View Full Version : PM9/CM9 concerns

01-06-2012, 10:31 AM
Hi, everyone,

Joined yesterday.

I own a stock Glock 19 and was considering a Glock 26 for carry.
However, I decided that a single stack would be easier to conceal
and I could possibly pocket carry.

Eliminating one gun after another, I ended up at Kahr PM9[/CM9].
I have spent many hours reading in this forum about the problems
with this weapon. I wonder, if buying a PM 9, that I might just be
buying a pocket full of problems.

I can’t believe the problems being discussed and looking at the
Sticky notes, they don’t seem to be isolated.

* A company that installs springs in their magazines backwards.
* Followers that ‘snag’ in the magazines
* Problems with springs and other internal parts.
* Having to polish here and sand there.

What kind of quality is that?

It seems that the manufacturing standards aren’t what they
should be.

I have watched YouTube videos and the gun performs as well
as I would expect, even long range. It makes me wonder how
many of those guns were stock or had needed repairs from the
get go.

Am I looking at all this backwards? :confused:

Happy New Year to all and thank you in advance for any replies. :yo:

01-06-2012, 10:34 AM
Contrary to the problems that you are reading on this website, being a manufacture forum. The PM9 is one of Kahr's most reliable pistols.

01-06-2012, 10:44 AM
Most PM9s and CM9s perform well right out of the box. Kahr guns are made to very close tolerances and a break in period of 200 rounds is recommended. I experienced a few FTEs and FTFs during the break in period, but my CM9 has been flawless ever since. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase another Kahr pistol.

01-06-2012, 10:47 AM
I can honestly say that with the exception of the 5 year old MacBook Pro I am using at this moment, I have never had a product be perfect out of the box. This would apply to 5 new boats, a brand new high end Mercedes Benz automobile as well as numerous other vehicles.

The modifications to this outstanding pocket pistol to make it "perfect" in my eyes are truly minor. Be mindful that on the Internet you will primarily read about perceived "issues" that products may have and not so much about the ones that are perfect out of the box. I research just about everything I purchase and have yet to find a product without complaints of some sort.

All I can leave you with is "caveat emptor."

Just my 2 cents.

01-06-2012, 11:23 AM
Thanks for this thread.
I am in exactly the same position.
XDm9c and Glock 19 and want smaller / pocket carry option.

but then I am also debating p380 vs cm9 ...

I am getting closer all the time to ordering a cm9...

01-06-2012, 11:42 AM
XDM9c owner here, ever since getting a Kahr it's been a nightstand gun. Love my Kahr's and both have been flawless.

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01-06-2012, 11:51 AM
LittleItch, there's really no gamble involved here. Most Kahrs are gonna just run fine out of the box as has been stated. We read mostly about the ones that don't here. If yours does not Kahr will take care of it. No ifs about it.

If anything short of perfection or you don't want to do the minimal things to make a good gun even better or the thought of sending your new gun away for a week or two drives you mad then it might not be a good choice for you.
I can't think of any that would be a good choice.

No gamble at all. I think you'll love it.

01-06-2012, 12:42 PM

Last year when I was looking for a smaller pistol for those times when my G27 was just a little too big, I bought the PM9 after some research and reading what was posted here.

If you re-check the various threads, I think you will find that CM9 owners seem to have more problems than PM9 owners.

The only problem that I've had were three, not all at once, magazines that split. Yes, this is ctitical but at least it happened on the range and not when it counted the most. I have a good number or rounds thru my current mags (5) and they have functioned as intended without further problem and NO, I didn't modify the followers or anything of that sort.

I didn't feel the need to "rack" the slide 500 times before I fired my PM9 either. :eek:

All of my mags came with the springs installed correctly. :D

Initial Range Report (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7755)

My PM9 is 100% reliable with all types of ammo that I've pur thru it and fits the purpose for which I bought it.

If you have checked, you have most likely have found that the PM9 MSRP is more than the CM9 but given the features of the PM9, I feel that the added cost is well worth it. ;)

Besides, you can't get an all black CM9 pistol which is what I wanted.

01-06-2012, 12:57 PM
I have a PM9 and a MK9; both of them have always worked flawlessly and their quality is excellent!

01-06-2012, 01:02 PM
but then I am also debating p380 vs cm9 ...

I am getting closer all the time to ordering a cm9...

I've got both, the CM9 and the P380. Although I prefer my G26, when I'm not carrying it I carry the CM9. I haven't carried the P380 in a long time.

