View Full Version : DeSantis Sof-Tuck IWB for CM9 CC

01-09-2012, 07:01 PM
All I've done is pocket carry my CM9 in a DeSantis Nemesis since I got it last fall. Now, I'm looking at the DeSantis 106 Sof-tuck IWB holster as an alternative to pocket carry. Can't find much discussion on this one, but reviews seem to be good. Any opinions..if so, please opine.

On another matter, what about OWB holsters for the PM9/CM9 ? I was thinking that since I typically have my shirt-tails out, why even bother with IWB carry ?

01-09-2012, 07:55 PM
Do a search. I remember someone who bought and reviewed a Sof-tuck.

The reason to use IWB is that it is much less likely to print than an OWB holster, even under a loose shirt.

For just a little more money, you can get what I and others here have found to be the most comfortable holster for the CM9, the PJ Holsters IWB Holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37). Just $40 shipped. Coach Paul will work with you to make it the way you want. I got mine with an FBI cant and the pictured over the belt kydex clip, and I wear it at about 8:30 (I'm a lefty).

Let me tell you the truth. With a thick 1 1/2" belt, this holster with the CM9 in it literally disappears when you are wearing it. What I mean is that it becomes a part of you and you cannot feel it there at all! Even when moving around, you cannot feel the mass of the gun there or shifting around. You have to reach over there and feel with your hand to confirm that, yes, you are carrying your gun!

01-10-2012, 03:17 PM
For OWB when I'm wearing shirts untucked, it is the Galco Matrix. Easy-on, easy-offs, secure, small

01-14-2012, 11:11 AM
Compman expressed my concerns of carrying OWB in a holster without good retention. If it falls out when upside down it's not good enough.

01-14-2012, 05:41 PM
I used to wear OWB Galco/Blackhawk/Uncle Mikes/DeSanti's you name it. They're all decent at what they do but they all required that I dress to conceal. That's fine if it's a once in awhile thing, but not for every day. Especially during the warmer months, I got real tired of wearing oversized and untucked button down shirts all the time.

I transitioned to IWB at first with a cheap Uncle Mikes pouch. It was uncomfortable and totally unsecured. My Glock 27 actually fell out of it once while getting in my car. I then moved on to some other leather Galco and DeSantis. They were okay, but not much better than just using a nylon pouch. They were still uncomfortable, the guns surface area was still very small and pressed into my hip hard. Especially in a seated position. Then I found CrossBreed, it was a breath of fresh air. The CrossBreed is very comfortable and reasonably secure it also concealed better than anything else I'd tried and I could tuck a dress shirt in over the holster. As long as you're wearing a belt the pressure will keep the gun pressed against the molded kydex which keeps the gun where it belongs. The large leather backer displaces the weight over a wide area which makes it comfortable even while driving. The downsides were that it was a pain to get on in the mornings, you eventually learn the complex push/pull/push-again technique but it's still annoying. The other problem was that without tension from my belt the holster had zero retention, I had to unholster the firearm if I was dropping my drawers for anything (bathrooms).

I just recently got a handmade compact Slim Jim from North Star holsters. It had everything the CrossBreed had plus it's easy to put on, holds its shape and retains the weapon even when my belt isn't there to hold it tight (you can't turn it upside and shake, but it's pretty secure). I have flat out run with this holster and the gun didn't move an inch. I'm talking about a K9 here not a lightweight pistol. And the price was right. A handmade custom ordered holster for $65...

Can't say that's everyone's experience but it's mine.

01-14-2012, 05:50 PM
I have a Sof-Tuck for my CW40. I like the wide range of cant adjustments available on this holster. It allows for many carry positions. I like to wear mine at about 4:30 - 5:00 with the handle canted very far forward so that it rides up against my kidney.
Another guy said it was very uncomfortable for him, but I've worn mine on a 150 mile trip with no problems. Maybe having a tshirt between it and my skin helps me.
Right now the dang thing is packed in a box somewhere and I can't find it. Damn I hate moving. Love where I moved too though.

01-15-2012, 05:58 PM
I think that I am in the same boat as the OP. I have carried my CM9 in a DeSanitis Nemises for 6 months and wanted a IWB. Got the DeSantis 106 Sof-tuck IWB holster and it is just a little to bulky for me. It secures the gun, but adds 25% to the width which in my opionion defeats the purpose of the single stack.

I'd love to send mine to you if you want to try it at a discount. I've got $24 in it. Send me $12 and $3 shipping and it is yours. I'm in the Indianapolis area if you happen to be coming to the super bowl and we can save the shipping.


01-20-2012, 11:46 AM
I had a "sof-tuk" for my AMT 380. It was very comfortable, stayed put, and had adjustable cant. I highly recommend it.

pocket pistol
01-21-2012, 06:52 PM
Anybody got any pics?? I'm looking for IWB too... Liking the PJ Holsters, but wondering if I want tuckable or not. Haven't seen the tuckable version.

01-21-2012, 08:15 PM
Anybody got any pics?? I'm looking for IWB too... Liking the PJ Holsters, but wondering if I want tuckable or not. Haven't seen the tuckable version.

Paul doesn't have any pics of the tuckable version on his website, but I can describe it for you. Whereas the belt clip is one piece with the holster on the regular IWB, on the tuckable IWB the clip is part of a separate piece of kydex that is glued and screwed to the holster near the bottom, and has a channel between it and the holster into which you can tuck your shirt. Of course, you can also use it without tucking your shirt in, and it is only very slightly thicker. You can still choose the type of belt clip that you want. I have ordered a tuckable IWB with the new C-hook that Paul has introduced. It is like a J-hook except that it has a horizontal piece at the top that sits on top of the belt to prevent sagging, yet it still minimizes what is visible on the belt.

01-22-2012, 08:43 AM
Got this C-hook from Paul a week or two ago. So far, I like it but haven't had the opportunity to use it a lot yet.