View Full Version : Match barrels - can you tell if it needs fitting?

01-10-2012, 05:36 PM
If I get a match barrel that may require fitting.
Can I tell by myself that it fits?

If I assemble the gun with the new match barrel and can rack the
slide freely. And manually run bullets through the mag and out the ejector.
Is it save for me to take to the range and try it out?

Or do I need to be married, and want to end it all, to try this?

01-10-2012, 06:15 PM
What gun?
What barrel?

01-10-2012, 06:20 PM
What gun?
What barrel?

I've got a classic P220 with stamped steel slide - 4.4" barrel.
Got a P220 Sport 5.47" stainless barrel off the net and would like
to try it in my gun.

I found notes on the net that -
The SPORT pistol is enhanced by a match grade heavy contoured barrel.

Called Sig customer service and they said no, it's too long?
I know Storm Lake has 5.1" extended ported drop in barrels
and feel I'm being blown off by Sig?

Maybe it's a bull barrel and just will not fit, or requires fitting? I don't know.
Actually have two slides and am willing to have one modified for the barrel if needed.

I'm thinking if it drops right in and cycles fine I want to try it out and see.

Guess I need to just get the barrel and let a gunsmith look at it and see
if I have any options at all...

01-10-2012, 06:29 PM
Dang, Barth! You are really on a barrel kick lately. How many barrels do you have per gun, now?

01-10-2012, 06:33 PM
Dang, Barth! You are really on a barrel kick lately. How many barrels do you have per gun, now?

Sig P220 = Four (2 OEM, 1 Bar-Sto, 1 5.5" Sig Sport P220)
Glock G27 = Four (9mm Storm Lake/357 OEM/357 extended ported Storm Lake/40 OEM EXO)

The other 5 guns only have one barrel - for now...

01-10-2012, 06:48 PM
sig p220 = four (2 oem, 1 bar-sto, 1 5.5" sig sport p220)
glock g27 = four (9mm storm lake/357 oem/357 extended ported storm lake/40 oem exo)

the other 5 guns only have one barrel - for now...


01-10-2012, 08:20 PM
Dunno about the barrel you have... but in general terms:

Try the barrel in the slide only, no spring. Does it drop into place and lock?
Does it NOT spring out of the locked position?

If so far so good, try to assemble with spring and frame. It should go together.

Most match barrels need fitting. I've fit the Sig P220 barrel - from a Bar-Sto "semi drop in" series. It needed the hood shortened, the hood narrowed, and the bottom tweaked a little.... all of which I did with a surface grinder that could easily split .001's of an inch. Those, and Browning HP barrels are really fairly easy to fit. Ditto the SW 39/59 series was easy to fit. The 1911's are a little harder, because instead of using the traditional rotary cutter that fits in the slide stop opening, I'd still use the surface grinder - which mean a funky double dressing of the wheel... which I wasn't too good at! My bud and mentor Kenny did the wheel work, I did the barrel work.

Apart from what the "experts" say... you can fit the 1911 barrel if you have the right link, using only a chainsaw file and flat file.... and a lot of time and patience, and the right skills. I've done it, and its come out perfect - just look at my Springfield Compact... but it takes a LOT of time to do right, lots of trial and error, since you cant precisely file off .001 like you can grind off with the surface grinder.

01-10-2012, 08:26 PM
A true match barrel...skipping the marketing hype...will virtually always need proper fitting.

01-10-2012, 09:44 PM
Dunno about the barrel you have... but in general terms:

Try the barrel in the slide only, no spring. Does it drop into place and lock?
Does it NOT spring out of the locked position?

If so far so good, try to assemble with spring and frame. It should go together.

Most match barrels need fitting. I've fit the Sig P220 barrel - from a Bar-Sto "semi drop in" series. It needed the hood shortened, the hood narrowed, and the bottom tweaked a little.... all of which I did with a surface grinder that could easily split .001's of an inch. Those, and Browning HP barrels are really fairly easy to fit. Ditto the SW 39/59 series was easy to fit. The 1911's are a little harder, because instead of using the traditional rotary cutter that fits in the slide stop opening, I'd still use the surface grinder - which mean a funky double dressing of the wheel... which I wasn't too good at! My bud and mentor Kenny did the wheel work, I did the barrel work.