01-06-2012, 01:24 PM
You must be very unlucky jimsea. I don't even remember the last car That had a problem, but it had to be years ago. I have had at least 10 - 12 new ones without a problem, including my current Prius and Boxter. Same with computers, TV's and all sorts of electronic equipment.

BTW, recent Mercedes are not known for perfect function.

As to guns, I have 15 pistols currently, most new and a couple used. Only three have given ANY problem, and oddly enough, all three were high line, short barrelled 1911's. The Kimber required better mags to function properly, the STI had to go back to the factory for a stronger recoil assy, and the 31 year old Detronics is at the factory now. However all my SIG's, S&W's, HK's, and Kahrs [three currently and one on the way] have worked 100% right out of the box, as have several others that were stolen or traded in the last couple of years.

01-06-2012, 01:31 PM
One thing to consider, Littleltch, is the internet effect. People are generally more likely to post about problems they are having with a gun (or computer, smartphone, car...) than a gun that has no issues. Personally, I have never had any issues with either my MK9 or PM9 that were not due to operator error (insufficient lubrication after sitting in a safe for 6 months).

01-06-2012, 02:07 PM

I am a G26 owner and bought a CM9 last September for a smaller pocket carry weapon.

The CM9 has been fired over 1200 times with all types of low and high power ammunition. The only modification was to pinch the magazine lips so that the magazine would fall easily.

I still shoot the Glock 26 MUCH more accurately. I can shoot the CM9 well enough for combat accuracy. Hickok45 can shoot the PM9 superbly and hits the gong at 80 yards.

NEVER have I had ANY failure with my Kahr! Or the Glock.

The CM9 works well for me (I sling shot every time without issue). It is my pocket carry.

Good luck,


01-06-2012, 02:14 PM
Hi, everyone,

Joined yesterday.

I own a stock Glock 19 and was considering a Glock 26 for carry.
However, I decided that a single stack would be easier to conceal
and I could possibly pocket carry.

Eliminating one gun after another, I ended up at Kahr PM9[/CM9].
I have spent many hours reading in this forum about the problems
with this weapon. I wonder, if buying a PM 9, that I might just be
buying a pocket full of problems.

I can’t believe the problems being discussed and looking at the
Sticky notes, they don’t seem to be isolated.

* A company that installs springs in their magazines backwards.
* Followers that ‘snag’ in the magazines
* Problems with springs and other internal parts.
* Having to polish here and sand there.

What kind of quality is that?

It seems that the manufacturing standards aren’t what they
should be.

I have watched YouTube videos and the gun performs as well
as I would expect, even long range. It makes me wonder how
many of those guns were stock or had needed repairs from the
get go.

Am I looking at all this backwards? :confused:

Happy New Year to all and thank you in advance for any replies. :yo:

I questioned the exact same as you did. I too have a stock Glock 19 and wanted a G26 BUT took a big gamble and picked up a CM9 after reading this forum. I experienced FTF and FTE. Spring in the magazine was correct and i did not do anytype of sanding to the gun nor mag. After 250 rounds, the gun has performed perfectly! I am happy with my kahr.

01-06-2012, 02:19 PM
I had a XD9SC and wanted something smaller summer of '10. I too did all the research and had my concerns about the Kahr initially; but when you compare it to the competition in its size and relative power, the PM9/CM9 wins hands down in my opinion. If in fact the CM9 has issues a little more often than the PM9 (and I'm not saying it does but some have alluded to that) then I think the extra you pay for the PM9 is more than worth it for the increased confidence and reliability. The PM9 is a dream to carry, even in FL with shorts and a t-shirt. Do the recommended break-in if you purchase, it's well worth the effort. No gun brand is 100% out of the box. I'm not convinced that the Kahr is any worse (and in fact I think it is better) than it's direct competitors. Good luck.

01-06-2012, 02:28 PM
I was going to address this fellas concerns but decided to just pass. u guys said it all perfectly well, just not gonna hold someone's hand to buy a gun. to many other brands out there and if one has doubts, just buy another brand from a forum that never has one issue or bad comment about their products.

01-06-2012, 02:35 PM
I was going to address this fellas concerns but decided to just pass. u guys said it all perfectly well, just not gonna hold someone's hand to buy a gun. to many other brands out there and if one has doubts, just buy another brand from a forum that never has one issue or bad comment about their products.

