View Full Version : CM9 Range Report 23 Jan

01-23-2012, 02:35 PM
Well, I finally made it to the range today to break in my brand new CM9 after following the cleaning and lube instructions from the kahr tech sticky, as well as "squeezing" the mag so that it would fall out easily....shot 100 rounds today, and another 100 tomorrow..

First 60 or so rounds I had mixed results. I think I had 2 or 3 FTF, but no FTE. There were also about 4 or 5 times where the slide did not stay back when the last round was fired. However, the last 40 or so rounds she ran smooth...no problems at all. I was able to shoot some pretty good groups at 10, 15, and 20 feet. I moved target all the way back to 75 feet just for grins and hit it one out of six times. :)

One thing I noticed after re-assembling the gun, is that the tip of the guide rod will sometimes "hang-up". Meaning if I pull back the slide about 1/4 inch and then let it go forward, the tip of the guide rod catches on the hole that it's supposed to be seated in. I noticed this both before and after the shooting. Not sure if this is to be expected until broken in or not...I double checked to make sure the guide rod and spring were in there straight, but that didn't seem to be the problem. Anyone else have that issue?

01-23-2012, 03:33 PM
the guide rod thing happens on my PM9 with 32K through it. it seems it is all apbout proper assembly, which for me even I can't figure out why it does tha tsometimes but it does. No big deal, take the slide back off and recheck and preposition the recoil assembly and then it seems OK. Nothing I think ur really doign wrong or nothg wrong withthe gun or recoil assembly, just a quirk in some folks guns..

there is a reason why kahr recommends 200 rounds before getting to escited about any issues, as it just seems that rounds diwn ragne seems to take care of start up issues. I attribute alot of tha tto t very tight gun that also the slide and lower polmer frame have not matted up properly YET and nothing beats the mating process than the BANG thing. Hand racking IMO help-s alot but nothing like kthe BANG thing.

01-23-2012, 03:45 PM
Thanks! Also, is the recoil spring supposed to be able to come off the guide rod? It's on there pretty tight, and I'm afraid to use too much force to get it off.

01-23-2012, 03:51 PM
it should slide off. spray some Remington dry lube on that outter tube. U might also check to see if that open end of that outter recoil spring, that the tip is not grabbing on that recoil tube. If itis, just take a pair of pliers and open that outter tip alittle more and then file or smooth that sharp point to a nice fine feel. If that tip grabs on that tube during slide cycling it might slow the slide down a tad, which is not necessary.
always remember open end towards the front of the slide....

01-23-2012, 06:41 PM
sounds good...I'll try that. Hope to put another 100 rds thru tomorrow or wednesday...

one more question...i used the non-chlorinated brake cleaner like you recommend...do you use that as well to clean the inside of the barrel, or just the slide? And what about using it on the polymer frame?

Doc Holliday
01-24-2012, 09:52 AM
sounds good...I'll try that. Hope to put another 100 rds thru tomorrow or wednesday...

one more question...i used the non-chlorinated brake cleaner like you recommend...do you use that as well to clean the inside of the barrel, or just the slide? And what about using it on the polymer frame?

I'm curious about non-chlor brake cleaner as well for the frame...any long-term negative effects from repeated use?

01-24-2012, 11:02 AM
This subject has been discussed, at length, before and the short answer is no...no negatives from repeated use.

Doc Holliday
01-24-2012, 11:03 AM
This subject has been discussed, at length, before and the short answer is no...no negatives from repeated use.

Fantastic! Thank you.
(yep, just did the 'search' function and got my answer there, too)