Apart from what the "experts" say... you can fit the 1911 barrel if you have the right link, using only a chainsaw file and flat file.... and a lot of time and patience, and the right skills. I've done it, and its come out perfect - just look at my Springfield Compact... but it takes a LOT of time to do right, lots of trial and error, since you cant precisely file off .001 like you can grind off with the surface grinder.

It's a factory Sig Sauer P220 Sport Barrel that is drop in to the discontinued
P220 Sport pistol -

The barrel is described on the net as -
The SPORT pistol is enhanced by a match grade heavy contoured barrel.

From the destributor -
Sig Sauer P220 Sport .45 ACP Barrel
This brand new, factory Sig barrel features hammer forged, stainless steel construction. Barrel measures 139mm (5.4725") long. Quantities are limited.
Barrel, .45 ACP, 139mm (5.4725"), Stainless, Factory Original, New
Product No. 1288890

The image visually looks exactly like my 4.4" P220 barrel
except it's 5.47" and stainless steel.

It looks like the compensator/muzzle break is separate and removable.

Also there was a second edition model as well -

This one had a standard 4.4" barrel and rather than 5.47".
The Stainless barrel in the second edition is appearantly the same size as the
regular version -
P220 S "Sport" which has the 4.4" barrel and is all stainless (like the Elite),
I also found that both the frame and slide are German and hand fitted
(both with matching serial numbers). It also has a better, match-grade stainless barrel installed.

I know Storm Lake sells extended 5.1" barrels for standard P220s.
So 5.47" seems reasonable to me.
I'm hoping it's just drop in.

Plus, due to a long strange series of events I happen to have two P220 slides.
So even if it's a super fat Bull Barrel, I wouldn't' mind having one of the slides bored out for the fat barrel.

Interestingly the barrel is scheduled to arrive Friday the 13th.
Isn't that appropriate...

01-10-2012, 10:02 PM
My own feeling is... it'll fit and work just fine - Sig factory barrels are usually fit ok, but not really all that tight. I suspect the match one is the same.

Make sure the hood fits and it locks. Then fit the bottom. The hood may need length and width. Do a LOT of looking before fitting. The bottom is fit a few .001's by shaving the bottom of the ramp. I doubt seriously if the width of the bottom will need trimming, but some Bar-Sto's did.

01-10-2012, 10:12 PM
My own feeling is... it'll fit and work just fine - Sig factory barrels are usually fit ok, but not really all that tight. I suspect the match one is the same.

Make sure the hood fits and it locks. Then fit the bottom. The hood may need length and width. Do a LOT of looking before fitting. The bottom is fit a few .001's by shaving the bottom of the ramp. I doubt seriously if the width of the bottom will need trimming, but some Bar-Sto's did.

I think it's going to be either -
1) a perfect drop in
2) a bull barrel that's a little fat for the slide

I'll assemble the gun, work the slide, and if everything check out?
Then I'll run it by a local gunsmith before I turn my hand into 4th of July.

My spider sense tells me it will fit and shoot all Aces.

01-10-2012, 10:33 PM
Related question: if I order another barrel for my PM9 or K9 will it require fitting?

01-11-2012, 04:14 AM
I assume you mean a factory Kahr barrel?

Any OEM barrels I have gotten are always drop in and go.
No fitting.

Third party Storm Lake are likely drop in but could require fitting.
I'll know in a week or two. But others have just dropped them in without fitting.

Bar-sto, and others have what they call -
A SEMI DROP IN Barrel Generally requires little to no fitting. They should go in about 7 out of 10 times with no fitting required but with the tolerance of firearms, this is not always the case

And then there is the so called Match Barrels that ALWAYS require fitting.

I understand 1911 barrels are a little different too?

Bottom line; if your getting Kahr Lothar Walther barrels, standard or extended ported, it will drop in and go.

"Compensator for reduced recoil. Drop-in Barrel. No special fitting required. Fits P9 and CW9 only.Special Price for a limited time"

Have fun - I do

01-11-2012, 08:56 AM
Yes. Kahr factory barrel.

01-11-2012, 09:44 AM
Yes. Kahr factory barrel.

Buy and shoot with confidence my friend.

01-11-2012, 09:59 AM
Thanks Barth. Will do.