Your kind of grumpy today. More than usual I mean. Dang it another horse head for my collection I'm sure.

01-06-2012, 02:44 PM
I have a PM9 that shot FMJ ammo without a hiccup, but it would not shoot JHP ammo without the slide locking back. I sent it back, got it back, but haven't been able to shoot it yet to see if it was fixed. I will have to shoot a hundred, or so, more JHP's before I am satisfied that it is reliable to carry..It is not there yet..

01-06-2012, 02:58 PM
If you re-check the various threads, I think you will find that CM9 owners seem to have more problems than PM9 owners.

I"m not so sure that's true. I grant you it seems that way, but consider this.

When Kahr introduced the CM9, they hit a market sweet spot they'd never seen before. They have sold a TON of CM9s since they were introduced. I don't know the sales figures, but it wouldn't surprise me to hear that Kahr has sold more CM9s than they ever sold PM9s. The PM9 was always a premium price point gun.

Anyway, my actual point is that with the volume of CM9 sales, there are more customers and thus more issues. Put it like this: if Kahr never introduced the CM9 but instead dropped the price of the PM9 to where the CM9 is -- they would have sold as many PM9s as they've sold of the CM9. And then we'd be talking instead about PM9 owner issues.

I truly do believe the CM9 is the same quality as the PM9...it's just that more guns equals more issues.

01-06-2012, 03:11 PM
You must be very unlucky jimsea. I don't even remember the last car That had a problem.........

Maybe a little unlucky but sounds like you have been very lucky with cars. First new Mercedes had electrical gremlins even the factory couldn't figure out. Dealer eventually took it back and gave us a 3 model year newer new car of our choice on an even exchange. That one developed oil leaks and other constant but minor problems. I have considered that maybe my expectations are too high. lol

................Don't even get me started on 2004-2010 Ford F150s. :eek:

01-06-2012, 03:17 PM
Your kind of grumpy today. More than usual I mean. Dang it another horse head for my collection I'm sure.


01-06-2012, 03:31 PM
I"m not so sure that's true. I grant you it seems that way, but consider this.

When Kahr introduced the CM9, they hit a market sweet spot they'd never seen before. They have sold a TON of CM9s since they were introduced. I don't know the sales figures, but it wouldn't surprise me to hear that Kahr has sold more CM9s than they ever sold PM9s. The PM9 was always a premium price point gun.

Anyway, my actual point is that with the volume of CM9 sales, there are more customers and thus more issues. Put it like this: if Kahr never introduced the CM9 but instead dropped the price of the PM9 to where the CM9 is -- they would have sold as many PM9s as they've sold of the CM9. And then we'd be talking instead about PM9 owner issues.

I truly do believe the CM9 is the same quality as the PM9...it's just that more guns equals more issues.

That certainly is another way of looking at it.
I'm still glad that I bought the PM9 instead. ;)

01-06-2012, 03:46 PM
I would suspect we have over a 100K of PM9 floating around out there to, and at least in the past few years this has been a bell-weather kahr. It went through teethingt issues also like it seems any new model seems to go through. I think the cm9 has been ever more "teething" issue free as this is basicaly a PM9 gun, in all mfg-ering degree, Internals are all the same screw what the outside looks like that really has no concern towards funtionality. some if not most of the cm9 issues have been able to be worked out on this forum to

I mght be putting the cart way before the horse here but this splitting magazine thinbg that we have seen alof of in the past year, seems to be slowing down alof. It takes time but just maybe kahr is getting a handle on this irritating issue to. Sure more will pop up as we have to to many guns out there maybe with faulty mags, but lately withall the new guns being bought this has not been discussed alot..

01-06-2012, 03:47 PM
My CM9 has worked flawlessly with the factory 6 round magazines. The only issue I have had is with a PROMAG 7 round aftermarket magazine. It stovepipes the first round every time.

01-06-2012, 03:53 PM
screw that promag, stick with kahr mags, and even then stick witht he fluh fit 6 round mag, screw those butt ugly 7 round kahr mags. My thoughts are if u wanted a 7 rund gun u should have vbought a cw9 with a flush fit 7 rd magazine.

01-06-2012, 04:17 PM
That certainly is another way of looking at it.
I'm still glad that I bought the PM9 instead. ;)

Me too!

