View Full Version : glocks why do people love them ?

01-18-2012, 05:40 PM
why do people love glocks so much ? i can pick up a used police issued 45 for like 350 ! is it worth it ? to me i rather have a kahr over glock any day i just dont understand why people love glocks so much ?

01-18-2012, 05:49 PM
Me either.

Other than the originals being really reliable (they claim) that's it.I don't see anything else but that's just me.

01-18-2012, 05:53 PM
Media attention, pseudo reliability due in part by aggressive Glock ad campaign, "cops use Glocks"... etc

I've said it before, will continue to - I've seen, first hand, more injuries with Glock than any other. Yes, stupidity of the owners/gunhandlers. But why all Glock? Why one cop shot in his own leg, one guy blowin' a finger off, an AD into cement that caused injury, and an AD into a display of ammo when a customer shot his Glock "accidentally" at the sales counter? All stupid dumb stuff... all... with Glock

01-18-2012, 05:54 PM
Love is pretty strong. It implies affection. Maybe for a few folk. Like/buy/depend on would work better for me. Because they're dead stone reliable, inexpensive, appliance guns that will continue to run pretty much no matter what or how much neglect.

01-18-2012, 05:58 PM
Really, I think Glocks and Kahrs are made for two very different groups of people with very different needs. I'm not saying that one company is better than the other. Just different strokes for different folks! :) I don't think it's fair to compare the two because they are so different.

Glocks are made for LEO/military applications and they really excel at that. They are highly dependable, will run dirty, will run dry, and are very easy to maintain. Plus, there are the high cap magzines.

OTOH, Kahr excels at making highly dependable pocket guns like the PM9. Glock can't compete with that.

01-18-2012, 06:00 PM
The reason you hear those "horror" stories mostly about Glocks is simple; there are simply a lot more Glocks in use than any other gun. There is good reason for that because they are tried and true and excellent performers for the cost.

01-18-2012, 06:03 PM
Media attention, pseudo reliability due in part by aggressive Glock ad campaign, "cops use Glocks"... etc

I've said it before, will continue to - I've seen, first hand, more injuries with Glock than any other. Yes, stupidity of the owners/gunhandlers. But why all Glock? Why one cop shot in his own leg, one guy blowin' a finger off, an AD into cement that caused injury, and an AD into a display of ammo when a customer shot his Glock "accidentally" at the sales counter? All stupid dumb stuff... all... with Glock

That would be because Glock's safe action trigger system is a cosmic joke. Functionally, an S/A with no external safety.

If you're old enough to know this......when and why did never put your finger inside the trigger guard until ready to shoot and a holster must cover the trigger guard to be deemed safe become mantras?

Doc Holliday
01-18-2012, 06:21 PM
Easy to work on, reliable, and they rhyme with a lot of words in rap songs...

01-18-2012, 06:24 PM
All I know is... even with the day-glo orange sticker in the case, as well as the molded in warning, folks would try to put a LOADED Glock in the plastic case - that had the post in it, causing the trigger to be held back. The post was there so the gun MUST be encased with chamber unloaded. IOW, you HAD to pull the trigger to get the gun in the case. But ol' doofuss brains got to "just edging" the Glock into the case, then one nice whack to the case (or slam of the trunk, or snapping-on of the case's tupperware lid...) and KABOOM. One in leg, and finger were both due to doofuss brains putting Glocks into the Glock case.

01-18-2012, 06:33 PM
Well, some people just shouldn't own a gun whether it's a Glock or something else.

01-18-2012, 06:37 PM
Easy to work on, reliable, and they rhyme with a lot of words in rap songs...
lol that's funny rap ers love the glock when its hot on the block beat my moma with a sox

01-18-2012, 06:40 PM
What the flock? I'm gonna shoot you wit my Glock! :p

les strat
01-18-2012, 06:49 PM
They are an excellent reliable battle gun. Now I am not presently doing any battles, but if I do, I'll definitley have the AK and a Glock. ;)

They are also very user friendly to strip, repair, and parts are galore. Hey, I love my G30 .45 I just bought. It is one of my most accurate handguns to date. And recoil is very tame. I am very cautious when reholstering though.

