View Full Version : New Vs. Old Kahrs ?

01-04-2012, 12:38 PM
Hi, Happy New Year to all!

I am pretty new to Kahrs but am hooked. I bought a PM9 then decided I wanted a larger frame so I got a P45 (used) and ordered a P9.

I have seen a few messages here talk about "old" and "new" guns - but I couldn't find any refernce to when the change happened. Can anyone tell me what the fdiffewrences are or tell me when the change ocurred? Does it affect all models or just some? Thx

01-04-2012, 12:41 PM
Not sure when, but the difference is the snub nose slide on the old style vs the beveled nose slide on the new style. Old style uses a shorter guide rod/spring.

01-04-2012, 03:49 PM
Not positive, but I think the only model of the three you mentioned that is affected by the new V. old style is the P9. I think this occured around 2005 and mainly has to do with the sight's dove tail cuts and the slide release spring.

The other models that have new V. old parts are the K9 and T9. New style guns are marked with a dimple on the inside bottom of the slide, near the striker cavity.

01-04-2012, 04:49 PM
I have an MK40 Elite 03.
Presumably in 2003 the Elite gun changed?
I think the earlier version may have been Elite 98 (1998?) or something like that?
Unsure of the differences.
Had to be careful when buying mine to make sure I got the 03 version.

Also the Elite trigger became standard at some point I think?

I could be very wrong about this, just trying to remember my Kahr buying experience...

01-04-2012, 04:58 PM
There is also the design change of the slides. This change regards the beveled nose of the slides currently in production. The old slide has a blunt or squared nose (think Glock).

01-04-2012, 05:27 PM
OK thanks for the replies. Sounds like this isn't anything I need to worry about - I wasn't sure if the change happened more recently. Cheers!

01-04-2012, 05:52 PM
OK thanks for the replies. Sounds like this isn't anything I need to worry about - I wasn't sure if the change happened more recently. Cheers!
You need to know when you buy replacement recoil springs.

As for the Elite trigger, the pull is shorter. Most prefer it and it also cost extra at one time. Many owners want their Kahr triggers to be identical so there's that issue for you.

"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?" :)

01-04-2012, 06:24 PM
I think the change happened more recently...

The "old" pictures are still on the website as of recently (or maybe still as of now). I've got an "old" PM45 that is only slightly older than my "new" PM45... serial numbers not all that far apart (same prefix). So, I'm guessing that happened in 2009, 2008 maybe, since the new one was gotten new in spring of 2010 (just in from Kahr at the dealer).

The slides are a little longer, meaning longer barrels, longer recoil spring assemblies.
Its not likely you'd ever wear out or damage a barrel or slide, but if you have an older PM series with the more blunt nose, you might want to sock away an extra recoil spring assembly... not so much for the springs but for the components that make up the spring guides. Even that is questionable... since Kahr still offers both, and recoil spring components are a more or less wear item (they dont sell the springs by themselves), hence should be available for a long long time since the PM's are popular pistols. Push gets to shove, you "could" put a new barrel in an older slide by shortening it. Also the new barrel and slide together fit just fine on either frame.

So its basically a cosmetic non-issue - except - there is an older series of sights that have a slightly different cut in the slide. The PM45 was always made with the newer more standard cut, while the PM9 has newer and older style rear sight cuts. Just be aware of that if you ever order a replacement or aftermarket sight.

01-04-2012, 06:31 PM
when we really noticed any changes it was when they dropped the pm40 ANDpm9 OLD

01-04-2012, 07:06 PM
They all have 'elite' triggers now, correct?

01-05-2012, 05:59 AM
They all have 'elite' triggers now, correct?

Except for the K9 with a "C" suffix in the model number. All K9s had the longer trigger unless it was an Elite model. It has been reported that even the K9 now has the short trigger as standard. Several people have purchased new K9s and reported being disappointed that it still had the long trigger. Check the model number to be sure.

01-05-2012, 07:15 AM
and IMo for many who have K9 and who don't know if they hae either or or triggers then that tells me in my little mind that you really can't tell the difference. IMO takes a pretty damn good shooter to tell that 1/8" travel diswtance when ur pulling something that is exhibiting around 7# of trigger pressure even. I have always thought way to much to do has been said and done about the NYPD triger, course tha tis just me. I knowmy older used K9 has the NYPD trigger and I shot circles around my PM9 with elitie trigger AT ANY DISTANCE. both are so damn smooth that I certanly can't tell the difference..