View Full Version : blew it with TSA

01-06-2012, 12:08 PM
Was at terminal to check my firearm and realized I did not bring my lock for the gun case. I ran to a luggage shop in the terminal but could not find one to fit. I ran the gun back to my car and let my wife go ahead w the luggage. When in the parking lot, I realized the ammo was still in my luggage. I ran back trying to call her but when I got to the tsa line, I started frantically calling her name. The leo there got concerned and was really watching me. I could not get my wifes attention so I started taking off my belt shoes ect before I was in line to do so. I wanted to get to her as fast as possible because I knew there would b a problem and did not want her to pay for my mistake. Long story short,TSA took my 7 rnds my info and told me that I will b fined for this. How much they could not say but I heard someone say $250 per round and I am in their files. Anyone know what I am in for?

01-06-2012, 12:35 PM
I can't imagine it would be any different than a forgotten pair of finger nail clippers. Who ever said 250 dollars probably didn't have a clue what they were talking about. But I don't think you get your name on a list for finger nail clippers either. My family tells me they are very lucky I don't fly.

I'm studying to be a Wal Mart greeter as the judge ruled yesterday that they can build one in my town. I'm hoping to get on early and be the construction gate greeter to the workers while they build the building.

The only downfall is I'll probably have to be in the same classroom as the TSA wannabes while I'm learning to tell say Welcome to Walmart, get your **** and get out.

Hmmm, I thought we could say ****? Excrement?

01-06-2012, 12:44 PM
I sorry to hear about that. I am sure you will not make the same mistake again.

01-06-2012, 01:29 PM
I can't imagine it would be any different than a forgotten pair of finger nail clippers. Who ever said 250 dollars probably didn't have a clue what they were talking about. But I don't think you get your name on a list for finger nail clippers either. My family tells me they are very lucky I don't fly.

I'm studying to be a Wal Mart greeter as the judge ruled yesterday that they can build one in my town. I'm hoping to get on early and be the construction gate greeter to the workers while they build the building.

The only downfall is I'll probably have to be in the same classroom as the TSA wannabes while I'm learning to tell say Welcome to Walmart, get your **** and get out.

Hmmm, I thought we could say ****? Excrement?

I doubt that you will have any problem with wannabes. Walmart standards are far higher than the TSA.

01-06-2012, 02:05 PM
This is a true story that happened to a man named Greg Reveil in 2005...It shows just how bad things can get when TSA gets involved and how difficult flying anywhere is today...

Greg booked a flight from Salt Lake City Utah to Allentown Pa...The was no direct flight so he had to change planes in Newark to continue on to Allentown...

Greg had a 9mm Glock in a locked case and ammo in another locked case in his locked luggage and he advised the ticket agent in Salt Lake and everything went well at first but there were weather delays at both Salt Lake and when landing at Newark so the flight got in late and he missed the last flight on to his final destination Allentown...

Now things started to go wrong...Due to the snow storm the airline wasn't sure they could guarantee a flight to Allentown the next morning and arranged for a bus to take the passengers on to Allentown that night so Greg decided thats what he would do...Now strike two happens...His luggage with the gun inside didn't make it out to the bus so he got off and went back into the airport baggage claim and found his bag there but by the time he got back out to the bus it had already left so he was stuck at the airport holding his bag...

Greg decides to take a taxi to a motel and come back to the airport in the morning to see if the flight to Allentown would make it....Greg spends the night and sure enough the flight would be on time to Allentown so he goes to the ticket counter to check his luggage and tells the agent the bag had his Glock and ammo locked inside like he was legally supposed to do and thats when the chit hit the fan...

The airline alerted the TSA about the gun in the bag and the Police were called and Greg Reveil was arrested for being in possesion of a handgun without a New Jersey gun permit and no amount of trying to explain the situation would work....Greg spent 10 days in the Newark jail before posting bail all for trying to do the correct legal thing....This happened in 2005 and Greg didn't get his Glock back until 3 years later in 2008...

Thanks TSA for keeping us safe...If I ever have to fly and need a handgun on the other end I'll Fed-Ex it...Flying now is hard enough already without trying to do it with a pistol...

