View Full Version : New guy from PA

01-28-2010, 04:39 PM
Just made my first post in the AO 1911 section, but also wanted to show off my Thompson 1927a1 Commando...bought at a Valley Forge gun show in 2007 for $850 NIB. I currently have ten 30 round sticks and a 50 round drum to keep her fed...and according to my shooting notebook, I currently have close to 2000 rounds of 45acp FMJ downrange.


01-28-2010, 05:25 PM
Man,that is one awesome looking hunk of iron.Thanks for the picture.

01-28-2010, 06:33 PM

01-29-2010, 11:16 AM
How about you guys...?! Own a Tommy Gun ? Planning on one ?

01-29-2010, 11:51 AM
I wish, they are hard to find, instead I settle for Ruger Mini 14 with ATI stock. Also is very hard to justify to my wife the rationale of buying one firearm for over $1k at the time we agree I can buy about five or six firearms a year and not to exceed the budget amount for firearms (hey I had to compromise so she could compromise). You see we have set spending for each of the hobby we like!:eek:

01-29-2010, 12:00 PM
"A man has got to know his limitations"...( and his wife will be there when he forgets !! ) :rolleyes:

My wife enjoys my hobby, being retired military...( SgtMaj,US Army,CID )


Here she is...Fort Dix...training with LARS ( note M16 barrel attachment and sensors on helmet )

01-29-2010, 01:13 PM
We both were military(short timers), but she does not like to handle handguns, but rifles are another story. But great that you wife can share some of your interests. It is hard to find such a woman specially when it comes to firearms. :59:

01-30-2010, 11:33 AM
ah another commando! I got one too, but replaced the black wood with original WWII USGI wood and buttplate, and installed a ezpull recoil spring kit. Also got a nice selection of original 50 round drums, and more stick than pictured. Also waiting for atf approval to put a 10" barrel on this badboy.


01-30-2010, 01:14 PM
Real nice Embalmer...excellent job on the grey parkerization...hardly recognizable as a commando tho! Who did the work?

I had my choice between a M1 (TM1), a Deluxe (T1), and my Commando (T1-C)...but I liked the all black furniture of the Commando. Even tried to special order a black vertical foregrip...Kahr's response was "no can do". If I thought I could match their paint, I would paint one myself...but that project was back-burnered.

So, tell me about the EZ-pull recoil spring set...as my recoil spring is still so damn tight that I must stand the stock vertical and push down on it to chamber the first round...and thats after a couple thousand rounds through it!!

01-30-2010, 03:12 PM
Nice guns! I've never had the pleasure but hope to someday....

01-30-2010, 03:42 PM
Who did what work. Parkerizing was kahr, wood I got from numerich, buttplate I got off gun broker. Nice having a spot in buttstock for spare parts. As for ez recoil I can give you the email who sells them for 30. Tommy gunner sells same kit for 89 which is a rip off.




01-30-2010, 05:08 PM
OH, didn't realize the Commando receiver came in another finish other than black...or was that finish special order?

And, yes, I would like the email or website to get the ez recoil spring set.


01-30-2010, 10:11 PM
Its actually darker than pics show, the flash really lights it up. but is the same dark grey stovetop type parkerizing that comes with commandos.

here is his website Page Title (http://www.naturalistnotebook.com/index.html) hes known for making great repro stocks for thompsons ect. I dont know if the email listed it a working email or not, as I contacted him from www.machinegunboards.com (http://www.machinegunboards.com/) under the thompson forum as "deerslayer"

kit comes with 2 recoil springs, a buffer that attatches to current buffer, and a new hammer spring with hammer attached to spring. easy to install, and a HUGE diffecence in cocking. I can pull the bolt back with my pinky now.

he sells them for 30+ shipping, tommygunner.com sells same kits for $80-89.

hope this helps

01-31-2010, 09:46 AM
Your help is appreciated...!

02-01-2010, 10:15 AM
Mine (M1A1)...


The EZ-Pull spring kit is, by far, the best investment I have made on my Tommy...:D

02-01-2010, 07:02 PM
Hey!Been lurking for a while.I have a Kahr Thompson also.It's been great.I do have a question about the ez pull kit.Does it affect durability/reliability in any way?

02-02-2010, 08:34 AM
I have put almost 800 rounds through mine since a week ago when I installed them. no reliability issues and no misfeeds as of yet. As for durability, they are original thompson recoil springs, as for gun itself the rear of a semiauto thompson ismuch thicker than compared to an original full auto. here is Dan's exact quote on them.

