View Full Version : warning: Dead wolves... pictures.

01-24-2012, 04:31 PM
I just got this email and have never known just how large wolves can be. I'll try to add the text from the email and the pictures. I make no judgments about hunting, but I would hate to shoot anything like a dog unless in self-defense or in defense of someone or other domesticated animals.

Wolves are freaking HUGE! :eek: Not my words:


Just a few of the wolves killed this year with the Idaho wolf tag. It is just amazing how big they are.
If you are going into the Blues, Cascades, or up above Spokane hiking, game scouting, mushroom hunting, or something else you better start carrying a side arm. Can you even imagine being out by yourself and having 8 to 12 of these monsters surround you! Think about what kind of appetite a dozen of these must have."

01-24-2012, 04:35 PM
Holy crap! Those are BIG critters! I can imagine how they can pull down an elk or moose, let alone a danged deer. They must be from 150 to 200 pounds!??

I'm guessing that "Nice Doggie!" won't persuade them to overlook pangs of hunger... if they are so inclined... and a Slim Jim won't make much of a difference!


01-24-2012, 04:44 PM
According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_wolf).

Gray wolves are the largest extant members of the Canidae, excepting certain large breeds of domestic dog. Gray wolf weight and size can vary greatly worldwide, tending to increase proportionally with latitude as predicted by Bergmann's Rule. Adult wolves are 105–160 cm (41–63 in) in length and 80–85 cm (32–34 in) in shoulder height. The tail is ⅔ the length of the head and body, measuring 29–50 cm (11–20 in) in length. The ears are 90–110 millimeters (3.5–4.3 in) in height, and the hind feet are 220–250 mm. Wolf weight varies geographically; on average, European wolves may weigh 38.5 kilograms (85 lb), North American wolves 36 kilograms (79 lb), Indian and Arabian wolves 25 kilograms (55 lb) and North African wolves 13 kilograms (29 lb).

01-24-2012, 04:50 PM
Even with winter coats masking the body size, these wolves are more than 79 pounds! The bodies of most of these seem to be at least 5 feet long... and they didn't look "starved"!


You left out this:

"Females in any given wolf population typically weigh 5–10 lbs less than males.[49] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_wolf#cite_note-l18-48) Wolves weighing over 54 kg (120 lbs) are uncommon, though exceptionally large individuals have been recorded in Alaska (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska), Canada (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada),[49] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_wolf#cite_note-l18-48) and the former Soviet Union (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Former_Soviet_Union).[45] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_wolf#cite_note-s174-44)[50] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_wolf#cite_note-g35-49) The heaviest recorded gray wolf in North America was killed on 70 Mile River in east-central Alaska on July 12, 1939 and weighed 79.4 kilograms (175 lb),[49] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_wolf#cite_note-l18-48) while the heaviest recorded wolf in Eurasia was killed after World War II in the Kobelyakski Area (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobeliaky) of the Poltavskij Region (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poltava_Oblast), Ukrainian SSR (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_SSR), and weighed 86 kilograms (190 lb).[50] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_wolf#cite_note-g35-49)"

01-24-2012, 05:18 PM
Hey! That's why I included the link for your further entertainment.

Perhaps there is a McDonald's nearby?!


Edited to add: So, do the pictured wolves set or approach any records?

I would think so. In any event, they have to be amazing personal bests for the gentlemen in the pictures! :D

Oh, and I should add . . . Thanks for sharing! Those are impressive pictures!

01-24-2012, 05:57 PM
actualy the guys holding the wolves are midgets,so it makes them look big.

Do u know what wolves eat??? They eat what ever they want!!!

les strat
01-24-2012, 06:22 PM
actualy the guys holding the wolves are midgets,so it makes them look big.

Do u know what wolves eat??? They eat what ever they want!!!

Umm, Little Red Riding Hood?


01-24-2012, 06:41 PM
oh my isn't that a lovely basket she is holding!!!!!!