01-06-2012, 02:15 PM
My boss got cauught with full magazine, no pistol.... And no fine.

01-06-2012, 02:40 PM
knkali- look on the bright side, you probably gave that TSA agent the biggest bust he's had in his entire career. I can seem em talking it up in the break room. Yeah I groped a hotty today, got lucky on the random selection. Oh yeah well I found a warrior with 7 bullets in his bag. I laid the riot act on him to by golly.
Hey can you cover the last hour of my shift I gotta work early greeting at Wal Mart.

Longitude Zero
01-06-2012, 02:46 PM
The bad thing here is that you and your wifes names will be in various federal databases FOREVER.

01-06-2012, 02:48 PM
The bad thing here is that you and your wifes names will be in various federal databases FOREVER.

I doubt it will even get that far but I'm sure federal databases are so huge and vast that it might be a good place to be lost in the system.

Longitude Zero
01-06-2012, 02:54 PM
For those that don't know over 75% of all folks who fly everyday have their names washed thru the terroroist watch list AND the TSA watchlist. Why do you think you have to give up all your information at booking??? By the end of 2013 ALL folks who fly will be checked. On all International and Dometic flights that takeoff or land in the USA or its possessions.

If you are EVER required to give TSA your information for any infraction your name will pop up everytime you fly. A neighbor maintains the network that TSA , among others use to storehouse the infor. When it comes to flying and databases you ignore that reality at your peril.

01-06-2012, 03:13 PM
I never fly but I bet I'm probably on the list anyhow. I think when Jocko airmails horse heads to me they record the destination so anytime I try to fly or buy hay my name would pop up.

I use federal databases every day and they are for sure real, I don't question that. They are also subject to error since humans enter the data.
Best to stay off the list if at all possible but we're reaching a point where everyone is gonna be on the list. Can't be avoided.

They probably have a list of people that aren't on any list and figure that's suspicious.

01-06-2012, 03:29 PM
I gotta believe that all members of any gun forum are on some kind of watch list somewhere....Remember, being paranoid doesn't mean Big Brother isn't watching!...:photo:

Longitude Zero
01-06-2012, 03:36 PM
I feel/beleive that TSA is a joke and there are other ways to achieve what they do in a less than intrusive manner. After seeing how they can trash folks lives I don't know what scares me more the TSA or the IRS.

01-06-2012, 04:04 PM
We flew to SW Colorado on Dec. 22nd and returned on the 28th. My PM45 was in a combination-locked mini-safe that was cabled to the spines of the luggage. I had a chamber lock with that threaded through the cable that was anchored inside the "safe". I had to show that both times... going and returning... and my bag was opened by TSA both times. We got back before 10PM the 28th but our luggage didn't make it back until 11PM and was delivered to our house at 02:30 AM. Everything was okay!
I put my ammo in one of those waterproof cases... just my magazines and carry ammo... unlocked, but the PM45 was doubly locked.

The young guy at Durango Airport wanted to put the declaration Tag INSIDE the safe, but I told him that wasn't how it was done the last time. He went and checked and said to leave it next to or between the safe and the ammo box.

We had lots of delays for crew rest and weather... spent the first night in Denver at the Marriott... not free, but good discount... had a great meal at the hotel and got back on our way to Durango early the next morning... MUCH better than loitering about the airport overnight.

I won enough money to cover the hotel and meal ~ $230 when we went to the Indian Casino in Ignacio, CO. I won $300 on a penny machine covering everything... $5 a pop... while waiting for my wife to get her player's card. That was on the free $10 for play on the player's card. I left the casino $245 ahead. Well, enough about me.

You really need to think about everything in advance and have all of "your ducks lined up". TSA has no sense of humor. My first trip with Boomer went well, but I worried that he might get stolen.


01-06-2012, 04:10 PM
I never fly but I bet I'm probably on the list anyhow. I think when Jocko airmails horse heads to me they record the destination so anytime I try to fly or buy hay my name would pop up.

