sure as he!! ain't getting it done!!!...:31:

Clint Eastwood being 81 and Chuck Norris being 71..there has got to be better choices than that these days!:p

01-05-2012, 02:07 PM
Clint Eastwood being 81 and Chuck Norris being 71..there has got to be better choices than that these days!:p

I'm available and willing if you let me go my own way without limitations.

01-05-2012, 02:25 PM
THATS IT!!!, We can get you a spandex suit with matching cape, armor plate your chair, mount twin Ma Deuce .50 cals on top and triple charge the drive battery and turn you loose....We'll even come up with a theme song...I can hear it now....Bawanna Man, Bawanna Man Friendly neighborhood Bawanna Man, Spins his guns anytime, catchs thieves just like flys, Look out there goes Bawanna Man...:59:..:80:...

01-05-2012, 03:05 PM
THATS IT!!!, We can get you a spandex suit with matching cape, armor plate your chair, mount twin Ma Deuce .50 cals on top and triple charge the drive battery and turn you loose....We'll even come up with a theme song...I can hear it now....Bawanna Man, Bawanna Man Friendly neighborhood Bawanna Man, Spins his guns anytime, catchs thieves just like flys, Look out there goes Bawanna Man...:59:..:80:...

Warning though I "Profile" alot! An I'm always right. I kind of like your plan though. Won't need additional jail space, save society a lot of money.

I hope your saying Bawanna Man with GUSTO!

01-05-2012, 03:21 PM
Another Georgia Tech student was robbed at gunpoint last night except this time the thugs may have picked on the wrong guy I hope...His name is Jeffrey Portman who is the grandson of famous Atlanta architect John Portman...

Outside of Atlanta you probably haven't heard of John Portman but he designed most of the sky scrapers in the downtown area and even has a major street named after him here and is very well to do so maybe just maybe the Police will get off their duffs and do something and hopefully this will be the straw that broke the camels back and the Georgia Tech President will rethink the no firearms on campus rule....

TV Racin Fan said something about fighting back with a pencil or something but any Police Officer will tell you that resisting will most likely get you shot or killed and it's best to just give up your stuff which can be replaced rather than die trying to keep a cell phone or Ipad...So far only one student has been shot but he was lucky and the wound wasn't fatal but that may change with the next robbery...

This city is out of control and has gotten much worse since hurricane Katrina as many of the refugees that came here from New Orleans were drug dealing street gang bangers, punks and thugs and never went back home...The Atlanta Police spend the majority of their time writing up crime reports, busting bums for public intoxication or Jay walking and writing speeding tickets and not going after the real predators on the mean streets....

The people in this city and many others are on our own for protection and the Police are only there to write up what happened after the fact which is sad but true.... Sorry for the rant but I'm sick and tired of this crap....Does anyone know how to contact Clint Eastwood or Chuck Norris to come down here and clean the criminals out this town because God knows the Cops sure as he!! ain't getting it done!!!...:31:

Man! I got layed off from Georgia-Pacific and got out of there just in time back in Fall 2001. I'm so lucky! :o

01-05-2012, 03:33 PM
Clint Eastwood being 81 and Chuck Norris being 71..there has got to be better choices than that these days!:p

stayed young looking workin g out with Chrisite Brinkley:banplease: His blood was pumping before he ever got to the weightr bench..

IO could see that look in chucks eye, it was evidkent he wqanted her, oh wait, maybe that was my eye in the mirror looking back at me.:banplease:

01-05-2012, 03:45 PM
Georgia Tech students who wish to CC with state permit for protection should band together and walk into the school President/Regent office and DEMAND better security or the RIGHT to CC on campus. Occupy the office if necessary. Invite the press. Like it was done in the 1960's.

Pen and paper ain't gonna' do it.