01-24-2012, 07:26 PM
I'm feeling kind of like a WOLF myself... mmmmm... dang! Gotta wipe the drool before my wife comes back in here!


01-24-2012, 07:28 PM
Basket... what basket.? I did notice she has the latest in crappy shoes... those hideous PLATFORM thingies!:rolleyes:


01-24-2012, 07:39 PM
Okay, I was more than a little curious about the wolves' weights:


Notice that they talk about averages... average FEMALE... 86 pounds! Average male... 101 pounds, and the heaviest recorded male was 109 lbs... much more than the "average 79 lbs for males."

They still looked bigger than that.

EDIT: Additional:

Latest data. Average female 86 lbs. Average male 101 lbs-

Earlier I reported data from the Fish and Game Comission meeting a couple weeks ago with the largest Idaho wolf at 109 pounds. One in extreme Northern Idaho was 130 pounds. The Spokesman Review has a new article on this.


Doc Holliday
01-24-2012, 07:52 PM
Basket... what basket.? I did notice she has the latest in crappy shoes... those hideous PLATFORM thingies!:rolleyes:


Yea, for some reason I don't quite recall Little Red Riding Hood wearing stripper shoes....

....but I'm not complaining, trust me....:001_tt2:

les strat
01-24-2012, 08:23 PM
Okay, I was more than a little curious about the wolves' weights:


Notice that they talk about averages... average FEMALE... 86 pounds! Average male... 101 pounds, and the heaviest recorded male was 109 lbs... much more than the "average 79 lbs for males."

They still looked bigger than that.


I guess that weight topped off with massive amounts of hair = one dang big looking pooch!

Yea, for some reason I don't quite recall Little Red Riding Hood wearing stripper shoes....

....but I'm not complaining, trust me....:001_tt2:

I guess I was too occupied with the stockings to to notice the shoes ;)

01-24-2012, 08:37 PM
More info:

Latest data. Average female 86 lbs. Average male 101 lbs-


Earlier I reported data from the Fish and Game Comission meeting a couple weeks ago with the largest Idaho wolf at 109 pounds. One in extreme Northern Idaho was 130 pounds. The Spokesman Review has a new article on this.

Yeah, they looked even bigger!


01-24-2012, 09:27 PM
Silly me! I knew we could count on you for a logical answer, Jocko! :D

And, on Les. Yum!


How do I wolf whistle on this forum?

As far as the wolves, they are a lot bigger than I have seen. I think they may have been photoshopped.

01-24-2012, 09:57 PM
Wynn keeps trying to bring this thread back on topic when now everyone is interested in Red Riding Hood.

I will say those wolves are HUGE. My dog has weighed 70+ pounds and it was not as big as those wolves.

Now, back to Red Riding Hood.:D

01-24-2012, 11:59 PM
We need those giant wolves to take care of the giant feral hogs.



01-25-2012, 12:31 AM
The wolves and Little Red Riding hood are real.


01-25-2012, 01:43 AM
wyn I shirt you not I saw some pigs that appeared to be as big as flippin cattle. The guy had turned them out in a field of harvested corn.. I guess it was feed corn but I dunno for certain. Anyhoo the guy had just cut the fence loose between posts and parked his truck between them.. there was about 2 1/2' between truck and post on each side but the pigs were far to large to get out. I watched the guy go between post and truck withpout turning sideways...

01-25-2012, 02:22 AM
I'm not going to say they aren't real, but there's sure some creative camera work going on there. I've encountered lots of wolves--and they are certainly big, but I've NEVER seen one that big.

01-25-2012, 04:05 AM
I aint commenting on the wolf photos...

Back in the day my mother found a place the blew up photos into posters and sent in a photo of me holding a stringer of fish, among others to go in a party room my parents built complete with 8' wet bar. Anyway I was holding the stringer out in front of me and they sure looked bigger in the photo compared to me as they were in real life.

01-25-2012, 06:37 AM
their midgets.

