View Full Version : Case Mouth Hitting Slide

Bongo Boy
01-17-2012, 09:34 PM
Every empty that comes out of the K40 has this 'mark' in it--every one, and they're all identical:


So, I put an empty case in the magazine, loaded the mag and eased the slide forward to pick up the case, and eased the case halfway into the chamber. Then, I retracted the slide so the case was stopped and flipped by the ejector. Sure enough, the case is hitting the face of the slide that's directly above the extractor.

Seems the only reasonable way to proceed is to start taking a little wee bit off the face of the ejector, a bit at a time, until things calm down. The only other thing I can think of is to first put a fresh recoil spring in, just to ensure I don't start 'correcting' for a weak recoil spring. I very seriously doubt that's the problem, but I don't know.

Suggestions? Anyone else see this issue with Kahrs?

01-17-2012, 09:49 PM
according to kahr this is a normal condition it gits a little better with use. before i learned about this forum i called kahr because my p380 pm9 pm40 pm45 all did this to some extent and the guy on the phone described it exactly like it looked and said that was normal. you also should be getting some primer smear from firing pin. shoot it lik u stol it

01-17-2012, 10:56 PM
Depends on a lot.. exact rim/groove diameters, extractor spring pressure, slide velocity (due to the bullet weight and load), recoil spring, your grip... lots of factors, but some loads ding more than others, some guns more than others. Its not un-normal for that to happen, and also happens on the venerable 1911 - which is why the Gold Cup has that little cut away at the port - making reloading easier for target shooters.

Bongo Boy
01-18-2012, 12:17 AM
No, it's not a problem to run it through the press at all, it just causes that much more moving of the metal around which will probably cause some premature cracking. Of course, with 40SW and 45ACP 'premature' will probably mean after 50 reload cycles rather than 150. I'll just find something else to worry about, I guess.

I was just concerned this might indicate a potential for getting hung up in the action and jamming the gun, but so far, that's not happened--they're coming out of there with plenty of oomph.

Did I mention how much I like this gun? I really enjoy shooting this one.

01-18-2012, 06:36 AM
not alot of room in these small frames for casesto come out unmolested. What ur seeingis considered normal on kahrs, so just shoot it. as the gun wear in better and springs take their designed set, it might change a tad also. It is not goingt to cause any jamming issues..