View Full Version : First time out with the CM9 and I like it.

01-07-2012, 07:37 PM
After doing a lot of research, I picked up a CM9 right before Christmas. Due to the holidays and travel, I wasn't able to make it to the range until this afternoon to put this little pistol through the paces. I broke it down last night and gave it a good cleaning and lube (the lube chart was a nice reference, thanks), picked up a 100 count of Winchester 115gr white box and off to the races we went. I'm happy to say that this little gun performed flawlessly this afternoon. It went through all 100 rounds with not one failure to feed or eject and the slide locked back on every empty magazine. Being such a compact little pistol, I was surprised how pleasent it was to shoot and accuracy was well above par. So far, I'm a happy camper. Already planning another trip to the range next week to finish off the recommended 200 round break-in period. Then, it's onto trying out some different SD loads to see what cycles and shoots well. If it shoots as well with defense loads, I can see me and this little gun spending a lot of time together in the future.http://cluster.ezphotoshed.com/users/chrisw8658/photos/1171551728-1.gif

01-07-2012, 07:54 PM
Great report. I'm at 700+ rounds with out any problems w/ my CM9.

01-08-2012, 12:16 AM
Thanks for the excellent report. I'm glad it worked out well for you cause it only has a year warranty and you bought it last year. :rolleyes: Okay, just kidding..... really :behindsofa:

01-08-2012, 07:26 AM
These and their older brothers, the PM9s, are the finest thin subcompact 9s on the market, IMO. It really does shoot well with low recoil for such a small gun, doesn't it?! :) The ideal CC weapon! :D

01-08-2012, 07:32 AM
Congrats, I'm enjoying mine also, great carry gun.

01-08-2012, 08:51 AM
Congrats on the CM9! I am glad you enjoy it.

These and their older brothers, the PM9s, are the finest thin subcompact 9s on the market, IMO. It really does shoot well with low recoil for such a small gun, doesn't it?! :) The ideal CC weapon! :D

The PM9 is an awesome firearm. IMO the PM9 and the MK9 are the two best sub-nines on the market.

01-08-2012, 09:58 AM
These and their older brothers, the PM9s, are the finest thin subcompact 9s on the market, IMO. It really does shoot well with low recoil for such a small gun, doesn't it?! :) The ideal CC weapon! :D

The recoil was not as sharp as I expected from such a light weight firearm. 100 rounds through it in less than an hour and my hand wasn't even beginning to get fatigued. My Ruger SP101 wears on me faster than this little Kahr and it's several ounces heavier. If I wasn't limited in time, I could have easily gone another 100 rounds for the day. I expect some of the +P SD loads to have a little more snap but still be very managable. If SD rounds cycle and shoot as well as the cheap ball ammo, the CM9 will be my new EDC. Also, Love the trigger on this pistol. For me, a very easy transition from a DA revolver.

01-08-2012, 11:49 AM
Another boring range report with a new Kahr - always a good thing.