I use federal databases every day and they are for sure real, I don't question that. They are also subject to error since humans enter the data.
Best to stay off the list if at all possible but we're reaching a point where everyone is gonna be on the list. Can't be avoided.

They probably have a list of people that aren't on any list and figure that's suspicious.

know great one when u get a horsehead from ol jocko, his hay eating days are done over with:blah::blah:

01-06-2012, 04:20 PM
I was on my phone before... so more info on the bossman...

He had driven back from someplace, had his pistol unloaded in luggage, magazine in another piece, had to fly out unexpectedly... grabbed still packed luggage... and the rest is history. He got nabbed immediately, and TSA called the local LEO's who took him into custody into the TSA "room". He told them the story, produced his CWP, they took the magazine and rounds, he got back in line and made his flight. That was it.

I gotta say though, my boss looks like a total mensch, grey haired unassuming, live by your ********** mensch. He's also a great guy, one of the best folks I ever worked for (he's #2). I think his totally unassuming looks saved him though.

edit- *********** B l ack B err y is a bad word? Whats this place coming to!

01-06-2012, 04:26 PM
know great one when u get a horsehead from ol jocko, his hay eating days are done over with:blah::blah:

I have a couple horses that your people haven't gotten a hold of yet. They still need to eat and they are worse than boys when it comes to vittle expenses.

01-06-2012, 05:43 PM
I hate flying and New Jersey. That's all I have to say about.

And looking at the TSA while I was in the latest airport dropping someone off I thought these guys don't look like any "Security Agency." I bet you don't see "security" like that at an airport in Israel. That's all I have to say about that too.

01-06-2012, 06:20 PM
Was at terminal to check my firearm and realized I did not bring my lock for the gun case. I ran to a luggage shop in the terminal but could not find one to fit. I ran the gun back to my car and let my wife go ahead w the luggage. When in the parking lot, I realized the ammo was still in my luggage. I ran back trying to call her but when I got to the tsa line, I started frantically calling her name. The leo there got concerned and was really watching me. I could not get my wifes attention so I started taking off my belt shoes ect before I was in line to do so. I wanted to get to her as fast as possible because I knew there would b a problem and did not want her to pay for my mistake. Long story short,TSA took my 7 rnds my info and told me that I will b fined for this. How much they could not say but I heard someone say $250 per round and I am in their files. Anyone know what I am in for?

Most likely nothing more than a lecture. Freaking out in line certainly didn't help but despite tales to the contrary most TSA folk, at least at major airports, are reasonable about honest mistakes that don't involve actual weapons or explosives. I would keep an attorney handy, though....just in case.

01-06-2012, 06:37 PM
Well, I have no one to blame but myself. Thanks guys for your support

01-06-2012, 07:09 PM
Don't beat yourself up over it. It happens. I've been caught twice with prohibited items since air travel all went to hell after 9/11. Both times were just after a road trip vacation and both times I thought I'd sanitized my luggage before getting back on the business road. One was a speed strip with five rounds of .38 in a bottom corner of my briefcase and one was a 3 1/2 inch Benchmade folder in a pocket of my carry-on suitcase. They were crankier about the ammunition than the knife....let me keep that and put it in a mailer....but neither tuned into a really big deal.

01-06-2012, 08:43 PM
I bet you don't see "security" like that at an airport in Israel.

Actually, you do. The folks they use to do security screenings, check your luggage, etc, look pretty much the same in the US, Israel, Turkey, UK...

In the Tel Aviv airport, it's the security that you DON'T see that is the serious business.

01-06-2012, 08:53 PM
We flew to SW Colorado on Dec. 22nd and returned on the 28th. My PM45 was in a combination-locked mini-safe that was cabled to the spines of the luggage. I had a chamber lock with that threaded through the cable that was anchored inside the "safe". I had to show that both times... going and returning... and my bag was opened by TSA both times. We got back before 10PM the 28th but our luggage didn't make it back until 11PM and was delivered to our house at 02:30 AM. Everything was okay!
I put my ammo in one of those waterproof cases... just my magazines and carry ammo... unlocked, but the PM45 was doubly locked.

