View Full Version : John Law's New PM45 Range Report

John Law
01-03-2012, 10:16 PM
In one word FLAWLESS. Comparing the old gun to the new, it feels like they were made by two different manufacturers.
I did notice several things that were different:
First.. The New Guns slide was very smooth and the rounds appeared to chamber more easily also at less of an angle.
The Old Guns slide would close as if it was hanging up and then with a clunk, also the cartridge appeared to be angled more to the right.
Second.. The New Gun seems to have a lighter trigger, also when dry firing and taking up the slack, the trigger breaks with a very soft click. Hopefully this wont be an issue as the gun ages.
The Old gun had a slightly heavier trigger, when dry firing as the trigger broke it made a much louder click almost as if the spring was heavier. The trigger on the old gun felt more like my PM9. I did check to fired casings to be sure the striker had a good hit and there was a normal indentation on all the primers.
Third .. The magazines on the New gun were easier to load and stripped out the cartridges easier.
The Old Guns mags were difficult to load even with an Uplula. It was almost as if the flange on the top of the old mags was to tight or possibly not formed properly, visually they apperaed normal .
Fourth.. When I field stripped the New Gun I had no difficulty removing the barrel, the old gun was difficult, almost as if the tolerances were off. I also noticed that the feed ramp and the chamber on the old barrel were discoloring, it lost all the polished look and started getting a dull copper/ bronze color, that started happening after it came back from Kahrs first repair..
The ammunition I used today : ( Total Fired 80 rds)
Federal Champion, Winchester White Box, Speer Lawman, Federal American Eagle, all 230gr FMJ. I forgot to bring the Federal HST and Speer Gold Dot so that will be for another day.
I had absolutely no problem adjusting to the standard sights, I also found it easier to use than the night sights, so that turned out well also.
I apologize for the lengthy report, I just wanted to explain the differences I observed between the two guns. JL

01-04-2012, 05:28 AM
Glad to hear this one's working for you!

01-04-2012, 05:43 AM
Makes one wonder why they (Kahr) couldn't get it right the first time which holds true for all of their pistols.

Joe L
01-04-2012, 06:30 AM
great news, glad Kahr took care of you, finally.

01-04-2012, 07:14 AM

Now that Kahr has resolved your troubles, I have two questions.

1. Isn't the PM45 a ton-o-fun to shoot?
2. Was it worth the time and trouble you went through to get there?

John Law
01-04-2012, 07:27 AM
The PM45 has been my favorite pistol from day one, thats why even with all the problems I wouldnt let go until it was fixed. My thoughts were that if Kahr couldnt fix it after multiple tries I would have bought another one. If I would have remembered to bring the HST and Gold Dots yesterday and it functioned with them, I would already be carrying it today. I cant do that until Im sure it will feed those rounds which is my preferred carry ammunition.
So in answer to your questions, yes its a blast to shoot, it is light to carry, has low recoil and is very accurate. It was worth all the time and trouble. JL

01-04-2012, 08:18 AM
Congratulations John! I bet Kahr Arms has made many other changes to improve their guns by monituring this forum for owner feedback about necessary improvements. You and others here are like "unpaid consultants" for Kahr customer care and product design.:yo::cheer2:

John Law
01-04-2012, 08:42 AM
The one thing that is important to me and I am sure other members was that Kahr listenses when we have a problem, they spent a lot of time with me on the phone, several times. I know some may not agree with all their policies but its their rules, example, sending in a bad mag before they replace it. I have had problems with guns from S&W, Springfield and Ruger and I believe those companies have the best customer service, Kahr treated me equally as well. The only company I ever had a bad experience with multiple times was Taurus, because of that I will never buy another one of their products.
I hope Kahr does look at this forum, its a great heads up about what is happening with their products and how we fell about it. I know the Beretta reps and those from Diamondback check on those forums. I gotta end this, I'm starting to sound like an advertisement. JL