View Full Version : Poll on using your carry piece
01-12-2012, 03:13 PM
This will address Compman's post without revealing your username or details of ay incident.
This is only for carry guns, semi-auto or revolver, but no long guns. We're only looking for incidents outside the home.
I hope I thought through the possible choices. Feel free to elaborate if you want.
Civilians only
You may vote in more than one category
01-12-2012, 03:16 PM
Apparently not, there's no options. :)
01-12-2012, 03:27 PM
Apparently not, there's no options. :)I think you can make more than one choice before you save it, thereafter, you are locked out.
01-12-2012, 03:30 PM
They weren't there at first, I see them now.
01-12-2012, 04:25 PM
They weren't there at first, I see them now.As usual, you were reading while I was still pondering the poll questions.
Not sure if this counts, but...
At about 2:00 one night, I thought the house temperature was a bit cold. As I got to the stairs, I saw my front door wide open. My heart started racing. I had images of home invasion running thru my head.
I woke my wife and had her stationed at the top of the stairs with her S&W 642 revolver. I went down armed with my M&P 9c and did a full sweep of the house, basement included. Nothing there... damned door wasn't closed properly.
Eventually we got some sleep. But, I now have a few stratigically placed mirrors to see into and around blindspots. I also tug on the front door every single night before going to bed.;)
01-13-2012, 03:01 PM
Some amazing results that I wish our voters would elaborate upon:
One fired a warning shot. This surprises me since I've heard it described as a ticket to jail. If you have the time and ability to fire as a warning, your life was not likely in any immediate jeopardy.
Thirteen respondents either displayed, pointed or unholstered in a SD situation, yet there was no need to fire. Hard to imagine most weren't brandishing or aggrevated assaults. Maybe I shoulda asked who was detained by the PD.
01-13-2012, 03:44 PM
Some amazing results that I wish our voters would elaborate upon:
One fired a warning shot. This surprises me since I've heard it described as a ticket to jail. If you have the time and ability to fire as a warning, your life was not likely in any immediate jeopardy.
Thirteen respondents either displayed, pointed or unholstered in a SD situation, yet there was no need to fire. Hard to imagine most weren't brandishing or aggrevated assaults. Maybe I shoulda asked who was detained by the PD.
There's a long story about that warning shot. I was fortunate to end up with a good County Deputy. It was fired safely into the ground while trying to stop 2 fleeing what I thought were two burglars, right after dark when my first two kids were very little.
I figured it would stop them but they hit over drive. I did manage to apprehend them using their own dog. A german shepard. They had hidden in some bushes and I told the dog to get em and he walked right over to them.
Turns out they were kids, they scared the crap out of my wife as they were looking in the kids bedroom window, I scared the crap out of them so guess it was a draw. The deputy said they met a higher power than he or I, their mother was extremely ticked off.
We had no crime in this rural neighborhood and the deputy agreed that it was good to keep it that way. He did highly recommend no further warning shots.
My one other displaying of a weapon I apprehended 3 robbers of a grocery store. That wasn't fun at all and I hadn't plan to do so. I was looking to get a direction of travel and description but found myself in front of their getaway car. I told this to the 8 responding deputies who were very understanding after having 3 bad guys, myself and about 7 store employees lined up on the back wall. The employees were up and about quickly, the 3 bad guys were in police cars shortly there after and I was still on the wall on my knees for a very long time as they weren't sure what they were gonna do with me. I left with my gun, the 3 bad guys went to jail.
01-13-2012, 04:00 PM
In my case I was returning from my house in the Keys and had just gotten to a desolate stretch of I75 headed west. My family was in the truck with me and we were towing the boat. An SUV full of Miami thugs started riding my ass flashing their lights, pulling up beside me and making gestures to pull over.........they were trying to jack my boat and/or truck. This went on for a couple of minutes. I maintained my speed, and when they pulled up beside me again I calmly placed my Federal credentials and firearm on the dash of the truck in plain view. The thugs promptly made a U-turn across the median and headed back east to whatever shithole they came from.
01-13-2012, 05:28 PM
I am glad I asked the question and thankful to you for the poll. I would love to hear some elaboration. With such a great % never needing their gun, we either have a very lucky crew on here or some not wishing to participate. You read the poll results and it's like you have better odds of winning the lottery. Maybe i"ll switch to mace or a box cutter. I bet if you asked the same poll on Taurus website the results may be quite different.The average member here probably has a carry size gun. After all, that's a Kahr target market. We are also older than average, thus tending to rely less and our fast feet and/or fists.
Still, I would have expected less than 5% to have either drawn, displayed
or fired a warning shot.
