View Full Version : pm9 novak sights

01-04-2012, 11:09 AM
Anyone here have pics of a pm9 with novak rear sight? Thinking of doing that to mine.......

01-05-2012, 05:26 AM
Wow, no one has novaks on there kahrs.....online i only saw t9 with novaks.......lol

01-05-2012, 06:46 AM
The T9 and T40 are the only pistols Kahr offers as a manufacturers model standard with Novaks. If someone wanted Novaks on a PM9 they would have to have added them aftermarket, and there are allot of other sight options that most prefer (like Meprolights). I have a t9 and a t40 with novaks ... and a MK9 with mepro. Though the Novaks don't bother me, I prefer the latter.

01-05-2012, 06:54 AM
The T9 and T40 are the only pistols Kahr offers as a manufacturers model standard with Novaks. If someone wanted Novaks on a PM9 they would have to have added them aftermarket, and there are allot of other sight options that most prefer (like Meprolights). I have a t9 and a t40 with novaks ... and a MK9 with mepro. Though the Novaks don't bother me, I prefer the latter.

Novaks are good sight, but I prefer the meprolights too. I have mepro on my MK9 and am very pleased with them.