View Full Version : What's your cleaning methods

01-23-2012, 05:59 PM
I have a CM9 that I haven't cleaned yet after the first range use. The gun work great almost don't want to clean it. What's the best why to clean these little guys.

01-23-2012, 06:20 PM
Nitro solvent du jour, dont soak the barrel in solvent for long periods (due to its nickle plating).

Lube as per the diagram found on this forum.

Don't forget to clean the magazine.

I use three different lubes. Heavy grease on the locking lug and top of barrel where it locks. Light grease - TW25b, on the rails. Then just a smidge of oil on the other items - only if they're particularly dry. Light film is all they get.

01-23-2012, 06:27 PM
There are a couple of threads in the Kahr Tech section that answer that question well.



^^^ what he said. Glad you like your CM9

01-23-2012, 07:44 PM
I have read all of the prep and lube. But that said nothing about what to do with the brush /rods/white pads. What order are these done in. I don't see any reason to send a brush down the barrel of the gun. So what order do I use these items.

01-23-2012, 08:08 PM
bore brush goes wet...throgh borr from the chamber end. After good scrubbing, swab with wet patches until they come out clean. Use toothbrush looking thing to scrub slide and frame ...if its a non netal brush...no metal brush on plastic frame.

01-23-2012, 08:15 PM
I generally wet the end of a bore snake with solvent and drag it thru a couple times. Use some solvent and some q tips to clean everything else then wipe it dry and run a dry boresnake thru it. Then lube my Kahr.

01-23-2012, 08:29 PM
I have read all of the prep and lube. But that said nothing about what to do with the brush /rods/white pads. What order are these done in. I don't see any reason to send a brush down the barrel of the gun. So what order do I use these items.Plenty of cleaning videos on YouTube. Many manufacturers have them online, SIG for example.

01-23-2012, 08:29 PM
bore brush goes wet...throgh borr from the chamber end. After good scrubbing, swab with wet patches until they come out clean. Use toothbrush looking thing to scrub slide and frame ...if its a non netal brush...no metal brush on plastic frame.

Tnks that was what I was in need of. This forum is great. I was sold on a Kahr because of the people on this site.

01-23-2012, 08:55 PM
Cheap store brand non-cholrinated brake cleaner hose down everything... (thanks Jocko for the tip)
Brake cleaner on old toothbrush and scrub everything
hose down again ....

Let dry...

Gunzilla on another toothbrush everywhere except frame and striker channel

flitz on wool dremel polish wheel on feed ramp and slide stop pin bits..

wipe down and gunzilla per lube chart.

I love gunzilla... use it on all weapons ...

Google it...

Super guy that makes / sells the stuff and it just plain works.

01-23-2012, 09:04 PM
I use Eezox and Militec-1. Eezox is a very good CLP (cleaner, dry lubricant and rust preventive).

les strat
01-24-2012, 08:36 AM
I spray CLP down the barrel and spray other parts for a minute or two
I run a patch down and get the worst out of the barrel
I then run a brush wet with CLP down the barrel several times
Wet patch again
Dry patches till clean
Clean other Parts
Lube other parts as recommended here on the forum
Wipe down with tshirt
Clean CT laser with that little Q-tip thing that came with my CT and alcohol

01-24-2012, 08:59 AM
One word folks : KROIL


Dissolves everything, creeps into tight tolerances, evaporates leaving a very very fine oiled, surface. Then a little CLP or grease on the rails.

This stuff is like a magic fluid for your house, gun and engines.

01-24-2012, 09:03 AM
Whatever you use dont use wd 40

01-24-2012, 11:23 AM
Whatever you use dont use wd 40

**** that is what I was useing just kidding I wont even let that shiw in my house.

01-24-2012, 01:15 PM
One word folks : KROIL


Dissolves everything, creeps into tight tolerances, evaporates leaving a very very fine oiled, surface. Then a little CLP or grease on the rails.

This stuff is like a magic fluid for your house, gun and engines.

KROIL is indeed good stuff, afterall I use it, so should YOU!

01-24-2012, 01:48 PM
KROIL is indeed good stuff, afterall I use it, so should YOU!

I like Kroil also. I generally don't use it for general oiling and cleaning but if something is stuck or you need to get lube in a tight hard to get to spot, Kroil is the ticket.

I use the old Kroil and JB for nasty leaded up barrels, it's good stuff.

01-24-2012, 10:33 PM
Mix KROIL and the GM auto tranny fluid. Tis good stuff.

pocket pistol
01-25-2012, 05:18 PM
I use the non-chlorinated brake cleaner as a cleaner ( thanks Jocko), to spray down the striker channel and so on. And I use CLP for everything else.

01-25-2012, 05:24 PM

Cleaning guns??? Since when do guns need cleaning? I thought all that rock hard carbon gave the gun "character" and charm. Now, I hear it's supposed to be cleaned off!!!??
Oh my, I'm gonna have a busy weekend. Can't I just throw all the parts in the dishwasher.

01-25-2012, 05:31 PM
I love the smell of Hoppe's #9 after a few hours at the range :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

01-25-2012, 06:03 PM
Just remember that, like Glocks, polymer Kahrs are ONLY TOP RACK SAFE in your dishwasher and that is SAFE ONLY WHEN SWMBO IS NOT HOME (emphasis added as a safety precaution against warped frames and lumps on your head). :D

Of course, stainless frame pistols are safe in all locations, but the use of a dishwasher on carbon steel models is discouraged.