01-25-2012, 08:29 AM
Don't believe everything you see on the internet. Those pictures have been floating a round for years. There's also one with a bear that ginormous, and has paws the size of snowshoes.

les strat
01-25-2012, 09:16 AM
The hog photos are a clear example of the human being far back in the background with a deep depth of field where both are in focus. Total optical illusion.

The wolf photos however have the men's arms around them and would be much harder to fake.

We have some mounted wolves in our museum that are almost that big, but not quite. I'd say about 90-100 lb.

01-25-2012, 12:14 PM
That's it!!!
I'm never going into the woods again. We got mutant-zombie animals walking around out there.

Old joke:
In Alaska, two mosquitoes are standing over a man they just killed.
One asks, "Should we bring him back to the forest?"
#2 says, "Naaaa, if we do, the big boys will steal him from us."

01-25-2012, 12:38 PM
It's very hard to think of good things about NJ. But not having wolves here is one. Unless they only eat liberals!:D

01-25-2012, 02:42 PM
Damn Little Red's looking good............:eek:

01-25-2012, 09:46 PM
Don't believe everything you see on the internet. Those pictures have been floating a round for years. There's also one with a bear that ginormous, and has paws the size of snowshoes.

I know I just doubted the wolf pics yesterday, but believe it or not, that bear pic is legit. Those pics ran in the Anchorage Daily News when the guy shot that bear. It was really that big, big enough that it made the news up here. But it was a freak; they don't all get that big. I'm sure the same could be said for these wolves, but something about them in those pics just doesn't look "natural."

I've got a 100 lb husky/malamute mix laying on the floor looking at me, and a 140 lb great dane sucking a gallon of water out of the bowl and drooling it all over the floor, so I'm used to being around big canines; neither of them would look that big in that same pose. I'd post a pic, but if I tried that with my mix (who does look somewhat wolf-like) he'd rip my head off. He's not fond of being touched. :eek:

01-25-2012, 10:03 PM
The articles explain why the wolves LOOK big, but they are really huge. These were hunting photos and some of the wolves are very evidently not "average" size.

I've seen several real bear kills and the photos about how large their paws and teeth are. There are some huge grizzlies out there and I wouldn't want to venture into their territories even with a gun big enough to kick one on its butt. I'll leave that to the tree-hugging hikers and such that feed them ever so often when they go biking or hiking without weapons... Darwinian moments... improving our gene pool.


01-25-2012, 10:21 PM
I'll leave that to the tree-hugging hikers and such that feed them ever so often when they go biking or hiking without weapons... Darwinian moments... improving our gene pool.


Ya know how you can spot Bear scat on a trail?
It's full of little jinggle-bells and smells like pepper spray.

01-25-2012, 10:25 PM
Yeah, I posted a Canadian Park sign with the information:



01-25-2012, 10:37 PM
Now, that's funny! http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee486/John_England/Misc/laugh.gif

01-25-2012, 10:44 PM

01-26-2012, 02:02 AM
Really, bears are pretty easy to live with. Don't mess with their food. Don't smell like their food. Don't get between them and their food. (There's a theme going here.)

Bears really don't like the taste of people, and they only kill stuff they want to eat, or that they think is trying to eat their food. Otherwise, they'll almost always avoid conflict. Not like mountain lions. They kill stuff for entertainment.

01-26-2012, 05:29 AM
I have heard though they have a fondness for "illegals". not sure that is true or not,!!! Not to sure about the mountain line thing, I hunted them for 3 weeks years ago in Utah. they normaly kill for food and stay within range of that food until almost gone.

les strat
01-26-2012, 08:51 AM
Ya know how you can spot Bear scat on a trail?
It's full of little jinggle-bells and smells like pepper spray.

You know, that reminds me of a documentary I watched a while back where migrants in Africa (Mozambicans I believe) were crossing a territory that was known for man-eating lions. They used bells and other noise makers to scare off the lions, but the lions started associating the sounds with food. Dinner bell.... let's eat!