01-18-2012, 06:50 PM
As a civilian, I have carried a GLOCK longer than any other gun.

As to the safety issue: Don't pull the trigger, it will not go off.

My G26 goes from 10 to 17rds with just a mag change. Stock mags are 10, 12, 15 and 17. Add 1,2 or 3+ extensions if you want to use aftermarket parts.

I carry it more than any other gun, 12+1 with 147gr HST.

My G30 is 13+1 in a safe by my nightstand. It was my first carry gun when I got out of the USAF in 2002 and I shoot it better than any gun I own, probably better than any gun I have ever shot. Just a great, accurate, reliable pistol. But it is a little too thick for all day carry. The G26 does it better and I shoot it nearly as well as the G30.

My Kahrs (MK9 and K9) get carried a lot when it is 110 and I am in shorts or just making a quick run to the store. I love the MK9 so much I took it to an advance pistol class. It ran like a champ of course. Got some strange looks at first, me being the biggest guy (6ft 5in, 300#) with the smallest gun. But once I ran the course with it, no one looked twice and few wanted to see what it was. (150rds, ZERO malfunctions and I ran it dirty with el-cheapo WWB!!)

I ran the last part of the class with the G26 12+1 just to see the difference. There was one. I shoot the G26 faster and more accurately and the biggy, less reloading. But dead is dead. The MK9 shot 7 and 8's, the G26 shot 9 and 10's, all kills, but the G26 was tighter and faster.

But I still don't feel under-gunned when carrying the MK9. It is a great gun that services a different purpose than the GLOCK's.

All four guns are completely reliable, and safe, as long as you follow the basic gun handling rules all of us (should) know so well.

01-18-2012, 07:02 PM
Honda and Toyota have similar fan adoration for similar reasons. Affordable, reliable, not necessarily pretty but functional.

les strat
01-18-2012, 07:12 PM
Honda and Toyota have similar fan adoration for similar reasons. Affordable, reliable, not necessarily pretty but functional.

I think Tundras and Titains looks pretty sweet! ;)

01-18-2012, 07:16 PM
Really, I think Glocks and Kahrs are made for two very different groups of people with very different needs. I'm not saying that one company is better than the other. Just different strokes for different folks! :) I don't think it's fair to compare the two because they are so different.

Glocks are made for LEO/military applications and they really excel at that. They are highly dependable, will run dirty, will run dry, and are very easy to maintain. Plus, there are the high cap magzines.

OTOH, Kahr excels at making highly dependable pocket guns like the PM9. Glock can't compete with that.

I own a Glock G27/40 and a Kahr MK40 Elite.
Along with a P220/45 and P239/357.
Plus three S&W revolvers ranging from an 11.1 oz 38 to a 44 Magnum - LOL!

I'd like to think they are all fine guns
with various strengths and weaknesses.
Each filling a specific role in my CC and home defense arsenal.

01-19-2012, 04:05 AM
I have one it's a good reliable gun but I don't really believe it's better than many other pistols in it's class. Not to crazy about the grip angle. To me it's a tool nothing more.

01-19-2012, 07:32 AM
Only you can decide if it is worth for you or not. Depending on the model, if I wanted a Glock and it was in very good shape I would probably get it for that money.

IMO some people love Glocks because they are good firearms and they suit them, and other people love them because of lack of knowledge. It is not uncommon that individuals who want to purchase their first handgun buy a Glock only because they have heard or read on the Internet how great Glocks are, and right after getting one they state "there is not better pistol than a Glock"; that we own a product and we like it does not mean that it is the best product in the world. And then we also have the media and Hollywood. Oh yes, do not forget either about "Welcome to the dark side" and "Glocks do not set off metal detectors and cannot be detected by X-ray machines" :rolleyes:

Longitude Zero
01-19-2012, 08:09 AM
It became popular with LEO's due to the simplicity of the manual of arms and the ease of trasition. I recall Glock reps calling their weapon a "magaizine fed revolver".