01-06-2012, 05:17 PM
My CM9 is performing perfectly. Let me make it clear. The CM9 and the PM9 are the SAME GUN functionally, and all internal parts are the same. The ONLY reason to drop $200-300 more for a PM9 is if you have to have the black slide and the night sights. Nothing wrong with that. Get what you want. But if the stainless slide and standard sights are to your liking, you have been fooled if you think a PM9 equipped that way is in any way superior in quality or more reliable than a CM9. I am tired of the PM9 owners insinuating this to justify their wallets being that much lighter, and misleading newbies still trying to decide on a gun. 'Nuff already with the class warfare! :mad:

And I'll tell you something else. There isn't a PM9 in the world that is this pretty! :D


01-06-2012, 05:23 PM
Sorry jfootin but you're wrong and I'm sick of CM9 owners thinking they got a PM9 for $200 less. Enjoy your plastic sights.

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01-06-2012, 05:30 PM
Buy it. You will not regret it.

Had a CW9 and it was flawless for probably 1000 rounds. Traded it in on a CM9 that has 700+ flawless rounds through it.

I still miss the CW9 though. I should have kept both.

01-06-2012, 05:35 PM
Sorry jfootin but you're wrong and I'm sick of CM9 owners thinking they got a PM9 for $200 less. Enjoy your plastic sights.

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My plastic sight is working just fine. I haven't seen a single report about the sight breaking or falling off on a CM9. Have you? Every standard Glock has plastic sights. Some people get other sights, but a lot more keep them. Are Glocks junk? And where is any evidence of a fundamental difference in the quality of the internals, the core gun? As jocko said, the difference is only cosmetic. Are you saying jocko is wrong, too? You can be a real jerk sometimes, Thunder. Tell newbies you are pleased with your PM9, but stop telling them that CM9s are junk! That's not just wrong, it's a LIE!

01-06-2012, 05:49 PM
Hows about we just all be happy that we have a quality firearm that we like.

"Can't we all just get along?"

01-06-2012, 06:04 PM
This is deteriorating badly. Buy what you want and enjoy it.

01-06-2012, 06:07 PM
Your kind of grumpy today. More than usual I mean. Dang it another horse head for my collection I'm sure.

Were going to have to change Jocko's name to Grumpy1. Whoops, I think I just made his excrement list.

Dirt doc
01-06-2012, 06:11 PM
I only have experience with the PM9 I own. It has functioned 100% since it's first visit to the range. It is accurate, comfortable to carry and has never been back to Kahr.

Nope its not for sale!

Dirt doc

01-06-2012, 06:13 PM
Boys, boys, lets play nice. Don't make me pull my 1911. :)

01-06-2012, 06:19 PM
I can't recall anyone saying the CM9 is junk but I can recall people basically saying that the PM9 is a waste of money.
I believe the CM9 is just as good as the PM9 in terms of functionality but there are differences and they are not just cosmetic. Those differences cost more from a materials/manufacturing standpoint. I can understand why some people think those differences are not worth the price and they are not wrong. I can also understand why some of us think they are worth the price and we are not wrong either.
The way I look at it, a quality firearm will easily last a lifetime for most people and will probably even be able to be passed down to the next generation. There are not many things in life you can say that about. So paying $600 for a Kahr doesn't seem like too much to me.
If saving money is what makes you happy then get the CM9. If the material and cosmetic differences make you feel better about the purchase, go with the PM9 cause you'll be living with it for a long time (assuming you don't decide to sell it for some reason).
I say to the OP, buy either one and you'll be fine. Read about the differences. Look at and handle both and go with the one that calls your name.

01-06-2012, 06:29 PM
My plastic sight is working just fine. I haven't seen a single report about the sight breaking or falling off on a CM9. Have you?

You can be a real jerk sometimes, Thunder. Tell newbies you are pleased with your PM9, but stop telling them that CM9s are junk! That's not just wrong, it's a LIE!

Me, a jerk? On the contrary pal... I'm so sick of some CM9 owners pumping their chest and basically saying PM9 owners wasted their money. It's funny how you can make post after post how the CM9 is equal to the PM9 (lie), yet I point out a FACT on one difference and I'm a jerk, whatever.

YES, I have heard of CM9 sights breaking off, quite often actually. Search the site, there's reports of it right here.

I for one never said the CM9 was junk, EVER... I'd be happy to own a CM9 in fact, but I have no reason to buy one at this point.

Stop trying to come across like I'm saying things I never have... your reading comprehension isn't my problem.

