View Full Version : Premature Slide Stop Engagement

01-08-2012, 02:58 PM
I am reposting this here as it may be applicable beyond the P380:

Goodbye P380!

...and no more Kahrs for me of any caliber!

After a thousand rounds of .380 wasted and a replacement frame provided by Kahr, I managed to negotiate a reasonable trade despite full disclosure of my experience with my P380. The replacement frame provided by Kahr actually did function well for a few hundred rounds, (after a malfunction-riddled break-in, that is), but then started prematurely locking back (and it it was not my big, fat thumb!)

I fortunately came across this via another thread, but believe it a temporary fix, at best:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c50P7HCAATo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c50P7HCAATo)
It may well be applicable to all plastic-framed Kahrs, as the premature lockbacks ceased after tightening the tiny torx screw under the slide stop, But I am not convinced after only 50 rounds it's a permanent fix. Pivoting a moving part on a screw driven into plastic seems poor engineering to me.

My malfunctioning P380 is no longer an issue for me, but I urge anyone depending on a plastic-framed Kahr to be aware of this issue.

And yes, "plastic" is just as correct as "polymer".


Longitude Zero
01-08-2012, 05:08 PM
Appreciate the posting. Thousands of Kahrs built and millions of rounds fired vs a youtube gunhack who may or may not know what the fuzz he is doing.

I have several thousand rounds thru 3 different Kahrs and this problem has never occurred to me.

01-08-2012, 06:45 PM
Appreciate the posting. Thousands of Kahrs built and millions of rounds fired vs a youtube gunhack who may or may not know what the fuzz he is doing.

I hope that this was posted tongue in cheek. GB is a respected member here and I for one appreciate his posts and videos.

01-08-2012, 06:51 PM
Trust me on this one. He's not a gun hack (I probably am) and he does know what he speaks of. When he speaks I write it down.

Bailed me out numerous times. If he doesn't know about it, I don't need to know about it.

Longitude Zero
01-08-2012, 07:51 PM
It was. Maybe if we had a smiley for that. I found it quite interesting that the OP has the name Glock as part of his ID and only has 7 posts and was posting in the way he was. The initial feeling I got from the OP's posting was that he/she was looking for a reason to dislike the Kahr and for him/her it was a self fullfilling prophesy.

Apologies for the misunderstanding.

01-09-2012, 07:47 PM
Again, I repost from the P380 sub-form as it applies here as well:

Originally Posted by kahrlover123 http://kahrtalk.com/images/tigra/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?p=122258#post122258)
"U should change the title like this "Goodbye P380 and Hello PM9"
That should work ;)"

No thanks, I'm a firm believer in the old saying that starts with "Fool me once..."

"Good Money after Bad" also comes to mind.

My Glock 27's have earned my confidence, on and off duty, for almost 20 years, and various S&W J-frame .38's (now with CTC Laser Grips), since the 1970's. They will continue to fill that niche, so I have no need for a PM9/40 (or CM9/40).

On the bright side, not owning a .380 will remove any temptation to carry one.

But I do appreciate your suggestion, and, with one notable exception, appreciate the similar courteous replies from others here and on this thread:

I again urge anyone relying upon a plastic-framed Kahr to see
gb6491's video (As a young officer I learned to listen to Marine Master Gunnery Sergeants):