View Full Version : CW9 Trigger issue

01-08-2012, 09:07 PM
I had a set of factory Trijicon Night Sights installed last week by a friend that is an armorer at one of the Gunstores I frequent.

When the Night Sights were installed I disassembled the weapon by removing the slide: discharge weapon, align take down marks, push out slide stop/take down lever, push slide forward while pulling trigger, removed barrel, and removed recoil spring assembly. The front sight was removed by breaking off and then pushing out the studs. The rear sight was removed using hammer and drift. The front sight was installed using supplied loctite, hardware, and staking with an automatic center punch. The rear sight was installed by centering in the cutout and then using a standard sight pusher to finish the installation. By the way, the sights are better than the factory install, left right and up and down.

I reassembled the weapon: install barrel, install recoil spring assembly, push slide onto frame until take down marks align, install slide stop/take down lever, ensure weapon is clear, charge weapon and pull the trigger. Now the problem: pull the trigger very long, a lot longer than usual, the trigger is almost against the frame, keep pulling and then finally it dry fires. I try this several more times. Go get the wife's CW9 ensure the weapon is clear and pull the trigger half pull and it dry fires. Just like I'm used to. I took it to the range today just to see if there was any improvement; non. What does the hive think could be wrong or should I just send it back to Kahr for them to look at?

01-08-2012, 09:13 PM
Be sure that the slide is returning fully to battery.

01-08-2012, 09:30 PM
I would rack it several times, then lock the slide back and look for marks on the top of the barrel, made by the new front sight.
I might even clean any lube off the top of the barrel and color it up with a magic marker, rack it and look for any new marks.
That's just me though

01-08-2012, 09:57 PM
This is the second thread with the trigger issue. Don't remember if the other one just had new sights installed or what the resolution was. Since you had the slide off the frame should eliminate the trigger mechanism leaving the striker assembly.

So what could change there? Would using a hammer and drift upset something there? This is where I would turn it over to one of the real gunny's here. But all there is to it is the trigger linkage through the disconnect to the cam in the frame, and the slide racking over the cam to precok it then the cam to release the sear and then the striker. If the cam and sear are ruled out (?), then is something holding up the striker? That's a tough critter and what would hold then release it?

I'm again assuming you have taken it back apart and put together a few times looking for something. I don't know what you should look for but I'd start with pushing in the striker against the spring to see if it's loose. Does it look normal? Does the sear push down and pop up okay.

Well, I'm out of guesses tonight but I hope something here helps.

01-09-2012, 09:11 PM
The weapon functions flawlessly with the exception of the unusually extra long, creeping trigger. I took it to the range on Sunday and put about 25 rounds through it with not one issue. There are no marks on the barrel, it fully returns to battery, it is cleaned, and lubed. I was going to take the grip piece off of the right grip tonight, but I don't have a torks bit here at home small enough to fit. I will take the frame to work tomorrow and see what I can see. Everything seems to be functioning properly until you go to actually fire the pistol.

01-09-2012, 09:52 PM
If I am following correctly you have 2 CW9's...

I would,
Take your slide off and put it on your wife's frame. Does the problem follow your slide?
If not,
Put your frame and her slide together and see if the problem follows the frame.

Then you will at least know if the problem is in the your frame or your slide.

If it is in the slide(due to NS install) The first thing I would do just to check everything out, is a complete slide disassembly,and inspection, checking for proper function and clean and reassemble it and see if that changes anything.

01-10-2012, 08:20 PM
All ready done BEARDOG. I did this the other night. I should have stated that. I put my slide on her frame the problem followed my frame. It was a little better, but not much. I put my slide on her frame and the trigger action was perfect. I think that the problem may have occurred when I disassembled it for the night sight install. I just don't know what that is.

I was messing with the pistol last night and squeezed in on the removable right grip area and got mixed results; sometimes the trigger would be just right the next long and creepy again.
I'm trying to get a torx bit small enough to take the panel off to see if there is any debris in there. If not it's going back to Kahr through the dealer that I bought it from.

01-10-2012, 08:45 PM
I was messing with the pistol last night and squeezed in on the removable right grip area and got mixed results; sometimes the trigger would be just right the next long and creepy again.
I'm trying to get a torx bit small enough to take the panel off to see if there is any debris in there. If not it's going back to Kahr through the dealer that I bought it from.

Sounds like an out of spec trigger bar.

01-11-2012, 09:00 PM
I pulled the side of the right grip off to no avail. I'm guessing this pistol will be going back to Kahr via my dealer on Saturday. This is the first weapon that I owned that I had to send in for repairs. By no means am I saying that this is a bad weapon. I am only stating the fact.

01-13-2012, 06:30 PM
Take the slide off and see how the trigger feels with no top side. Compare to wifes. My be you will see something when both are side by side.

01-13-2012, 09:33 PM
Take the slide off and see how the trigger feels with no top side. Compare to wifes. My be you will see something when both are side by side.

They feel almost exactly the same.

01-14-2012, 01:06 AM
You stated that your friend is a gunsmith, ask him to take a look.

01-14-2012, 09:51 PM
I took my CW9 back to the dealer that sold it to me today so that they could handle the return and warranty work. I know that I could have just sent it in myself, but I decided to let them handle the administrative stuff.

02-19-2012, 01:20 AM
I picked up my CW9 from the gun store Saturday. After a few dry fires the trigger feels good as new. According to the report Kahr 're-worked the trigger' and lubed it.

02-19-2012, 08:01 AM
Well there ya go!

I do know, that the pull on the triggers seems to vary a little. My newly black KKote PM45 has a fairly short trigger, while the PM45 DLC that Kahr had in its shop, has a fairly long trigger. I dont care much about it, as I figure there's just stacked tolerances creating a little variation.

02-19-2012, 06:10 PM
No, this wasn't just a difference in trigger pull between pistols. The triggers pulled identically until something, i don't know what, happened and moved the break all the way back against the frame. Kahr's report stated that the trigger had improper reset through 1 magazine. All that I care is that it's fixed now and I'm glad to get my pocket pistol back.

02-19-2012, 06:15 PM
I would bet they replaced the trigger bar, if it is out of spec or for some reason gets out of spec ur gonna get what u got. . I have never heard of a cocking cam goig bad, I have heard of a few cocking cam springs going bad but normaly it is the trigger bar that is the culprit. Min thing is that it is now fixed and good to go. U did right IJO loetting the selling dealer take care of it to. He can send it back much cheaper in price and get probalby fater return on it to.