01-19-2012, 04:04 PM
It became popular with LEO's due to the simplicity of the manual of arms and the ease of trasition. I recall Glock reps calling their weapon a "magaizine fed revolver".

Oh yeah, I am sure they did it, in the same way that they call them "perfection" :rolleyes:. That is exactly how urban legends start. After the G-17 was introduced into the U.S. market a journalist stated that Glocks did not set off metal detectors and could not be detected by X-ray machines; what happened then was that it did not take too long time before a lot of people were saying the same thing and wanted a Glock because of it. And even today many people still believe it.

01-19-2012, 06:38 PM
It became popular with LEO's due to the simplicity of the manual of arms and the ease of trasition. I recall Glock reps calling their weapon a "magaizine fed revolver".

Ok, now that last bit's just too funny. That would be a Kahr.

01-19-2012, 06:46 PM
They are an excellent reliable battle gun. Now I am not presently doing any battles, but if I do, I'll definitley have the AK and a Glock. ;)

They are also very user friendly to strip, repair, and parts are galore. Hey, I love my G30 .45 I just bought. It is one of my most accurate handguns to date. And recoil is very tame. I am very cautious when reholstering though.

I was going to mention that AK thing, but then didn't. Fish them out of the muck, hose them off, and go.

Chief Joseph
01-19-2012, 08:46 PM
Last gun I bought was a Glock gen4 27. Came with 3 mags and I love it. Traded the worst gun I ever owned, a s&w sigma 9, for it. I carry my CM9 every day, but when camping or hiking in the gorge I carry my Glock 27 loaded with Doubletap 200 gr wfngc ammo. I carry both guns if I'm forced to take portlands mass transit since the weird towners have gotten used to beating people on it.

01-20-2012, 06:42 AM
Glock, Kahr and Sig-Sauer all have kick-a** LEO/Military discounts.
Have my first non-1911 .45 on order, a G21 gen4 'Blue label" at about $200
under list.
That buys a lot of ammo and Glocks have a lot of value for their price, so
I think that might explain their popularity. Plus, as previously noted it rhymes with sock, mock, hock,block and a few other unmentionables....

01-20-2012, 04:12 PM
Don't want anyone taking my comments wrong. I get along just fine with Glocks....have multiple in .40. And my Gen2 G23 is on my short list of "never part with" guns.

01-27-2012, 06:50 PM
why do people love glocks so much ? i can pick up a used police issued 45 for like 350 ! is it worth it ? to me i rather have a kahr over glock any day i just dont understand why people love glocks so much ?

I own and shoot 2 Kahrs, a CM9 and a CW40. Also own a Ruger LCP and formerly owned a Taurus TCP I recently traded the TCP in on a new 3d gen Glock 27 (leftover), and it feels sorta like a hand grenade compared to the other semis in my stable. Still, I must say that I can shoot that Glock much better than the CW40. It is goddawful accurate and has significantly lower felt recoil than the CW40 and will hold more ammo. It also conceals almost as well and is more reliable (the CW40 has a slight issue feeding the first round out of the mag using FMJ ammo). The only other Glock I have shot is a G21 in .45ACP, and that was similar: shot exactly to point of aim the first time I held it. I think that is why some like Glocks so much, they are damn good guns. Too bad they're not made in USA!

01-27-2012, 06:58 PM
They are addictive. Just this month, I have bought another Gen 2 G17 and a Gen 4 G37. I am on the lookout for a Gen 1 G17.

02-01-2012, 08:00 AM
Great thread... I have an older Glock 19 plus 3 Kahrs and a Colt 1903 in .32acp. There are some studies with Glock that some have run 100,000 rounds without a cleaning or failure. I'm sure its true as I cleaned mine after 1000 rounds and it was about the same level of grit as I get after 50 rounds in my Kahrs. I took a firearms course for 4 days and ran 1200 rounds through the Glock with no misfires. The 15 round magazines are a huge plus. If I was going to battle or there was a breakdown of rule of law I would want my Glock (or perhaps a .45 Glock) with 6 mags plus a Kahr (MK9 or PM9) as backup.

