View Full Version : CW45... what's the deal?

01-23-2012, 10:35 PM
In 2009 I was trying to decide between a G36 and a CW45. I had a CW9 an was happy with it so the Kahr was the obvious carry choice. I went to a local shop and looked at a new one they had. I loved the feel but when I pulled the trigger it wouldn't break. I had to push the hell out of it to get the striker to finally launch. I assumed it was a fluke. A few weeks later I looked at a used one and when I pulled the trigger..... nothing. I racked the slide, tried again..... nothing.

Last week I had a trade offer for my Glock 26 Gen4. It was a used CW45. We met and the gunlooked new. It had a Sept 11 build date. I racked the slide, pulled the trigger and..... nothing. The seller swore he had never fired it and was as shocked as me. We tried several times, broke it down... etc... it never worked.

Fast fed to today. I stopped by a local shop to get some ammo. They had a new CW45 in the case. I asked if I could see it. The shop owner said, yes but the trigger was busted and he had more in the safe if I wanted to buy one. Sure enough, I tried it and the trigger pulled clean but never released the striker.

Is this a coincidence? Am I a bad luck charm? What's the deal? I would love to have a reliable CW45 as a carry option but at this point my confidence is shaken.

01-23-2012, 10:43 PM
Is it a co-incidence that the person who wanted to sell you the gun with the busted trigger had his gun end up in the case at a gun store? Maybe not!


Seriously... very few reports of problems. I suspect most "trigger bar" problems are not trigger bar, but debris, little plastic shavings and flashing from the frame that work into things with initial use. I suspect cleaning them out would make things just fine.

Three Kahr's in my arsenal... never a trigger issue. You hardly ever see it here - except on a few new guns - never on ones with some use... strange? Or occasionally you see a fail to fire because the slide didn't quite go into battery, due to chamber crud, and or recoil spring and still needing breakin... that sort of thing.

So... I'd get a new one - better yet, if the one in the case is "new" get it a a substantial discount and have Kahr correct it on their dime!~

01-23-2012, 11:04 PM
So... I'd get a new one - better yet, if the one in the case is "new" get it a a substantial discount and have Kahr correct it on their dime!~
Hey CJB! You are about to release a monster!

After talking with the shop owner, Frank will come back with a new CW45 and $200 worth of free ammo. ;)

Go, Frank, go!

01-24-2012, 12:16 AM
I've had seven Kahrs including two CW45, but I've never experienced that.

01-24-2012, 01:18 AM
I have two CW45's and a P45. One of the CW's has a very slow release. It's noticeably slower to release the pin than the other Kahr 45's and my PM9. It's almost like it's got a time delay in it. Not sure why though.

01-24-2012, 05:51 AM
I have two CW45's and a P45. One of the CW's has a very slow release. It's noticeably slower to release the pin than the other Kahr 45's and my PM9. It's almost like it's got a time delay in it. Not sure why though.

Your description is very accurate. One of the CW45's I mentioned felt that way. I squeezed the trigger all the way to the rear until it stopped. A half second later it released. I wonder if the 45 is more prone to this or of there's one bad gun out there and its following me around.....

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01-24-2012, 05:52 AM
Hey CJB! You are about to release a monster!

After talking with the shop owner, Frank will come back with a new CW45 and $200 worth of free ammo. ;)

Go, Frank, go!

Hmmmmmm, sounds like a challenge.......

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01-25-2012, 04:35 PM
OK, I didn't quite get it for $200 but I did decide I would rather have a CW9 instead of my CM9.

Guy gave me $100 plus his unfired CW9 + 2 mags for my CM9 today.


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01-25-2012, 04:57 PM
prob from being drie fired so many times caused the damage! that's why they say not to dry fire or could just be them two guns i have a pt45 and i love it kahrs have a very long trigger pull but there shouldnt b a delay ! i know lots of people with the cw 45 and no problems ! also should never brake down a kahr unless you have 200 rounds threw it to brake in ! and when i always buy a gun i never take the one in the display case do to people handling and always pulling the trigger and dry firing you should always ask for one that's new not on display if they wont do it for you then dont give them your cash ! but for a couple hundred more you could get a tp 45 with better options on it! but its a bit bigger but i think the trade off is worth it with tp 45 you get more rounds in the clip ! but if your stuck on the cw for the price and size its a great gun to go with ! i recently rented a glock 27 gen 4 and its totaly diff then any kahr i preffer kahr over glock ! but the cw shouldnt have that issue at all !

01-25-2012, 05:02 PM
Your description is very accurate. One of the CW45's I mentioned felt that way. I squeezed the trigger all the way to the rear until it stopped. A half second later it released. I wonder if the 45 is more prone to this or of there's one bad gun out there and its following me around.....

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there is sumpin wrong with your cw45 if it is delaying like that. assuming you have giventhe striker channel a good douching out,if it continues, I will contact kahr.. u could have a very gummy striker channel--MAYBE????

01-25-2012, 06:07 PM
That was classic, Jocko. Your insight is amazing. I particularly liked the term douching. Non chlorinated douch to be sure. :)

01-25-2012, 06:38 PM
That was classic, Jocko. Your insight is amazing. I particularly liked the term douching. Non chlorinated douch to be sure. :)

find it in the womens dept at wal mart under the name brand DOUCHKLEEN:third: If they are out, just go to the automotive dept and buy BRAKEKLEEN. same stuff, different label:third:

Just tryng to help:third:

01-25-2012, 08:26 PM
Well, insightful in that he didn't read the OP and completely failed to realize that I do not own nor have I ever a CW45. ;)

That being said. I wonder if Jocko's PM9 smells like vinegar? :)
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01-26-2012, 07:31 AM
That's a crazy story. I can understand one CW45 not working, but for every one you touch to be that way sounds like some higher power is steering you away from the CW45. Kick fate square in the teeth by purchasing the very first P45 you happen to come across and celebrate your victory over fate by making 200 very loud noises in groups of 7.