"The ezpull springs equal the Full auto spring pull, and I know the bolt it a bit lighter thus there may be a bit more recoil force, but there is a buffer in these that is not in a standard Kahr semi auto. Also take a look at the back of the receiver, its massive to say the least. The only issue with the ezpull springs is that that standard Kahr semi auto has very rough surfaces inside the bolt and on the firing pin. These must usually be polished by complete dissassembly then the ezpull springs work fine. If the gun has been shot a fair amount, the surfaces will likely have polished themselves to the point that it won't be necessary to dissassemble."

02-02-2010, 02:28 PM
I have a 27A1, I was looking at a Commando since at the time it was about all I could get but I found the 27 on Gunbroker at a decent price. The owner was a dealer and I don't think he ever shot it. He got a Class III license so was getting the real thing. Since my vision was a mirror image of Ghostsoldiers I wanted wood. I replaced the pistol grip forend with a horizontal. I found that it was uncomfortably long, quite a reach so I ended up getting a replacement buttstock for Boyds and I ended up cutting a full 1 1/2" off in 1/2" increments. (Anyone else have that reach issue, can't just be me!) Then I made my own steel buttplate, that was a challenge. I'd love to put the short barrel on it in my quest for the Ghostsoldier look but not sure it's worth the government hassle. I liked the fact that I can use my drums or sticks. Definitely need that bolt ezspring kit, it's added to the list.
Zena, it'll be in the Hummer Limo so your day will come.:cool:

02-02-2010, 04:48 PM
Believe it or not, the ATF dance isn't as bad as it seems. I thought the same thing for a long time, then decided "what the hell", and went for it. Now, I'm glad I did! :D

I've run about 2,000 round though my gun since I put in the EZ Pulls, and never had a problem...it's well worth the investment.

02-02-2010, 08:11 PM
Believe it or not, the ATF dance isn't as bad as it seems. I thought the same thing for a long time, then decided "what the hell", and went for it. Now, I'm glad I did! :D

I've run about 2,000 round though my gun since I put in the EZ Pulls, and never had a problem...it's well worth the investment.

I'll so some research but just briefly what kind of time and money was involved? My biggest expense will be the makeover I need to look as cool as you in uniform with your boys. Then I'll have to get a 4wheel drive chair so I can go on maneuvers, a BAR and a M14 for support.
Heck yeah, I can do that.....................I'm on it. I'll keep you posted.

02-02-2010, 09:50 PM
Horizontal foregrip isn't bad with stick mags, but is definitly awkward with drums. Idc though, its neat looking and always get requests to fire it at the ranges I go to. Being in mass, I thought getting the local pd to sign off on the atf. Form 1 to convert to a sbr would be the hard part. But 10 mins got the blessing and signatures. Problem was I ran into a financial road block so haven't sent my 200 + forms and finger prints in yet. Hope to do that by months end. So far proccess has been easier than it looks.

02-03-2010, 12:38 PM
I'll so some research but just briefly what kind of time and money was involved? My biggest expense will be the makeover I need to look as cool as you in uniform with your boys. Then I'll have to get a 4wheel drive chair so I can go on maneuvers, a BAR and a M14 for support.
Heck yeah, I can do that.....................I'm on it. I'll keep you posted.

Time is the issue here...it used to take several months to get an SBR request filled. Now that the ATF has opened an NFA office in Martinsburg, WV, the turnovers are a lot quicker.;)

It's gonna cost you 200 bucks for the stamp; the paperwork is downloadable from the ATF, and 2 fingerprint cards are easy to come by (1 for the ATF, 1 for the FBI). Getting the CLEO to sign-off is the painful part (setting up a meeting, bullshitting about the 2nd Amendment, etc.), but there's no reason why he can't sign it (legally, he is in no way held responsible for your actions afterwords). And, if he doesn't want to, you have other options open to you (judge, public defender, etc.).

Just be sure to buy the barrel AFTER you get the stamp....Levinworth is a bad place to be, this time of year! :eek: You can swap it out yourself using a vice, a pipe wrench, leather, and basic hand tools (I did my own, and also tapped it for a bfa). ;)

02-03-2010, 01:16 PM
You also have the option of opening a trust, and filing the paperwork in the name of the trust.