02-01-2012, 06:24 PM
In 1995 I bought a G17. Thousands and thousands of rounds later, I've never had even 1 hiccup of any sort. They just work.

les strat
02-02-2012, 09:30 AM
I sure am loving my G30. The accuracy is scary for 3 7/8" barrel. Just like SmokingGun stated, they just work. There is a reason they have a great name. If I could conceal it better (I am pretty slim), it would become my EDC, but it is my HD pistol alongside my Mossy 18.5" 12 gauge shotty.

02-06-2012, 12:10 PM
why do people love glocks so much ? i can pick up a used police issued 45 for like 350 ! is it worth it ? to me i rather have a kahr over glock any day i just dont understand why people love glocks so much ?

Keep in mind the Glock 26 0r 19 Gen4 is $595+. Sights are $100+ installed(nobody actually keeps the plastic day sights on). extra mag's, a lone star barrel, maybe even a trip to Robar that will cost you $400-$500. Got to get those slides done. People who buy Glocks put a ton of money into them. Most Glock's you see at the range are over a $1000 with what Glock fans put into them. I have seen plenty of glock guy's that have $2k-3k into their guns. The part where they then go and shoot these crap reloads through them confuses me.

02-16-2012, 10:41 PM
Glock, Kahr and Sig-Sauer all have kick-a** LEO/Military discounts.
Have my first non-1911 .45 on order, a G21 gen4 'Blue label" at about $200
under list.
That buys a lot of ammo and Glocks have a lot of value for their price, ...
Yes, Glock really strongly courts the LEO market with significant discounts.

In 1995 I bought a G17. Thousands and thousands of rounds later, I've never had even 1 hiccup of any sort. They just work.
This too. I've had a 2nd Gen G22 .40SW since '93. I could only guess at the number of rounds that have gone through the thing - five or six thousand at least - and I can't remember a single malfunction. Not one, ever. Hot, cold, clean, dirty, wet, it always goes bang and it always feeds. No other gun I've ever owned (dozens) has been as reliable.

I just recently sent it back to Smyrna for an overhaul. Not because it was having problems, obviously, but because I found out that there had been a few engineering changes over the years and that the work would be free. Got it back in under three weeks with lots of new parts, including three new magazines.

Finally, the modularity is appealing. Depending on the frame you start with, you can swap barrels and magazines and shoot another caliber. I have a 9mm barrel for my .40SW for instance, and I think I could get a .357SIG barrel if I was interested.

02-17-2012, 06:12 AM
In my opinion the reason Glocks are chosen for L.E. applications is this. Take for example ,the Glock 35 or 22 is your main sidearm(as it is in Kentucky with the KSP) and the 27 is your backup. The 22's mag will work in your backup if needed. Same with the 9mm if it is chosen over the 40cal.

My oldest son is a KSP Officer, he has NEVER had a failure with his Glock22 or 27. The things work and work very well......hpg

02-17-2012, 09:24 AM

02-17-2012, 10:27 AM
Glock? Sure, I've got two. I've been shooting a G22 since 1999. It's a tool and like any tool in my toolbox, it's there because it's reliable and it gets the job done.

It isn't meant to be sexy. That's where Kahr comes in, I guess.

02-17-2012, 04:59 PM
Come on! Tell me this isn't a sexy beast! It's a Gen 2 police trade in that I just picked up today.


02-17-2012, 05:52 PM
I think it's time for an intervention Melissa. About one more and you'll be speaking Austrian and we won't understand you anymore.

The hills are alive with the sound of music and you are 16 and I'm 59, I'll take care of you? Wait that ain't right.

02-17-2012, 06:04 PM
I think it's time for an intervention Melissa. About one more and you'll be speaking Austrian and we won't understand you anymore.

The hills are alive with the sound of music and you are 16 and I'm 59, I'll take care of you? Wait that ain't right.

So many Glocks, so little time!

Bawanna, you must be daydreaming about my new Glock. She was born in 1996, so that makes her 16 years old. LOL

02-17-2012, 06:07 PM
Yes, Melissa! The Generation 2 model 22 is my favorite of the Glocks!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk

02-17-2012, 06:33 PM
Glock? Sure, I've got two. I've been shooting a G22 since 1999. It's a tool and like any tool in my toolbox, it's there because it's reliable and it gets the job done.
It isn't meant to be sexy. That's where Kahr comes in, I guess.

My platinum blonde looks plenty sexy to me!

02-17-2012, 06:38 PM
Not a 'fanboy', but my G19 is my EDC.
I have, or have had, many many pistols in my life, and the G19 really does hit a sweet spot for size, caliber, capacity, barrel length and reliability.
It does all of them well.
Nothing against anything else, but works, works.

My wife carries a CW9, and I'm waiting on my CM9 to come in so it'll get put into the line up. I figure 6+1 x 9mm is a better pocket option than 5 x 38spl. Not to mention a smaller package...

I will say that a G30sf is on my short list, there's always something on that list though...

02-17-2012, 06:41 PM
I will say that a G30sf is on my short list, there's always something on that list though...

When the list stops - so do we - LOL!

02-17-2012, 06:43 PM
When the list stops - so do we - LOL!

Yep, there are at least 2 more Glocks that I'm looking for. :D

02-17-2012, 07:00 PM
Yes, Melissa! The Generation 2 model 22 is my favorite of the Glocks!

A definite x2 on the Gen2s, although I prefer 23s.

02-17-2012, 07:11 PM
So many Glocks, so little time!

Bawanna, you must be daydreaming about my new Glock. She was born in 1996, so that makes her 16 years old. LOL

Ummm, yeah probably so.

02-17-2012, 07:27 PM
Ummm, yeah probably so.

Just trying to help you out, sugar!

02-17-2012, 08:43 PM
Please refer to http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=10553 for my reasons why.

02-17-2012, 09:46 PM
why do people love glocks so much ? i can pick up a used police issued 45 for like 350 ! is it worth it ? to me i rather have a kahr over glock any day i just dont understand why people love glocks so much ?

Because love is blind. :)

02-18-2012, 08:37 AM
Been shooting and carrying Glocks for about 20 years now. Never any problems or issues. Started with the Glock 17 9mm. Transitioned to the Glock 22 40 when we adopted 40 calibers.

02-18-2012, 09:10 AM
I have a G26 and it's a good gun, but I wouldn't say I like it better or shoot it better than any of my others.

02-19-2012, 05:02 PM
Glocks have never appealed to me, so I have tried to imagine why some other people seem to like them SO much.

I suppose it is because they are generally reliable and (relatively) inexpensive - both good qualities. I think that is why people like Toyota cars, too.

Toyotas are decent cars that provide reliable transportation, but I've never seen one that would inspire any passion, and I think the same is true of Glocks. Just like nobody will ever mistake a Toyota for a Porsche, nobody would ever mistake a Glock for a nice Colt, S&W or well-made 1911.

I like guns for what they do - launch bullets - but I also like them as works of fine metalwork. That's why my Kahr is a MK9, and my other little friends are all metal, too. Glocks just don't float *my* boat, but at least I finally understand why other people like them. But I just don't understand the passion they inspire.

02-19-2012, 06:42 PM
It became popular with LEO's due to the simplicity of the manual of arms and the ease of trasition. I recall Glock reps calling their weapon a "magaizine fed revolver".

Another reason they are popular with leo's are the fact that Glock low balled the bid process to under bid everyone else in order to saturate the market. Kinda the same thing Harley has done by leasing new bike for $1.00 dollar a year. it is great for marketing by most law enforcement using them and public seeing that.....It is not the only reason but it is high up there for main reason.

02-20-2012, 02:44 PM
They're stupid simple.

I am prepared for the flaming, but I also think the trigger is nice if you weren't raised on another type of handgun. For someone who doesn't shoot very often a Glock trigger is easy to use, it's got a bit of slack, followed by a brick wall that breaks relatively clean (when properly maintained).

And really, leave the 1911 machismo at the door, for the price you can not find a more reliable/accurate out-of-the-box 9mm than a Glock 17. Not all their models are perfect performers but no company has a perfect line of pistols.

02-20-2012, 03:08 PM
Glocks are simple and very reliable.