I'm pointing out facts so people can make an educated decision, maybe someone doesn't know the CM9 sights are plastic and it's a deal breaker. Maybe the machining and attention to detail, or the polygonal barrel on the PM9 is something they prefer.

If you think those items make your CM9 junk, then so be it - but those would be your words, not mine.

01-06-2012, 07:13 PM
Me, a jerk? On the contrary pal... I'm so sick of some CM9 owners pumping their chest and basically saying PM9 owners wasted their money. It's funny how you can make post after post how the CM9 is equal to the PM9 (lie), yet I point out a FACT on one difference and I'm a jerk, whatever.

YES, I have heard of CM9 sights breaking off, quite often actually. Search the site, there's reports of it right here.

I for one never said the CM9 was junk, EVER... I'd be happy to own a CM9 in fact, but I have no reason to buy one at this point.

Stop trying to come across like I'm saying things I never have... your reading comprehension isn't my problem.

I'm pointing out facts so people can make an educated decision, maybe someone doesn't know the CM9 sights are plastic and it's a deal breaker. Maybe the machining and attention to detail, or the polygonal barrel on the PM9 is something they prefer.

If you think those items make your CM9 junk, then so be it - but those would be your words, not mine.

I'm sorry, Thunder. I lost my cool a bit. It wasn't necessarily you, but others saying things like CM9s have more issues, not taking into account how many, many more CM9s are currently being sold than PM9s. And cudos to PM9s, because that seasoned and perfected design is the reason that the CM9 has had such a successful and trouble free release. They both are fine guns.

01-06-2012, 07:23 PM
Well crap I leave you guys alone for a half hour dinner break and we almost resort to fisti cuffs! Sweet Mary and Joseph guys. Name calling. Your lucky I don't send ya to your room, and not your gun room.

Now I'm back in the ring and I want a good clean fight. No hitting below the handle bars on the walker, no using the cane and a bludgeon. Hair pulling if you have any is highly encouraged. ***** twisters a ok. Wedgies to be avoided.

All right, go to a neutral corner and come out with your dukes up when the bell rings.

Wonder how long yall will wait if I don't ring the bell? Hmmmm.

01-06-2012, 07:29 PM
I'm sorry, Thunder. I lost my cool a bit.

It takes a big man to say that. Kudos, JFootin

01-06-2012, 07:41 PM
Cut me Mick.

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01-06-2012, 08:19 PM
Now, Now boys! Keep it clean!

The original post was concerning the quality of the PM9/CM9 as I am considering
purchasing one, most likely the PM9.

I believe that throughout the replies I have found the answer to my question.

I want to thank all of you who responded.

01-06-2012, 08:25 PM
Sorry, I get a little defensive sometimes. :)

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01-06-2012, 08:48 PM
OK group hug in the shower tonight! Or NOT.

01-06-2012, 09:00 PM
Maybe a little unlucky but sounds like you have been very lucky with cars. First new Mercedes had electrical gremlins even the factory couldn't figure out. Dealer eventually took it back and gave us a 3 model year newer new car of our choice on an even exchange. That one developed oil leaks and other constant but minor problems. I have considered that maybe my expectations are too high. lol

................Don't even get me started on 2004-2010 Ford F150s. :eek:

Yeah, you hit the nail right on the head. Mercedes over reached a bit for 2 or 3 years with their electronic gismos, as you discovered. The oil leaks aren't common, however. Sorry for the problems and I hope it worked out.

01-07-2012, 07:02 AM
I too very recently went through the phase of trying to decide which one to purchase and ended up on the CM9. I just didn't think the extra dollars were worth it for me, at this time, for what I wanted. I've had my CM9 for 2 weeks now and love it. I only had time to shoot it once since then and only had time for 50 rounds. The gun handled perfectly with no issues whatsoever. I loved shooting the gun and it was very accurate given it's size. I love the size and I love carrying it. I don't begrudge anyone who decides to go the extra if they think it's worth it for them. I enjoyed this thread and commend everyone for returning to civility! We all have a great passion for this hobby/love/whatever or we wouldn't be here and everyone's opinion is welcome, IMHO. Thanks. Steve

01-07-2012, 07:42 AM
Hi, everyone,

Joined yesterday.

I own a stock Glock 19 and was considering a Glock 26 for carry.
However, I decided that a single stack would be easier to conceal
and I could possibly pocket carry.

Eliminating one gun after another, I ended up at Kahr PM9[/CM9].
I have spent many hours reading in this forum about the problems
with this weapon. I wonder, if buying a PM 9, that I might just be
buying a pocket full of problems.

