View Full Version : P40 Night Sights

01-13-2012, 10:36 AM
Just ordered my P40 and wanted to get some night sights on order for it. Doesn't seem to be a lot of talk about P series pistols on here seems most buy the CW. I live in CA and the CW9 is the only CW series rostered so i had to buy the P series to get a 40. Anyways, I know the trijicons are available, but really looking for something more like the Truglo TFO series that works like a tritium sight as well as a fiber optic. I have only seen one or the other for Kahrs. Any suggestions would be helpful.


01-13-2012, 11:11 AM
I know this won't help, but I wanted the new Hard Duty Night Sights by Trijicon. I called Trijicon and they had no plans to make them for the Kahrs. :(

I haven't changed the sights on my P40, yet, but I got an XD45 Tactical which had 3-dot sights and got the HD SP101Y... Y for Yellow... sights installed... BIG IMPROVEMENT for my old eyes. The rear sight adds another 1/4 inch to the sighting radius and the "U"-shaped rear sight's notch is wider and works great with the much more visible front sight.

I'm about to start a post on these sights and flash testing with my Springfield XD45 Tactical (5" barrel). I think there are some other sights out there that are somewhat similar, but not every company makes sights for Kahrs... unfortunately.

My pictures:


http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m620/wyntrout/Springfield%20Arms%20XD45%20Tactical%20Pistol/New%20Trijicon%20HD%20Night%20Sights%20SP101Y/NewTrijiconHDSP101YNightSightsCharged10seclwithsom elight_2439.jpg

The glow part needs charging with a strong light. I used my 150-lumen tactical light and illuminated the front sight for about 5 seconds... it really adds visibility to the front sight and the larger rear aperture works like a Big Dot.
