View Full Version : CW45 problems

01-11-2012, 09:56 PM
Hi I'm Brian. I'm new to the forum but I have owned a CW45 for about 5 months now and have had no issues during 500 rounds or so until recently. I seem to be having the same trigger problem I have heard a couple of other people speak of. After taking the gun down and putting it back together it will fire normally a couple of times, then after that the trigger will not release the striker until I pull it ALL THE WAY back and squeeze very hard. This is extremely frustrating, but what's more frustrating is that after many many calls, hours on hold, RA request online, and voicemails left, I have still not talked to anyone at Kahr CS. I love this pistol but geez, what gives.

PS: my magazine is also splitting from the top left rear corner down :/

01-11-2012, 10:05 PM
did you put the take down pin back in rite ? if you go to the website click on video bellow the gun u own and watch the take down and reaseble its real tricky have to make sure u put that back together rite or going to end up in there shop hope this helped !

01-11-2012, 10:40 PM
I just figured something else out. If I press down on the slide the gun will not dry fire at all. If I pull up on it it functions perfectly.

01-11-2012, 10:59 PM
Email and pictures to Kahr Customer Service... much better than the phone.


01-12-2012, 09:14 AM
Email and pictures to Kahr Customer Service... much better than the phone.


Plus one on emailing them, fast response, just detail the issue.