The young guy at Durango Airport wanted to put the declaration Tag INSIDE the safe, but I told him that wasn't how it was done the last time. He went and checked and said to leave it next to or between the safe and the ammo box.

We had lots of delays for crew rest and weather... spent the first night in Denver at the Marriott... not free, but good discount... had a great meal at the hotel and got back on our way to Durango early the next morning... MUCH better than loitering about the airport overnight.

I won enough money to cover the hotel and meal ~ $230 when we went to the Indian Casino in Ignacio, CO. I won $300 on a penny machine covering everything... $5 a pop... while waiting for my wife to get her player's card. That was on the free $10 for play on the player's card. I left the casino $245 ahead. Well, enough about me.

You really need to think about everything in advance and have all of "your ducks lined up". TSA has no sense of humor. My first trip with Boomer went well, but I worried that he might get stolen.


Great idea for a locking system.

01-06-2012, 09:02 PM
Actually, you do. The folks they use to do security screenings, check your luggage, etc, look pretty much the same in the US, Israel, Turkey, UK...

In the Tel Aviv airport, it's the security that you DON'T see that is the serious business.

Interesting. I was thinking about the unprofessional appearance. I went through Hong Kong in the mid-80's and their security looked wound tight like police and para-military. Oh, they carried Uzi's too.

Although in the TSA's defense on one thing, I think that if I delt with the public all day I could get a little cranky. :mad:

01-06-2012, 09:18 PM
Understand that other than doctors we don't get out much. Haven't flown or even left CA since 1987. I know most folks do some travel even to other states but hard for me to figure why take your gun. I can see if you are going to stay for a month in a state that's friendly and honors your permit, but I read about going for a week or less. Is it really worth the hassle?

01-06-2012, 10:15 PM
I wanted to show off my PM45 and shoot it at our family get-together on Christmas Day. I carried it about the property, but decided against carrying it to visit the other relatives... with hugging and such, I didn't need the extra lumps... mag carrier and all... just carried my Fast Draw Gerber.

We only do this about once every two years, but I'll plan on taking something every time... if nothing else, just to show and shoot. I did leave some .45 FMJ there for the next time. I would rather drive and take EVERYTHING with me.


01-07-2012, 12:18 AM
Don't beat yourself up over it. It happens. I've been caught twice with prohibited items since air travel all went to hell after 9/11. Both times were just after a road trip vacation and both times I thought I'd sanitized my luggage before getting back on the business road. One was a speed strip with five rounds of .38 in a bottom corner of my briefcase and one was a 3 1/2 inch Benchmade folder in a pocket of my carry-on suitcase. They were crankier about the ammunition than the knife....let me keep that and put it in a mailer....but neither tuned into a really big deal.

Thanks for the kind words. Since they took photos of my id, permit, ammo, and took down all my info, I exxpect something in the mail. I did a search on the net and it seems a civil penalty is given.

01-07-2012, 08:41 AM
I would rather drive and take EVERYTHING with me.


Exactly! Of course, next thing you know they are going to have TSA security stations along the interstate highways, sort of like truck weigh stations with all vehicles required to stop—even motorcycles. Except these will never be closed.

01-07-2012, 11:00 AM
I wanted to show off my PM45 and shoot it at our family get-together on Christmas Day. I carried it about the property, but decided against carrying it to visit the other relatives... with hugging and such, I didn't need the extra lumps... mag carrier and all... just carried my Fast Draw Gerber.

We only do this about once every two years, but I'll plan on taking something every time... if nothing else, just to show and shoot. I did leave some .45 FMJ there for the next time. I would rather drive and take EVERYTHING with me.


If my relatives didn't feel extra lumps on me they'd think something was wrong with me. They usually even pat down my legs to make sure my ankle guns in place.

Excellent point to yqtszhj. Dealing with the public, especially people who are basically ticked of and frazzled to begin with can make you very very hard.
Just like many other professions there are many that just don't fit in as TSA agents. I certainly wouldn't want the job although I'm still excited to maybe become a mindless Wal Mart door greeter. I think it's a good fit for me.

