View Full Version : Questioning my purchase...maybe

01-04-2012, 07:24 PM
Hi folks,
Have recently aquired a used CW 40 and took it to the range. Got 5 rounds through it and a round detonated before the weapon was fully into battery and blew the extractor, retaining pin, and spring about three lanes over. Sent the pistol back to Kahr. They kept it about 3 weeks and replaced the extractor and sent it back. No explanation or anything. Got about a hundred rounds through it and so far so good but I am really concerned as I have read a lot of bad reports since getting mine. Are there problems with this model or was my experience just bad luck with a used gun? I need some feedback if you will.

Thanks for your opinions in advance,

01-04-2012, 07:35 PM
Bought it used and Kahr fixed it for free or you had to pay?

I'd say just bad luck and/or one of the risks buying something used. Not that things don't happen to new guns, but at least you know the history.

Oh, and this is post number...

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01-04-2012, 07:37 PM
that almost sounds like a firing pin stuck in the "out" position. I would think if you shoot another 100 good the problem is fixed. Just a guess....

01-04-2012, 07:40 PM
Extreme lack of cleaning... poo in the striker channel.

FWIW, back a while ago... decades... S&W had a problem with its 39/59 series, when a LEO fired a round as the slide closed. Extreme lack of cleaning, firing pin stuck out... they made changes in the design that resulted in the firing pin lock (and looser fit pin). Kahr is not immune to poor upkeep.

01-04-2012, 07:51 PM
It couldn't have been sticking out too far though or there would have been a fail to chamber the round. Must have been just enough to strike the primer.

Dont ask me how I know a little about this but a hint is one time I had a 1911..........

01-04-2012, 08:16 PM
Thanks alot to you all. Hadnt thought about the striker channel. I'll make sure to keep it super clean and give it another 100 rounds and hope for the best. And yes Kahr did the repair at no charge even though I am not the original owner so I probably shouldn't complain. I just hated to wait three weeks for a gun that I just bought and couldn't wait to carry. Thanks again to you all for your reply.

01-04-2012, 08:35 PM
Jocko's non-chlorinated brake cleaner spritzed into the striker channel hole will keep that channel clean and moving freely.

Also there is the cleaning and lube sticky's that will keep it shooting good too.

01-05-2012, 05:17 PM
Thanks again. I had cleaned everything else in the pistol prior to my first trip to the range. I had not done any cleaning in the striker channel. I was told that you really should avoid getting anything in that channel ( oil, etc) that might retain dust or debris . Thanks yqtszhj I'll try the Jocko's. I'm feeling better about my purchase after all. I really like the way this pistol feels and shoots.:)

01-05-2012, 08:24 PM
After spraying it clean. push in the striker against the spring feeling for roughness. Make sure the pin moves freely. If it feels sticky I suggest you tear it down and clean it from scratch. Sometimes stuff is left in there during manufacture and clean it out once then only spray and it's good forever. Of course if it's smooth you're good to go.