View Full Version : IDPA pistol for SSP division

01-15-2012, 05:09 PM
I'm considering a S&W M&P Pro 5" barrel with fiber optic front sight, or the Glock Model 34 for SSP division in IDPA. Anyone have any preferences or reasons one guns better than the other? Or something else entirely? I'm leaning toward the M&P Pro.

Bongo Boy
01-16-2012, 09:02 PM
I didn't vote as I've never shot a Glock 34 and know nothing about it. I do shoot the MP Pro 5" though, although I shoot it in ESP (it's a 40SW not a 9). All I can say is that it's been excellent all around. I also shoot it USPSA in Limited, using SSS mag extensions. It is the most pleasurable shooting gun I've ever owned and, for me, feels better in the hand than the 1 or 2 Glocks I have shot. So far I've managed Sharpshooter in ESP, but I certainly don't need a 'better' gun to progress further.

While some folks like that FO sight stuff, I removed it after one match and went iron. I find fiber to be a total distraction myself--sort of like having a flashlight shining right in your eye. I personally wouldn't let the sights that come with any gun be much of a deciding factor in choosing the gun, since they're fairly trivial to replace--although of course not trivially cheap.

I've also shot the M&P 45c in IDPA CDP division and it does well there for me, too. In both IDPA and USPSA, for me, the M&P Pro has definitely taken the gun completely out of the equation--I have no gun problems to solve, is what I mean.

01-17-2012, 06:11 PM
I think I'll probably end up with the M&P Pro 5" based on all the Youtube comparisons and stuff. Never owned a Glock, and see no reason to start now.

Bongo Boy
01-17-2012, 07:15 PM
You may want to hang around the M&P Pistol site, too. There's often a case made for NOT paying the extra $$ for the Pro Series version of the guns, instead buying the regular non-pro versions, then upgrading some of the trigger group parts with Apex Tactical parts. This is just an option, and I'm sure there are other after-market offerings for the M&P. When I bought my Pro Series, I believe it was the only option available for a 5".

While I absolutely love both my M&Ps, my impression from reading a lot of online reports is that the M&Ps are somewhat inconsistent as far as triggers go. In my case, I believe the M&P Pro Series trigger was actually less pleasant than the 45c. Now, it was not an issue for me because I reworked the triggers on both guns, and about 60 min of work vastly improved them both. But, if you're expecting the extra price of the Pro Series to provide a significantly better trigger, I don't think many owners would say that's the case.

01-18-2012, 07:02 AM
Never owned a Glock, and see no reason to start now.


If lots of other people are doing something, I avoid it on principle.

01-18-2012, 07:04 AM
M&P, unless the Glock just feels right in your hand. Then, flip a coin. :)

01-18-2012, 10:37 AM
M&P, unless the Glock just feels right in your hand. Then, flip a coin. :)

Had a 17. Didn't feel right in my hand. Sold it.

03-29-2012, 07:49 AM
I would say flip a coin. I do believe the Glock 34 is the most popular in IDPA. The gun is easy to do own upgrades, and mags are cheaper.

03-29-2012, 08:31 AM
i live in wichita and own a m&p pro 5" 9mm. i shoot IDPA also. PM me if you want to try it out before buying, could meet at bullet stop or a match.

05-08-2012, 07:04 PM
I like to use my K40, since it is what I carry. IDPA stages usually are revolver friendly, allowing for convenient reloads after 6 shots. The K40 6 round mags work well. With practice, I am almost as fast with it as I am my full size 1911.

07-22-2012, 10:07 AM
I like the Glock platform so I would personally go with the G34. Nothing wrong with the M&P. I use a G17 for IDPA, as well as USPSA. I see no need to switch to a G34. My friend has a G34 Gen 4 and I shoot my G17 just as well as I shoot his G34. My G17 has a Ghost rocket 3.5 pound trigger with fiber optic front sight. The rest is entirely stock.

07-31-2012, 10:00 AM
I have had 2 different M&P pro 9s. I recommend going on the S&W site and doing some research on the accuracy of the M&P 9 mm. I really liked the gun and thought I was shooting it well by the follow through feedback I was getting. But it didn't translate to the scores. I finally did some accuracy testing. With both factory and hand loads. I also had others shoot it because I really liked the gun. My son who is Master in SSP and ESP had the same results. So check it out before you buy.
I have been shooting my G19 lately and will be rocking my CM9 at this Saturday's match.

Sent from my evil black iPhone using Tapatalk

07-31-2012, 11:41 AM
I went with the M&P, still haven't made it to a match. The accuracy was comparable to my old Star M30 (which is really no slouch). I think it might be like a CZ and need quite a few rounds through it to reach it's potential. Otherwise it will be going back to S&W, like some the others have on the S&W site.

09-08-2012, 09:37 AM
I'd go the M&P route, I have a Glock and I have shot both

09-08-2012, 12:12 PM
I've shot Glocks and thought "Meh, it's ok," but I shot an M&P a couple weeks ago and fell head over heels for it.

10-17-2012, 11:56 PM
I didn't vote. Never shot in IDPA and probably never will. But I did pick up a new in the box Glock 17L not to long ago. Put a few mags down range on my property. Shoots like a dream and after I get time to dial it in it will be a tack driver. I guess it will be to long for competition. But I got it for targets.

10-23-2012, 02:54 PM
I'd recommend shooting both guns before you buy. You can modify the glock easily (fiber optic sights, extended releases, etc...) but I selected the M&P40 Pro after careful comparisons. Out of the box I felt the M&P Pro was a better value and package. I have not purchased one yet, but have come very close as recently as last week. I am still enjoying my PM40 for IDPA...because it is what I carry. The only difference is that I have my own reload just for IDPA with my PM. I'd probably do this with the M&P too. I realize the M&P would technically NOT be considered gaming, but it somehow is to me because it is not what I will carry. I don't believe many folks are routinely carrying Glock 34's 35's or M&PPros....these guns are simply too big. To me IDPA is about practicing with the sword you carry. JMO. But shoot them both first, before you buy. Then you will always believe in your decision and won't second guess what you did.

12-26-2012, 02:41 PM
I held the M&P 40 PRO and fell in love with it. Fits me like a glove. Will shoot both my carry PM40 and the PRO, but really love the PRO. Purchased a CompTec holster and mag pouches for it and the entire Pro package is really nice for competition. Still working out my new loads for it and have not shot it enough to deal with the accuracy issue. For IDPA, I'd go with the PRO but inject my carry gun for good practice. I am even picking up an M&P22 to add more inexpensive shooting practice, because it so closely resembles my PRO.

01-09-2013, 02:59 PM
For the 2011 IDPA World Championship, there were 142 Glocks, 62 G34's and 57 G17's. There was a total of 67 S&W M&P's used, 18 Pro models and 39 regular M&P's in 9mm. For the 2010 USPSA Nationals, there were 62 Glocks and 22 M&P's in Production and in Limited, 170 wide body 1911's and 18 Glocks. Outside of 1911's (from all makers), the G34 is the most often used gun in both IDPA and USPSA. The results are pretty much unchanged since they started the surveys.

The G17L and G24 are not allowed in IDPA and neither are ported barrels.