View Full Version : So my buddy fires my PM9 for the first time

01-25-2012, 04:23 PM
I've owned my PM for less than a year now and one of my friends finally got to try it out. He's always been a Glock guy (I must admit, so have I) but I know in my mind he's always been a little Kahr curious. He's mentioned them in passing before. We head to the range and I let him take the first shot.

You should have see the cheshire grin on his face after the first trigger squeeze! He couldn't believe how smooth it was; his current carry is a G26 Gen 4. After the mag was empty he literally jumped up and down with giddy and immediately offered his full size S&W 1911 for trade lol! It's funny because I distinctly remember MY first time shooting it and I'm pretty sure I jumped twice as high.

Yeah I love my Kahr.

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01-25-2012, 04:29 PM
Great story, thanks for sharing! I think we'll have another member before long :)

01-25-2012, 04:34 PM
If I knew there were going to be a fight, I'd call 911 and go the other direction.

01-25-2012, 04:48 PM
If I knew there were going to be a fight, I'd call 911 and go the other direction.

Lol I'm right behind ya!

Yeah my friend is very close to buying one too. :)

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01-25-2012, 05:44 PM
If you had a CM9, you coulda cleaned up trading for that 1911! ;) Shoot, it was a good deal anyway. Shoulda done the trade and then bought a CM9 so you'd still have one of those sweet shooting Kahrs!

01-25-2012, 05:50 PM
Best marketing for a Kahr is to experience one. I'm over the jumping, but can't stop smiling every pull.

01-25-2012, 06:11 PM
Which would you rather have in a shootout? I also love my PM9 and am now carrying it more than either my P3AT or Glock 26 BUT if I knew I were going to a fight and had to pick between the two then I'd take my Glock 26.

If I knew I was going to a fight I'd take a 12 guage full of 00 buck and a couple of hand grenades. :)

01-25-2012, 06:23 PM
If you had a CM9, you coulda cleaned up trading for that 1911! ;) Shoot, it was a good deal anyway. Shoulda done the trade and then bought a CM9 so you'd still have one of those sweet shooting Kahrs!

Stop tempting me!

Although my SA does look good next to his....


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01-25-2012, 06:37 PM
If I know I am going into a fight I aint carrying a handgun as the primary weapon... and if I was it surely would be a full sized handgun not a Glock 26/27 or a Kahr anything.

A guy I know of on another forum has convinced me that slug is better than buck overall. There may be a few instances that buck is better.. far to many think a shotgun doesn't need to be aimed. Try that buck at say 3 yards then 7 then 11 then 15 you will surely see that the pattern aint that big and when you study on how fast the energy dissapates on such small projectiles it becomes painfully obvious that slug is better. And yet my home defence shotgun is loaded with #4 shot.. I don't want the OVERpenetration and how I intend to use that shotgun.... of couse tho there is slug in the side saddle and a handgun and a rifle close to hand... it is a compromise.

01-25-2012, 06:45 PM
I don't own one but I would surely thing the 3" Judge wold be an ideal home defense gun, ur not gonna miss and go through the wall and hit ur kids sleeping. 5 00buck coming out of that barrel at one time has to be awesome, don't have to be direct on target and if you miss you give him 5 more rounds.

01-25-2012, 07:03 PM
I don't own one but I would surely thing the 3" Judge wold be an ideal home defense gun, ur not gonna miss and go through the wall and hit ur kids sleeping. 5 00buck coming out of that barrel at one time has to be awesome, don't have to be direct on target and if you miss you give him 5 more rounds.

Careful there sir.. I would mostly agree.. in fact way back in time I found an article about a guy who loaded 357 mag rounds with like three "slugs". He cut them from lead wire of the correct size and his "grouping" was awesome. The reasoning is that the much smaller projectiles wouldn't over penetrate in a home setting but would do plenty of damage to any bad guy shot with them. I always intended to duplicate his load just never have.

pocket pistol
01-25-2012, 07:41 PM
I liked this story. Thanks for sharing. I got a buddy that will be shooting mine soon and I'm sure the results will be similar.

01-25-2012, 07:48 PM
Thanks, I just thought it was a funny experience. Funny because I turned down a 1911 for it, doh!


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01-25-2012, 08:28 PM
Thanks, I just thought it was a funny experience. Funny because I turned down a 1911 for it, doh!


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I fear that will haunt you for a long long time my friend. Course your friend would have had some major trade remorse given time even trading for a Kahr. I can see him crying while your holding his 1911 and your new replacement kahr. He would be doing the doh thing for sure.