I can’t believe the problems being discussed and looking at the
Sticky notes, they don’t seem to be isolated.

* A company that installs springs in their magazines backwards.
* Followers that ‘snag’ in the magazines
* Problems with springs and other internal parts.
* Having to polish here and sand there.

What kind of quality is that?

It seems that the manufacturing standards aren’t what they
should be.

I have watched YouTube videos and the gun performs as well
as I would expect, even long range. It makes me wonder how
many of those guns were stock or had needed repairs from the
get go.

Am I looking at all this backwards? :confused:

Happy New Year to all and thank you in advance for any replies. :yo:

The only issue I had with my CM9 I purchased in late Sept 2011 was that the recoil spring is VERY strong, making the little gun hard to rack the slide and requiring a very firm, stiff grip when shooting to ensure that the slide locks back following the last round. Once I got used to the gun, and had about 250 rounds through it this issue disappeared. Note that I call this an ISSUE and not a PROBLEM.

It is true that the magazines do not drop free when the mag release is activated, but that is no concern for me as I have heard of some guns having magazines drop free when not intended. I'd rather be sure I get the six rounds fired rather than have the mag drop out unintentionally. And if I can't get "the job" done in six rounds, and am still standing there in the open and not buying time behind cover, I probably deserve to be shot.

01-07-2012, 08:55 AM
Hi, everyone,

Joined yesterday.

I own a stock Glock 19 and was considering a Glock 26 for carry.
However, I decided that a single stack would be easier to conceal
and I could possibly pocket carry.

Eliminating one gun after another, I ended up at Kahr PM9[/CM9].
I have spent many hours reading in this forum about the problems
with this weapon. I wonder, if buying a PM 9, that I might just be
buying a pocket full of problems.

I can’t believe the problems being discussed and looking at the
Sticky notes, they don’t seem to be isolated.

* A company that installs springs in their magazines backwards.
* Followers that ‘snag’ in the magazines
* Problems with springs and other internal parts.
* Having to polish here and sand there.

What kind of quality is that?

It seems that the manufacturing standards aren’t what they
should be.

I have watched YouTube videos and the gun performs as well
as I would expect, even long range. It makes me wonder how
many of those guns were stock or had needed repairs from the
get go.

Am I looking at all this backwards? :confused:

Happy New Year to all and thank you in advance for any replies. :yo:Each story is but one data point...sometimes repeated over and over via aggressive posting. If you have some DIY skills, own a dremel and some files, you are ready for the worst. You probably won't need them.
Be sure you like a real long trigger pull and that the ergonomics are sympatico with your hand. Try one at the range, then decide.

01-07-2012, 09:21 AM
I'm sorry, Thunder. I lost my cool a bit. It wasn't necessarily you, but others saying things like CM9s have more issues, not taking into account how many, many more CM9s are currently being sold than PM9s. And cudos to PM9s, because that seasoned and perfected design is the reason that the CM9 has had such a successful and trouble free release. They both are fine guns.All the talk of which model sells more is just speculative talk. NO one here knows, Kahr doesn't release sales figures by month. When discussing the price difference, let's not forget that the PM9 comes with two mags. Shoot before you buy.

If you can wait about three months, Sig is introducing a 9mm P938 similar to its P238 380. By then, the design of the extractor on the Beretta Nano will be addressed and give you yet another option. A better one in my opinion. If you can live with a 380, check at the Sig P238.

01-07-2012, 07:05 PM
I bought a NIB PM9 from one of my local gun shops and although I barely have 300 rounds through it the pistol has been flawless in function and fit from day one other than having a spring backwards in a magazine and a premature slide lock which was apparently my grip because its had 100+ flawless rounds since. Me personally I love mine and its sure looking like its going to be a gun that stays with me the rest of my days.

01-07-2012, 07:12 PM
BTW I too was hesitant after reading some stuff online and it being my first Kahr. Bit the bullet and bought one and wow I'm glad I did. WWB and Hornady critical defense has worked well and I'm wanting to try some others as well.

01-08-2012, 06:23 PM
Jfootin....I like your mirror polished CM9..........:D

01-08-2012, 07:03 PM
Jfootin....I like your mirror polished CM9..........:D

Hey Pappy, and welcome to the forum! Yeah, I've got the best looking CM9 in the world! :D And it performs as slick as it looks. A real quality gun. Do you own one?