01-26-2012, 10:15 AM
The large predators can show adaptability like that.

I find it funny that people will go into the "woods" or wilderness using hair shampoo and other such products that smell like the bears' favorite food.

Then there are those who cook BACON out there! What large critter, including Man, can resist that? And locking stuff like that in the car doesn't work. Large bears' claws work just like can openers or crowbars!


01-26-2012, 02:06 PM
Here's what Snopes had to say about the wolf..


01-26-2012, 03:50 PM
I just took my 1.5 year old Hound dog mix to the vet and he weighed 92lbs. He's most definitely smaller than those things. Especially the head. They've got to be around 150lbs. I don't think a pistol's enough protection if you going where those things are, better take something a whole lot bigger!

But, I digress... I wonder if my wife would put that on? Oh wait, it's not the outfit we we're talking about is it?

01-26-2012, 04:03 PM
Here's what Snopes had to say about the wolf..


While they question details about the origin of the pictures, they don't say anything about the photos being photoshopped or falsified in any way.

01-26-2012, 04:25 PM
very beataful animal its a shame people hunt them for sport just to shoot something ! but if its in self defense im all for it! but why shoot and kill for the sport or fun of it ! to me im totaly against hunting i love guns but beleave killing a beatafule animal like that just to shoot something that's not harming you is wrong! and what kind of man hunts with a gun anyome can kill something with a rifle from fare away if you were a real man and didnt use your fire arm to kill a harmless animal and used your bare hands to kill it like thousands of years ago thats real hunting ! them poor wolves wasn't harming them hunters at all what ashame to waste a life just for fun !

01-26-2012, 04:43 PM
kahrcrazky13. totally agree, must be an age thing, when I wa syounger, I hunted and shot anything that moved. Now at my age a nic elooking Buck to me is something to admire. I losttaht urge to just kill to be killing. Thewolf thing wold be no different I THINK.

01-26-2012, 04:52 PM
The photos seem real, just being used by many different people to create something to post to mislead people... fool them. There's a lot of that.

I was waiting for someone to say something about there NEVER having been a documented report of people being attacked by wolves... which really is B.S. Russia had a big problem when they disarmed the populace... leaving them without protection for their domestic animals OR the people. Walt Disney movies and Bambi-stuff have gotten people killed. Most animals just want to be left alone, but if you bother them or act/smell like food or prey, you could be their next meal... another Darwin Moment.


01-26-2012, 05:07 PM
agree, piss ur house cat off and see how loyalit is to you!!!!!

01-26-2012, 05:10 PM
I wont kill just to kill for sure BUT I will kill anything I would eat.

As for those wolves.. I wouldn't kill them just for fun but let them menace my livestock or pets and I'll kill em deader than dead. I wouldn't mind a cattle or two but no way would I allow a wolf to take 10 to 20 a year.

01-26-2012, 07:08 PM
very beataful animal its a shame people hunt them for sport just to shoot something ! but if its in self defense im all for it! but why shoot and kill for the sport or fun of it ! to me im totaly against hunting i love guns but beleave killing a beatafule animal like that just to shoot something that's not harming you is wrong! and what kind of man hunts with a gun anyome can kill something with a rifle from fare away if you were a real man and didnt use your fire arm to kill a harmless animal and used your bare hands to kill it like thousands of years ago thats real hunting ! them poor wolves wasn't harming them hunters at all what ashame to waste a life just for fun !

This is why I stopped hunting. Running down a deer and strangling it was just becoming to difficult. Normally, I used to let the wolves take the first bite before I would beat them to death with a bag of marbles. But, even then I felt like I took advantage of my superior intelligence and strength. From then on, I only hunted in my imagination. So far, I've taken down every large mammal that walks the earth.... all without permits and travel expenses.