01-13-2012, 06:11 PM
I said pointed my carry gun at a threat w/o firing. Can't say the same in reverse as I have been shoot at. :eek: I heartily agree with Winston Churchill when he said;
“There is nothing so exciting as to have been shot at without result.”
That's excitement I can do without.
01-13-2012, 06:21 PM
I said pointed my carry gun at a threat w/o firing. Can't say the same in reverse as I have been shoot at. :eek: I heartily agree with Winston Churchill when he said;
“There is nothing so exciting as to have been shot at without result.”
That's excitement I can do without.With 20/20 hindsight, would you have done things the same again?
01-13-2012, 07:19 PM
I voted that I have never used mine. But it may scew things a bit because I'm only 21. I've only carried since October. However, I have cleared the home several times during iffy times when there were suspicious activities.
01-13-2012, 09:15 PM
With 20/20 hindsight, would you have done things the same again?
No. Had I known a nut case was on the loose I would have arrived in a tank. Seriously, it was a long time ago, different events 34 to almost 40 years ago. Nobody died, and that's the main goal. I've been in a total of three life threatening events. One of them while unarmed. I'll never let that happen again.
01-14-2012, 08:28 PM
Well boys and girls as of today I need to change my category. I pulled my weapon and chambered a round today.
I was sitting in my living room reading the new book about the OBL kill when I noticed out of my front window a couple of mean and nasty looking pitbulls loose and running down our outside cat in the front yard/porch area. I drew the weapon going out the door and when the biggest dog didn't back down when I challenged him to scare him off, a round went in the chamber. He stood his ground in a standoff and as I aimed, he backed away and took off after his buddy. It was a close call.
01-14-2012, 10:00 PM
Well boys and girls as of today I need to change my category. I pulled my weapon and chambered a round today.
I was sitting in my living room reading the new book about the OBL kill when I noticed out of my front window a couple of mean and nasty looking pitbulls loose and running down our outside cat in the front yard/porch area. I drew the weapon going out the door and when the biggest dog didn't back down when I challenged him to scare him off, a round went in the chamber. He stood his ground in a standoff and as I aimed, he backed away and took off after his buddy. It was a close call.Jim, in what State can one leave the protection of his home to go outsuide to use deadly force on a dog(s)?
As for initially having an empty chamber..really?
It's not that I don't like cats. It's I noticed they can take care of themselves when there is anything to climb.
Anyway, the poll is on SD not Cat Defense :)
01-15-2012, 08:25 AM
Jim, in what State can one leave the protection of his home to go outsuide to use deadly force on a dog(s)?
As for initially having an empty chamber..really?
It's not that I don't like cats. It's I noticed they can take care of themselves when there is anything to climb.
Anyway, the poll is on SD not Cat Defense :)
Feel free to research the rules of individual States with regard to using deadly force to protect oneself on his property against a deadly threat.
Carrying with a round in the chamber per my wife with a 5 yo in the house is non negotiable.
Several cats as well as small dogs including a puppy most recently being walked by their owners have been shredded by loose running pitbulls in my particular residential area. Children have also been mauled by loose running PBs in the City proper. Several LEOs have been attacked by and subsequently killed PBs. It's a problem here. We have a segment of the population, mostly poor who seem to covet the ownership of these animals but do not have the means to care for them, or control them. It is their right to do so, and it is my right to take whatever measures necessary to protect me and mine when a threat arises whether it be the two legged or the four legged variety.
01-15-2012, 08:49 AM
About 25 years ago I was parked on the street next to my son's high school soccer field waiting for his team to finish practice. Younger son was sitting in the front passenger seat with his window rolled down.
Anyways, a disheveled-looking bum was walking on the sidewalk from our front to I kept an eye on him in the passenger side rearview mirror. When he got a few feet beyond the trunk, he paused, looked back at my car, then walked up to the right side window.
As he did that, I told my son to get down NOW, and I pulled out my carry piece...a North American .22 magnum. I did not brandish it in his face, but had it cocked in my hand, not visible to him.
The bum started a pandhandling spiel, but I cut him off with "sorry, can't help".
Fortunately, he immediately turned around and departed wwithout a hassle.
01-15-2012, 11:29 AM
Feel free to research the rules of individual States with regard to using deadly force to protect oneself on his property against a deadly threat. My point wasn't that you can't protect yourself when on your property, the point was being inside, YOU were not threatened.
Carrying with a round in the chamber per my wife with a 5 yo in the house is non negotiable. I can appreciate that, but most lock up their guns except for the one in the pocket or holster, which is totally under control and could be carried with a round in the chamber.