01-07-2012, 04:27 PM
Thanks for the kind words. Since they took photos of my id, permit, ammo, and took down all my info, I exxpect something in the mail. I did a search on the net and it seems a civil penalty is given.

Yeah, possibly. Problem is it got turned into a visible incident with LE attention, if I read you correctly, instead of a quiet conversation with a TSA secondary screener where he/she could use discretion. I still wouldn't worry too much about it unless it somehow turns into something beyond an acceptable, to you, fine.

01-07-2012, 05:54 PM
I have been through this before. About a year ago I grabbed a bag I travel with a lot by car. I had 40 rd of 9MM in a plactic box in that bag.

TSA found it, I had to fill out some paper work, they ran a warrent check on me at the same time with local LE. After about 30 min I was on my way.

About a month later I recieved a letter from TSA, the fine was $250, I could pay within 10 days and they would reduce the amount to $150 due.

I paid the $150, I fly 20-30 times per year; so far the issue has never come up when I travel, both domestic and international.

I felt like a real dumb A** for a while but you find a way to forgive yourself...:p

01-08-2012, 09:10 AM
I know most folks do some travel even to other states but hard for me to figure why take your gun. I can see if you are going to stay for a month in a state that's friendly and honors your permit, but I read about going for a week or less. Is it really worth the hassle?

I fly a lot for business, and for me the answer to your question is a definite "NO".

Flying is just such a PITA these days anyway, that bringing a firearm along with me would just add enormously to the trouble and hassle.

Perversely, I feel safe in my home territory and the places I drive to in other states, while the places I sometimes fly to on business are the "creepy" places where I wouldn't mind having some protection along.

But for me, the huge increase in hassle just isn't worth it, so I will concentrate on using situational awareness and prudent precautions to protect me at destinations I have reached by air. At least the TSA can't take those away from me.

01-08-2012, 03:56 PM
I have been through this before. About a year ago I grabbed a bag I travel with a lot by car. I had 40 rd of 9MM in a plactic box in that bag.

TSA found it, I had to fill out some paper work, they ran a warrent check on me at the same time with local LE. After about 30 min I was on my way.

About a month later I recieved a letter from TSA, the fine was $250, I could pay within 10 days and they would reduce the amount to $150 due.

I paid the $150, I fly 20-30 times per year; so far the issue has never come up when I travel, both domestic and international.

I felt like a real dumb A** for a while but you find a way to forgive yourself...:p

Thank you for your candor. It made me fell a lot better!

01-08-2012, 08:31 PM
I fly a lot for business, and for me the answer to your question is a definite "NO".

Flying is just such a PITA these days anyway, that bringing a firearm along with me would just add enormously to the trouble and hassle.


That used to be me for well over twenty years, but then I got smart and quit lawyering. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning I was hopping a plane somewhere, and then on Friday or Saturday, I drag myself home - except when I was gone two or three weeks. My last year, 1989, I was away from home for 46 of the 52 weeks, all week, and didn't always make it back for the weekends. It was a big part of my eventual divorce. I think the statute has run, so I'll admit that I had a gun with me on a lot of those domestic flights, but I won't tell you how I did it. I never tried it on flights out of the country. Of course, that was before 9-11.

03-13-2012, 12:56 PM

As of yet no letter. Maybe I will be OK here. I will update thread if things change.

03-13-2012, 04:07 PM
The TSA is a bunch of mall ninja's , neo ****'s. Most of them couldn't find their collective ass's with both hands and a search warrant.
If they start this level of BS on the interstate system it is time to haul out and strike & raise the Stars & Bars and play "The Bonnie Bue Flag" all over again.
We as a country are no more safe than we were back on 9/11, all this crap is for show and a power play to lull the good citizens to sleep. Thats my take on things...your mileage may vary. Lets roll !!! :80:

03-13-2012, 04:18 PM
Daaaang, I didn't realize that our freedom of speech was being moniored by the political correctness panel. A bit sensative hey...? Ya know you can't alter story boys. Hey BAWANNA whats up with this? They don't like the term "Natsees" guess my discriptive adjective was to discriptive.
Oh hell I can hear the blck helicopters in the distance, better go crawl into my bomb proof shelter and pull my steel pot down over to my feet.
This country is going to hell in a hand basket and that is for sure and for certain.