01-26-2012, 07:20 PM
well i agree if its for self defense and also agree people are stupid and think wild animals wont hurt them ! i mean im not anti hunting if your going to eat the animal but i don't beleave in killing them for population controll if you think about it were invading there space ! i think i would b able to shoot a human easly then a inocent animal! but don't get me wrong im not a tree hugger or a vegaterian to me it just seemed like them guys killed them wolves for fun like really what could b another reasion to shoot a wolve i cant see people cooking up wolf for dinner !

01-26-2012, 07:25 PM
but I am guessing we are now all alot older here to and kinda have bveen there done thaqt sort of thing. today I enjoy wildlife yeaqrs back I enoyed hunting wildlife. Age makes some wiser, I think..

01-26-2012, 08:19 PM
well i agree if its for self defense and also agree people are stupid and think wild animals wont hurt them ! i mean im not anti hunting if your going to eat the animal but i don't beleave in killing them for population controll if you think about it were invading there space ! i think i would b able to shoot a human easly then a inocent animal! but don't get me wrong im not a tree hugger or a vegaterian to me it just seemed like them guys killed them wolves for fun like really what could b another reasion to shoot a wolve i cant see people cooking up wolf for dinner !

Yup. Those crazy tree-huggers vegetarians are the real threat to society. AND, they move much slower than animals... making them so much easier to shoot.

Is it me? I'm just not seeing any humor or sarcasm.... just some brutally honest admissions.

Say it ain't so Karhrcrazy13.:confused:

01-26-2012, 08:36 PM
I came across a fresh wolf kill (deer) while bird hunting in WI this past fall. It was an incredible scene in how orderly everything was. Deer was disemboweled with surgical precision. We though we had lost one of our bird dogs to them as he went AWOL, but ended up back at the truck. I am convinced the dog encountered them and can only imagine that the beeper collar scattered them. It was really spooky and I purchased my CW45 when I returned from my trip to carry along in such situations. I didn't feel too confident that bird shot would do much to one of those critters.

les strat
01-27-2012, 10:44 AM
I came across a fresh wolf kill (deer) while bird hunting in WI this past fall. It was an incredible scene in how orderly everything was. Deer was disemboweled with surgical precision. We though we had lost one of our bird dogs to them as he went AWOL, but ended up back at the truck. I am convinced the dog encountered them and can only imagine that the beeper collar scattered them. It was really spooky and I purchased my CW45 when I returned from my trip to carry along in such situations. I didn't feel too confident that bird shot would do much to one of those critters.

Maybe not much at a distance, but let me tell ya, bird shot under 20 feet will be devastating to any canine large or small.

01-30-2012, 09:00 AM
I can vouch for high brass #6 at close range. I fell asleep up against a tree while squirrel hunting one morning and awoke to the sound of something moving towards me from up the hill. It kept coming right towards me and as it passed me at about 5' I pulled the trigger and he dropped. It was a large Coyote. I was pretty young and new to hunting then, and I guess I shot him cause he got too damn close. Nowadays I'd just scare him away by pretending I was deer hunting, seems to scare all the deer away.

01-30-2012, 01:37 PM
Nowadays I'd just scare him away by pretending I was deer hunting, seems to scare all the deer away.
http://home.mindspring.com/%7Ejustsomeguy/rolling_small.gif That always worked perfectly for me too, especially while bow hunting deer in Pennsylvania.

01-30-2012, 02:03 PM
Don't forget that in some areas wolves have been re-introduced and cause a lot of damage to herds of deer and cattle. I have no problem eliminating a pest, but take offense when one kills just to kill and not eat what they take. Again a pest like hogs, or coyotes or red squirrels, or the like, control their numbers, anything else, eat what you shoot. Yes, I have eaten what I shot even in self defense and having cleared pests out. Some of it is pretty tasty.

01-30-2012, 02:48 PM
The real problem animals are human beings thinking they have to mess with nature to help out some poor endangered critter survive in the wild...In many parts of the country wild hogs are running amuck and breeding like crazy and are an extremely aggressive and very dangerous animal...One sow can give birth to three litters a year of between 3-5 piglets so you see where this can lead to in short order...