Several cats as well as small dogs including a puppy most recently being walked by their owners have been shredded by loose running pitbulls in my particular residential area. Children have also been mauled by loose running PBs in the City proper. Several LEOs have been attacked by and subsequently killed PBs. It's a problem here. We have a segment of the population, mostly poor who seem to covet the ownership of these animals but do not have the means to care for them, or control them. It is their right to do so, and it is my right to take whatever measures necessary to protect me and mine when a threat arises whether it be the two legged or the four legged variety. The big city near me has the same Pit Bull problem for the same reasons. What you said is all fine and well. Not arguing the truth of what has happened around you, however, no children or dogs or anyone was under attack.
My comments in boldface type above.
By all means, carry while walking your dog or cat...even if you leave your property.
01-15-2012, 12:49 PM
I can appreciate that, but most lock up their guns except for the one in the pocket or holster, which is totally under control and could be carried with a round in the chamber.
I have found that when in the presence of a 5 yo, one is not likely to ever be in "total" control of anything. lol
and FWIW I would prefer to carry with a round in the chamber, however a marriage is a compromise and even at age 53 I would like to enjoy a piece of ass now and again, so I accept and comply with my wife's concerns for our child's safety. children or dogs or anyone was under attack.
01-15-2012, 04:07 PM
Once again I fall into multiple answers, but remember the fifth amendment right to S_T_F_U . That is all I am going to say. Filters gotta love 'em.
01-15-2012, 04:41 PM
... a marriage is a compromise and even at age 53 I would like to enjoy a ....
Ah,now I get it. Somethings are more powerful than .45 ACP:yo:
01-15-2012, 05:18 PM
I have found that when in the presence of a 5 yo, one is not likely to ever be in "total" control of anything. lol
and FWIW I would prefer to carry with a round in the chamber, however a marriage is a compromise and even at age 53 I would like to enjoy a piece of ass now and again, so I accept and comply with my wife's concerns for our child's safety.
jimsea, you really need to educate your wife with all the downfalls of an empty chamber. I totally understand the little one running around and the impossible places they can get and impossible things they can do in no time flat.
But walking around with an empty chamber is a disaster waiting to happen, it really and truely is. Your gun should be on you or locked up. The 5 year old is also at age to go to the range with you and see just what that gun can do.
Educating him or her in your home will keep him or her safe when he visits his little friends house with parents who aren't as safety concious and leave guns out for their kids to show your kid who with education will leave before show and tell starts.
My wife wears the pants in our family and for the same reasons you state I'm pretty subserviant but I'm wearing my guns the way they should be.
She wants a revolver cause she says she doesn't have time for all that slide racking and mumbo jumbo.
Man up! Find a good safe secure place to put your gun when your not wearing it and make it a habit of always putting it in the same place.
You'll have a much more harmonious outcome for sure.
Hope ya get lucky tonight. My chances are pretty slim, I brought home a Mares Leg from the gun show and I suspect SWMBO is not happy. I predicted same.
01-15-2012, 05:26 PM
jimsea, you really need to educate your wife with all the downfalls of an empty chamber. I totally understand the little one running around and the impossible places they can get and impossible things they can do in no time flat.
But walking around with an empty chamber is a disaster waiting to happen, it really and truely is. Your gun should be on you or locked up. The 5 year old is also at age to go to the range with you and see just what that gun can do.
Educating him or her in your home will keep him or her safe when he visits his little friends house with parents who aren't as safety concious and leave guns out for their kids to show your kid who with education will leave before show and tell starts.
My wife wears the pants in our family and for the same reasons you state I'm pretty subserviant but I'm wearing my guns the way they should be.
She wants a revolver cause she says she doesn't have time for all that slide racking and mumbo jumbo.
Man up! Find a good safe secure place to put your gun when your not wearing it and make it a habit of always putting it in the same place.
You'll have a much more harmonious outcome for sure.
Hope ya get lucky tonight. My chances are pretty slim, I brought home a Mares Leg from the gun show and I suspect SWMBO is not happy. I predicted same.In his defense, INSIDE the home, you will probably have the time to rack, but does he when he sees a flower delivery guy at the door or something similar? The problem with loading to carry away from home and carrying empty chamber at home is you introduce the uncertainty and begin the dangerous guessing game of "Am I loaded or not". If you chamber to see who's at the door, you introdiuce a lot of gun handling which multiplies a chance for a ND. After the delivery guy leaves, you're unloading right?
01-15-2012, 05:51 PM
In his defense, INSIDE the home, you will probably have the time to rack.........
lol...........been practicing. Can rack six rounds in under a second. Outside the home, there is one in the chamber.
Wife and I have discussed the "Intro to handguns101" subject and it will happen when she is 7.