Trusts don't require a sign off by CLEO or anybody else, and being the owner of the trust, you effectively own the NFA item - without having to ask permission from a CLEO ;)

02-03-2010, 02:53 PM
Time is the issue here...it used to take several months to get an SBR request filled. Now that the ATF has opened an NFA office in Martinsburg, WV, the turnovers are a lot quicker.;)

It's gonna cost you 200 bucks for the stamp; the paperwork is downloadable from the ATF, and 2 fingerprint cards are easy to come by (1 for the ATF, 1 for the FBI). Getting the CLEO to sign-off is the painful part (setting up a meeting, bullshitting about the 2nd Amendment, etc.), but there's no reason why he can't sign it (legally, he is in no way held responsible for your actions afterwords). And, if he doesn't want to, you have other options open to you (judge, public defender, etc.).

Just be sure to buy the barrel AFTER you get the stamp....Levinworth is a bad place to be, this time of year! :eek: You can swap it out yourself using a vice, a pipe wrench, leather, and basic hand tools (I did my own, and also tapped it for a bfa). ;)

Actually the CLEO sign off should be easy for me. His desk is about 20 ft from my cubicle and right now at this very moment we're in good standings. He just left, he was fondling my muzzle loader I keep on my desk. Probably didn't know what it is but it's fun to look at. My Tommy is usually there but I took it home for awhile. The big hurtle will be the 200 bucks, the cost of the new barrel and my worst nightmare dealing with the federales. I got a message into some of the other staff to see if they have any contacts.
On installation is there any headspace issues? Almost has to be. You'll have to enlighten me on a bfa, no clue what that is but I want one if you got one.:) Let the games begin.:33:

02-03-2010, 04:18 PM
Bfa = blank fire adapter for theatrical/reenacting uses:biggrin1:

02-03-2010, 05:36 PM
Bfa = blank fire adapter for theatrical/reenacting uses:biggrin1:

Blank fire adapter, what ya gonna shoot with a blank firing adaptor?:confused:
I can see where it would be right handy doing the reenactment stuff, the fellas your shooting at probably really appreciate em a bunch, but I can put that on the back burner for right now.
I think I found the form on line, I believe it has to be the Application to make and register a firearm, dang there's alot of forms.
It looks like Mr. JohnH has a real hankering for a SBR, SBR, SBR. I feel obligated to break trail for him. I believe we're gonna try and make this happen. Mr. Ghostsoldiers gonna be callin me a copycat for sure.:bump2:
Hey thanks Mr. Embalmer for the info, I can say this old dog learned something today. How long I can remember it remains to be seen.:yo:

02-04-2010, 09:31 AM
There will be no headspace issues, as the Thompson barrel has a feed ramp bevel built right in, and there is no "head space", per se.

All you do is screw it down tight, and use a little blue Lok-tite on the threads. :)

And yep...those bfa's come in handy whilst reenacting...it keeps the German's from sending real lead down range at you! :D

02-04-2010, 02:22 PM
It'll be a bit before I get to twisting barrel's on and off but don't run off no place I expect I'll have a few dilemmas to deal with when the time comes. Beings you been there hopefully I won't have to reinvent the wheel? Just to test the waters I just sent a memo to the CLEO here to seek approval to carry a sidearm here at work. It's never been done before, been trying for 10 years but thought I'd give it another go. Being a civilian employee they don't allow us to carry. It's in a safe on my desk but just not close enough.
As armorer I have access to 40 Glocks 21's and 40 or so AR15's and truckloads of ammo so if I wanted to go postal (my ma was a mailman so I'm allowed to make that analogy) I'd not be lacking for tools. They allow me to keep my Thompson on my desk for display just not wear a sidearm. Maybe this time?????
The sign off for ATF form should be a piece of cake. (I hope)
I can see where the pretend German would take real exception to using live ammo in the PC war games. That's gotta be a great time, except for the occasional liar. I got ya, no you missed me, no I nailed ya, only a flesh wound, I shot you back. Fix bayonets you liar.............:biggrin1:

02-04-2010, 03:58 PM
No problem, my good man....I'll be here! ;)

02-16-2010, 01:59 PM

Got the spring kit for my Commando from deerslayer...will post range report sometime next week.

Thanks for the heads up...

02-16-2010, 07:18 PM
Glad you finally got it, you should notice a huge difference in cocking the bolt already if installed.

10-30-2010, 06:01 AM
Just made my first post in the AO 1911 section, but also wanted to show off my Thompson 1927a1 Commando...bought at a Valley Forge gun show in 2007 for $850 NIB. I currently have ten 30 round sticks and a 50 round drum to keep her fed...and according to my shooting notebook, I currently have close to 2000 rounds of 45acp FMJ downrange.

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj239/Gunnutz13/avatars/MY%20GUNS/TOMMYGUN1927a1small-1.jpgyeah baby here is mine

11-03-2010, 05:22 AM
welcome to the typewriter shop here is mine 2k hard ball in mine