There are only 2 types of animal I fear in the south Georgia woods, Rattle Snakes and Hogs...Both will kill you but there literally 1000 times more hogs than snakes and they are smarter and faster than a man and will gang up and tear a man to pieces...

These hogs didn't get here by accident and many were brought in as game animals as were deer in Georgia at the turn of the 20th century...Now deer have become one of the most dangerious things an automobile driver has to try and watch out for but usually by the time you see them it's too late and a big deer can total a car and sometimes kill people trying to avoid them and hitting a tree...Deer have multiplied to the point that they don't have a habitat any longer and are living in peoples back yards in the surburbs...

The wild hogs are doing massive damage to the Georgia peanut crops and 4 or 5 hogs can wipe out a 10 acre field in just one night causing a total loss to the farmer and causing prices to go way up in the grocery stores...These animals are an extremely dangerous pest and must be eliminated and as much as I don't like to see an animal killed in this case it has become necessary...

In the Florida Everglades people and wildlife officers are seeing an invasion of 10 foot Burmese Pythons living in peoples houses all because some numb nuts bought a pet that got too big then let them go in the wild to breed and cause an explosion of a species not indigenous to the area and have to be captured and killed all because of that most dangerous animal "The Human"...

01-30-2012, 06:05 PM
You don’t need to hit a tree to be killed by a deer. We’ve had several incidents here in Maryland over the last few years where a car hit a deer & the deer came through the windshield & decapitated the drivers.

les strat
01-30-2012, 10:00 PM
The real problem animals are human beings thinking they have to mess with nature to help out some poor endangered critter survive in the wild...In many parts of the country wild hogs are running amuck and breeding like crazy and are an extremely aggressive and very dangerous animal...One sow can give birth to three litters a year of between 3-5 piglets so you see where this can lead to in short order...

There are only 2 types of animal I fear in the south Georgia woods, Rattle Snakes and Hogs...Both will kill you but there literally 1000 times more hogs than snakes and they are smarter and faster than a man and will gang up and tear a man to pieces...

These hogs didn't get here by accident and many were brought in as game animals as were deer in Georgia at the turn of the 20th century...Now deer have become one of the most dangerious things an automobile driver has to try and watch out for but usually by the time you see them it's too late and a big deer can total a car and sometimes kill people trying to avoid them and hitting a tree...Deer have multiplied to the point that they don't have a habitat any longer and are living in peoples back yards in the surburbs...

The wild hogs are doing massive damage to the Georgia peanut crops and 4 or 5 hogs can wipe out a 10 acre field in just one night causing a total loss to the farmer and causing prices to go way up in the grocery stores...These animals are an extremely dangerous pest and must be eliminated and as much as I don't like to see an animal killed in this case it has become necessary...

In the Florida Everglades people and wildlife officers are seeing an invasion of 10 foot Burmese Pythons living in peoples houses all because some numb nuts bought a pet that got too big then let them go in the wild to breed and cause an explosion of a species not indigenous to the area and have to be captured and killed all because of that most dangerous animal "The Human"...

Yep, Florida is a non-indigenous wasteland. Parrots, iguanas, marine toads, pythons, tropical fish, and even anacondas turned loose and taking over other native animals' niche. Man sure can screw stuff up quickly. If a 12 foot Burmese pythin can eat a 6 foot gator (and did.... no net myth in that), imagine what a big old 23 foot female could do. They will rise above gators in the food chain in no time.

As for killing hogs, that's some good eating. I say shoot them and donate them to someone that would love some good old pork. They are starting to move westward from GA and north from S. AL into my neck of the woods. I got a 629 with porky's name on it. Open season year-round here.

As for deer, heck we need wolves or some kind of predators in Alabama to control their population. Man wiped all those predators out as well, bears, red wolf, cougars. Hunters aren't making a dent in the white tail population. Luckily, I am getting more calls and reports of bear and lions.