03-13-2012, 04:40 PM
I can remember when the Stews were strip searched and patted down. Oh how I long for the good old days. :)

03-13-2012, 04:42 PM
The TSA is a bunch of mall ninja's , neo ****'s. Most of them couldn't find their collective ass's with both hands and a search warrant.
If they start this level of BS on the interstate system it is time to haul out and strike & raise the Stars & Bars and play "The Bonnie Bue Flag" all over again.
We as a country are no more safe than we were back on 9/11, all this crap is for show and a power play to lull the good citizens to sleep. Thats my take on things...your mileage may vary. Lets roll !!! :80:

I almost landed a job with the TSA and then they discovered that I'd graduated from High School.

03-13-2012, 04:47 PM
I cant tell how you guys feel about the TSA. Could you guys clarify this point for me? I have to admit that they were very professional in my situation.

03-13-2012, 05:08 PM
I've been taking some night classes and they assure me when I graduate I'll have my choice of TSA or Walmart Door Greeter. The Walmart Greeter job does require an additional 6 classes but that's the way I'm leaning, aim high ya know?

03-13-2012, 05:12 PM
Daaaang, I didn't realize that our freedom of speech was being moniored by the political correctness panel. A bit sensative hey...? Ya know you can't alter story boys. Hey BAWANNA whats up with this? They don't like the term "Natsees" guess my discriptive adjective was to discriptive.
Oh hell I can hear the blck helicopters in the distance, better go crawl into my bomb proof shelter and pull my steel pot down over to my feet.
This country is going to hell in a hand basket and that is for sure and for certain.

I have no powers over the PC panel. Gotta be way way higher than thee to control such things. I'm told three more months and I qualify to get training to part the waters and walk on same. The latter should be most interesting since I don't walk on land but I have high expectations. Maybe there's one of them smack you on the forehead and your healed deals involved here. That would be nice.

03-13-2012, 08:28 PM
Just don't try to chew gum at the same time, Bawanna. You'll do just fine. :)

03-14-2012, 03:57 AM
Paul Blart Mall Cop woulda made a supervisor rank in the TSA

03-14-2012, 06:12 AM
a LE friend of ours travels a lot, on a recent trip he took his usual backpack as a "carry on". When he went through security, they pulled him to the side and searched his bag. He forgot he had a revolver speed loader in there, it had ammo in it. They gave him hell over it. He told them they could keep the ammo, but they could NOT have the speed loader, those are just too hard to find and there is nothing he could do with one of those to harm anyone.They ended up calling a local LE officer over, the local guy verified that a speed loader was not considered ammo or a gun, and they finally let him through. They of course kept his ammo. This was about a 20 minute ordeal.

When he arrived at his destination, he was digging through his backpack for something and found a LOADED magazine to his Kel-tec .380 inside. No joke. They were so uptight about the speed loader that they totally missed this loaded mag. :p

03-14-2012, 06:14 AM
Was at terminal to check my firearm and realized I did not bring my lock for the gun case. I ran to a luggage shop in the terminal but could not find one to fit. I ran the gun back to my car and let my wife go ahead w the luggage. When in the parking lot, I realized the ammo was still in my luggage. I ran back trying to call her but when I got to the tsa line, I started frantically calling her name. The leo there got concerned and was really watching me. I could not get my wifes attention so I started taking off my belt shoes ect before I was in line to do so. I wanted to get to her as fast as possible because I knew there would b a problem and did not want her to pay for my mistake. Long story short,TSA took my 7 rnds my info and told me that I will b fined for this. How much they could not say but I heard someone say $250 per round and I am in their files. Anyone know what I am in for?

Make haste slowly. It save a lot of running around.

03-14-2012, 09:37 AM
Paul Blart Mall Cop woulda made a supervisor rank in the TSA

That's an insult to Paul Blart. ;):rolleyes: