View Full Version : MK40 problems need help

01-19-2012, 03:27 PM
I can not keep slide springs in my mk 40. First factory spring lasted for 1241 rounds then the out side bushing, broken. Second factory spring lasted for 219 rounds the inner end cap that goes on the barrel, broken. Third spring is Wolff Recoil Guide Rods and Sets 20.5 pound. This time 96 rounds, the inside guide end that goes on the barrel or called a flange broke in half. I also keep braking the 5 round mag followers the first one broke at 1060 rounds the second one broke at the same time that the wolf guide rod broke.

I clean and lub the gun after each range session per the sticky, nice information.

This is my main CCW in the summer; I need this gun to gun.

I am looking for information to help me in the right direction.

01-19-2012, 03:35 PM
send it back to kahr, they have done some mod work to eliminate this follower breakage stuff. possable ur other issues are related. email them anddirect it to Jay and state whatu have told us. if the gun is new under warranty, they should issue a pick up on the gun to getit right.

01-19-2012, 03:55 PM
Thanks JOCKO the gun is still under warranty. It will be the third time that it was returned. The first time the front night sight fell off no big deal there. The second time at 1060 rounds a broken follower and a broken frame rail. Kahr installed a new frame but the same slide.

The turn around time was a long 6 or 7 weeks each time.

01-19-2012, 03:57 PM
hadn't been a good gun for u, for sure let them know this is the 3rd time back and now new issues..

they say 3rd times a charm...

01-19-2012, 06:59 PM
Sorry to hear about all the problems My mk40 is smooth as glass and has never had a failure of any kind. Is the inside of the frame look clear of drag marks or abnormal wear somewhere and is the slide smooth. Obviously the gun has to go back to Kahr I'm just really interested to know what is causing all the damage and broken parts. When you find out I hope you'll do a followup post