And it leaves all your guns lemony fresh.

01-25-2012, 06:25 PM
You guys got no clue how many times I have heard grief about cleaning guns in the kitchen sink... and not from the wife.. she don't grief me cause it wont do her no good. That and she is well used to it since I clean some rifles in the shower or bath tub. Course she does grief me when I don't clean the mess suitable to shewhowontbedenied.

Oh and the dishwasher really is great for getting cosmoline out of places that are rather difficult to reach... one of these days Imma install one in a workshop.. that and an oven.

01-25-2012, 07:07 PM
tv_racin_fan . . . You are The Man! :D

Imma have to contact Bawanna about installation of a valve now...

Ok now understand the firearms I clean in the sink are BLACK POWDER revolvers.. just the same it is hilarious to me to hear guys that are totally incredulous that someone would do such a thing. They do not understand that BLACK POWDER and petroleum products do not get along (interesting to note the Hoppes #9 for BLACK POWDER has petroleum products in it along with the WATER).

01-25-2012, 08:01 PM
Tnks that was what I was in need of. This forum is great. I was sold on a Kahr because of the people on this site.

Have you met Jocko yet? :)

01-25-2012, 08:11 PM
Soak all gun parts, yes polymer too, in kerosene. Immediately transfer these parts to a pre-heated gas oven @ 500 degrees. Close oven door. Sprint to front door while in a semi-crouched stance. Try to make it 50 feet from the front door before the house explodes. Gather up as many gun parts that you can find in the neighborhood. Repeat as necessary.

Now, was that so hard?

01-25-2012, 08:19 PM
Imma have to contact Bawanna about installation of a valve now...

Ok now understand the firearms I clean in the sink are BLACK POWDER revolvers.. just the same it is hilarious to me to hear guys that are totally incredulous that someone would do such a thing. They do not understand that BLACK POWDER and petroleum products do not get along (interesting to note the Hoppes #9 for BLACK POWDER has petroleum products in it along with the WATER).

I've spent plenty of time in the bathtub with my muzzle stuffers. It's the best way to get em clean and since I usually need cleaning afterwards we can comfortably cohabitate. I use Irish Spring on myself and Dawn liquid for the stuffer.
Haven't blasted her off in many many years, might be a good thing to do when it warms up around here if I can find a good outdoor place.

As for the valve I order them by the 6 pack. I'll send ya one.
The trick is everytime you think you know something really smart and try to type it open the valve for a bit and see if you remember what you was gonna say.

As for the valve I order them....****, can't remember what I was gonna say.

01-26-2012, 07:55 AM
Soak all gun parts, yes polymer too, in kerosene. Immediately transfer these parts to a pre-heated gas oven @ 500 degrees. Close oven door. Sprint to front door while in a semi-crouched stance. Try to make it 50 feet from the front door before the house explodes. Gather up as many gun parts that you can find in the neighborhood. Repeat as necessary.

Now, was that so hard?

It's much easier to run your Kahr through the dishwasher and dunk it in a quart of motor oil. It only takes a few minutes for the excess oil to run out. No muss, no fuss.

01-27-2012, 10:13 PM
Cheap store brand non-cholrinated brake cleaner hose down everything... (thanks Jocko for the tip)
Brake cleaner on old toothbrush and scrub everything
hose down again ....

Let dry...

Gunzilla on another toothbrush everywhere except frame and striker channel

flitz on wool dremel polish wheel on feed ramp and slide stop pin bits..

wipe down and gunzilla per lube chart.

I love gunzilla... use it on all weapons ...

Google it...

Super guy that makes / sells the stuff and it just plain works.


Note that the Flitz treatment is gone!

OK... Update to what worked a charm on today's 289 round session with my P380 including several manual first round loading via slide rack....

This is still a Kahr so you gotta do the slide rack correctly and firmly...

Still hose down with brake cleaner...
Scrub with toothbrush...
Hose down again to be sure

Let Dry..

Clean well with Hoppes scrubing carbon off...

Hose off again with brake cleaner.... removes Hoppes..

Back inside...

Hose down slide, barrel, slide stop, and guide rod/springs with Gunzilla...

Wipe down but not overly...

Re Assemble and rack / dry fire many times... Probably 50 - 75 slide racks and 20+ dry fires...

Back outside....

Brake cleaner in slide clean out hole again and frame...

Wipe off and clean up till wipes and q tips come clean on springs, guide rod, barrel...

Gunzilla on Bore Snake several times.....

Gunzilla more liberally than the lube chart shows on all parts including anything that moves on frame..... plus any metal slides plus extractor top and bottom.... Overdoing it.... perhaps...

Slide gets pretty good dose as well on rail slots plus what is shown on lube chart.

Reassemble.... Rack like crazy... with dry fires often....

Wipe down exterior....

Let sit.....

One last time.....

Break down and wipe any excess Gunzilla off.... and reassemble.....


Hose down with brake cleaner.
Let dry..
Hit follower only with Gunzilla on a rag just to shine them up.
Reassemble .

Test by making sure each mag locks slide back on a hard slide rack.

Test again to be sure you can manual load a snap cap with a hard rack.

Done and ready for next shoot !