View Full Version : New CM9 report

01-13-2012, 12:08 PM
I just picked up my new Kahr CM9 with week for $385 out the door. I went to the range and put 250 rounds through it in about an hour without a single problem. I really like this little gun and it seems to be very accurate and reliable out of the box. It will be my new carry gun.

01-13-2012, 12:39 PM
Welcome to the forum. Wow, 250 rounds in an hour, did you find yourself spending a lot of time reloading them magazines? :eek:

01-13-2012, 01:20 PM
Welcome to the forum, Jeff. CM9 is a great gun. I am having a hard time believing that you were able to load and shoot 250 rounds in that 6 round mag in an hour. Maybe 2 or 3 hours, and then only if you are really fast and take no breaks or pit stops. But an hour? Come on! :lie:

01-13-2012, 02:15 PM
I just picked up my new Kahr CM9 with week for $385 out the door. I went to the range and put 250 rounds through it in about an hour without a single problem. I really like this little gun and it seems to be very accurate and reliable out of the box. It will be my new carry gun.

The current record for a CM9 is 32,000 rounds. Are you going for the record? :53:

Bill K
01-13-2012, 02:51 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk.

No prep, no problems... You got a good one for sure.

01-13-2012, 02:55 PM
I just picked up my new Kahr CM9 with week for $385 out the door. I went to the range and put 250 rounds through it in about an hour without a single problem. I really like this little gun and it seems to be very accurate and reliable out of the box. It will be my new carry gun.

Dang Jeff! I also just picked up a new CM9 but only put 100 rounds through it in my first trip to the range. My thumb was sore from loading mags by the time I was done!

01-13-2012, 03:34 PM
Welcome to the forum, Jeff. CM9 is a great gun. I am having a hard time believing that you were able to load and shoot 250 rounds in that 6 round mag in an hour. Maybe 2 or 3 hours, and then only if you are really fast and take no breaks or pit stops. But an hour? Come on! :lie:

about 4+ rounds a minute, not counting reloading, certainly he wasted no time that is for sure. kudos to him and the gun. Not something I would want to have done, 250 rounds in one hour or 2 days is still250 rounds. One should enjoy the shoot. CM9 is a dream gun to shoot but in one hour for this ol timer , its welcome would have soon worn out to. I think in terms of bucks to. That easily could have been 50+ bucks down range, but the gun proved solid, he is happy about it,...:popcorn:

01-13-2012, 05:39 PM
Says the man with 32 THOUSAND rounds through his :)

01-13-2012, 05:55 PM
good point!!! no argument from that either...

01-13-2012, 06:31 PM
Welcome to the forum. Glad you like the CM9. Enjoy!

01-15-2012, 11:11 AM
The indoor range I went to is $14 an hour plus they charge for paper targets. I knew the break in period from Kahr was 200 rounds so that's what my goal was. I pretty much loaded the mag as fast as I could (which by the way was very easy on the mag that came with the gun) and fired all my shots from 3 to 7 yards (target was on a zip-line) and did not take any breaks or have a single malfunction. Yes my thumb was sore, but my goal was accomplished and my Kahr has now been broken-in.

01-15-2012, 11:20 AM
Nice report. Now go order a couple more mags and Upula Loader. Those things are thumb savers for sure.
Clean her up real well, run her wet for a bit and enjoy.

01-15-2012, 11:36 AM
Brand new gun shooting 250 rounds in about a hour.:eek: I got to tell ya if that's not a typo I'm beyond impressed. :yo: My hats off to ya. I can't even shoot and reload my 22's at that rate, and there 10 and 25 round mags.

01-15-2012, 11:56 AM
The indoor range I went to is $14 an hour plus they charge for paper targets. I knew the break in period from Kahr was 200 rounds so that's what my goal was. I pretty much loaded the mag as fast as I could (which by the way was very easy on the mag that came with the gun) and fired all my shots from 3 to 7 yards (target was on a zip-line) and did not take any breaks or have a single malfunction. Yes my thumb was sore, but my goal was accomplished and my Kahr has now been broken-in.

You're the man! :)

The Butler Creek Universal LULA mag loader is a great accessory and here is the best deal I've seen on it:

01-15-2012, 12:42 PM
The Butler Creek Universal LULA mag loader is a great accessory and here is the best deal I've seen on it:

Just so everyone knows it's safe to buy one of these now. I bought this same one 2 weeks ago and as usual the price has dropped $5 so now you know you are getting a better price than I did.

They all wait until I order before the price drops. Dang it. :(

01-15-2012, 07:37 PM
Oh, I normally would not go through rounds that fast and will spend much more time enjoying this nice little gun next time and will focus much much more on accuracy. Its just I recently got my CHL and this will be my carry gun and after 250 rounds in an hour with no problems I feel very comfortable carrying this gun and have no doubt it will be reliable if needed.

01-16-2012, 07:35 AM
Bet that gun was hot as could be after shooting them so fast. Glad to hear it's working out for you.

01-17-2012, 09:21 PM
I just got back from the range. Ran 200 rds through my cm9. Total of about 2200 rds since I got her. Very few FTF and that was only during break-in. That thing justs gets better and better. Now hopefully they will get the XS big dot site figured out for it without cutting a dovetail groove. safe shooting trikerbiker.

01-18-2012, 10:14 AM
I just got back from the range. Ran 200 rds through my cm9. Total of about 2200 rds since I got her. Very few FTF and that was only during break-in. That thing justs gets better and better. Now hopefully they will get the XS big dot site figured out for it without cutting a dovetail groove. safe shooting trikerbiker.

Welcome to the forum! You got a winner in that CM9! You need to use a tiny picture of yourself on that trike as your avatar! :)