01-15-2012, 06:26 PM
you can rack the slide 6 times in under a second?
01-15-2012, 07:13 PM
you can rack the slide 6 times in under a second?
post #48
You think that mag and follower are dialed in? :cool:
01-30-2012, 05:56 PM
My daughter had reason to grab her handgun and show it to the bad guys.
They showed up and she knew they were up to something. She told them to leave but they didn't. She got her handgun and her phone and went out on the porch to get the info the LEO needed.. tag number and a good description. Bad guys said you aint got no minutes on that phone.. to which she replied you idiot do you not know that with a pre paid phone even if you have no minutes you can dial 911. She proceeded to give LEO a good description and was even able to watch LEO apprehend said bad guys at the stop sign just up the street. (bad guy had an issue turning around in her drive where he gave her excellent view of the tag number) Leo came down and got her statement and said she handled that very well.
01-30-2012, 07:41 PM
FWIW, I have never used my carry gun in any situation.
03-10-2012, 04:36 PM
I once drew and fired and eliminated the threat of a charging armadillo. Actually the story is much longer than that and I instigated the hostile action. Glad it was a rural setting. Still claiming defense of property. I found I could hit a small moving target with that little NAA .22 mag. Was also glad I had more than one shot available:eek:
03-10-2012, 09:04 PM
They look innocent, but are extremely dangerous. Many a fool has ignored the charge of the 'Dillo and wound up with one hanging from his throat.
No doubt, you saved your own life and possibly others as it could have been a rampage.
03-11-2012, 05:23 AM
03-11-2012, 12:04 PM
Oh, I thoght that weavy-wobbly non-direct charge was what all the tacti-cool armadillos were trained to do nowadays.
03-11-2012, 12:10 PM
I guess we need a new category in the poll. I have now used my CCW to hijack a thread
04-16-2012, 12:53 PM
Not sure how this one fits, but here goes.
About 25 years ago I worked the 3rd shift at the plant. My brother also worked a 3rd shift at his job. He was, at that time, a reserve police officer for a small town in north TX and the range safety officer for their trainning. As it was, he had the keys and the permission to use the range on weekdays. So we decided to go one morning and use the range with nobody else around. My brother said he would be by the house around 8:30 to 9am so we could take my pick-up as the road to the range was muddy after some rain. "Okay, cool" I said "see you then". When I got home that morning I kissed the wife goodby and sent her on to work and took my kids on to school. When I got home I dragged the pistols and ammo out the safe and took stock of what I was going to shoot that day. I heard a car with loud pipes pull up at the curb in front and figuring it was my brother I went to the door. Turned out to be a neighbors kid waiting for a city vehicle to clear out the street before moving on. It was now past 8:30 and I thought that my brother was no more than a moment away. I left the storm door closed but the front door open about five inches.
I went back to what I was doing and pulled my 1911 A1 out of it's case. It seemed a little "dry" to me that day, so I field stripped it, double checked it clean, and put back togeather with a little oil in all the right spots. By this time my brother was late and I was beginning to wonder. Before putting the 1911 back I pulled out one of those silicone cloths and started rubbing the old girl down. At last I heard a knock at the door. "Come on in" I yelled, but heard nothing. Then two more raps on the storm door and I figured my brother must have his hands full. Now with 1911 and cloth in hand I went to the door and with my left foot I flicked the door open wide while loudly saying "what's the matter Brother...??" What I found was two nicely dressed women in their 40's handing out stuff from the Jehovah's Witness.
To this day I don't know which of the three of us was most surprised.
Well, I was not pointing the 1911 anywhere near them (loaded or unloaded I would never anyway) but soon enough their eyes diverted from mine to fix on the old 1911. Ummmmm, what to do? I decided to go back to polishing the old gun while talking in a very nice, respectful tone to these ladies. After a bit of that I decided to offer them a cool seat inside while "I returned this one to the pile".
They declined.
"Well" I said "if there is anything else I could do for you ladies, please speak up". Strangely there was nothing more they could think of, but "would I please take a booklet and look it over and please call if I have any questions".
Having already tucked away the 1911, I was happy to take the little book and with my final offer of a bottled water or soda that they politely refused, they were briskly away.
30 seconds later my brother showed up. Timming is everything.
Is it brandishing if you are in your own home and are surprised by a "guest"?
Those nice ladies were often in my neighborhood over the next year. Strangely they never again stopped at my house. They would have been welcomed again and I belive me I would have been armed with nothing more dangerous than a smile after that...
One of life's lessons learned early. Know who's at the door BEFORE you open it.
06-01-2012, 01:27 PM
knock on far i've not had to be put in a situation like that, hope i never have too.
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