View Full Version : Need input on Ruger LCR .38 spl

01-26-2012, 12:33 AM
I'm interested in this with the XS sight and Hogue Boot grip. I read it has a better trigger than the other revolver I am considering, S&W 642.

Without using +P, how does this compare to a 380 or 9mm in muzzle energy or velocity? I prefer to shoot Gold Dots.

This isn't for any specific purpose. I may pocket it on rare occasion or keep it handy as a second bedroom gun. Mostly a range novelty/

So how good or bad is the trigger? Compared to a Kahr? Compared to a stock 1911?

Got one? Shot one? $385 at CtD


01-26-2012, 08:45 AM
I'm interested in this with the XS sight and Hogue Boot grip. I read it has a better trigger than the other revolver I am considering, S&W 642.

Without using +P, how does this compare to a 380 or 9mm in muzzle energy or velocity? I prefer to shoot Gold Dots.

This isn't for any specific purpose. I may pocket it on rare occasion or keep it handy as a second bedroom gun. Mostly a range novelty/

So how good or bad is the trigger? Compared to a Kahr? Compared to a stock 1911?

Got one? Shot one? $385 at CtD


My 342 ti trigger, with an action job, is outstanding and blows the LCR away.
Even the very best snub nose 38 round isn't much.
Speer GDHP 135 gr P+ Short Barrel runs like 860 fps 222 E from a 2 inch barrel.
And it does remarkably well in the FBI protocol testing.
That's about as good as it gets for snub nose 38.

Anything else is sad.
Even Federal 129 +P hydro shok doesn't open reliably out of a 2" barrel.
Almost nothing does, except for the Speer SB round specifically designed for that gun.

Without P+ you're in real trouble.
Most accept there's going to be no expansion and go for penetration.
FBI load Nyclad, Wad cutters, whatever.

9mm is much better.
Although not a fair comparison, as it gets a three inch tube out of micro auto loaders.
PM/CM 9s in +P are pretty substantial. I Can't get to much at work.
But 9mm runs good out of 3" barrels.

I'm not crazy about 380 period.
The 38 P+ Speer GDHP SB outperforms them all IMHO.
Penetration is the real issue with small calibers.
Although any gun is better than no gun.
And some will stop the attack if hit with at 22lr.

That is all

BTW I think old no lock 38s have great triggers.
I'm hopeful the new no lock 642 has the trigger of old S&W guns.
That's what I would look at.

01-26-2012, 09:07 AM
I debated the 642 and LCR for months, and bought the 642 even though I liked the trigger on the LCR better.

I'm glad.


Neither of these are range guns, and in the event you need one for self defense you're not going to notice the difference. The 642 is smaller and lighter (though not by much) and it seems everywhere has accessories for it.

As far as ammo goes, I don't mind shooting standard .38 special through it - I can fire over 100 rounds at the range pretty easy. +P definitely adds some snort and you will notice a difference right away, but it's not 'that' bad in my opinion.

The 642 is also less expensive.

les strat
01-26-2012, 09:39 AM
Here's my take on the trigger comparison. Yes, the LCR has a better trigger when dry firing. But in real usage, the shape and sharpness of the Ruger triggers and guards hurt way more than a J-frame, such as a 442/642. I have found this to be true with most of the small Ruger firearms although they are great weapons. My LCP and my wife's LC9 just are not pleasant to shoot. Not saying my 642 is a dream to shoot, but the all-metal Smith feels better to me when firing. Plus, I prefer metal on my revolvers


01-26-2012, 09:41 PM
My 342 ti trigger, with an action job, is outstanding and blows the LCR away.

BTW I think old no lock 38s have great triggers.
I'm hopeful the new no lock 642 has the trigger of old S&W guns.
That's what I would look at. Can you tell me more about the action job? Who did it? What is it like vs. a Kahr trigger? Pull weight more than 9# or less?


01-26-2012, 10:13 PM
I (we... okay, my wife) has the LCR in 357. It is 4oz more and has steel in in rather than aluminum. She shoots .38sp out of it and bought that version for the extra weight to tame recoil. Shooting WWB .38sp, I think it has less kick than my pm9. And I personally think the trigger is great. Always two sides to the opinion...

01-26-2012, 10:25 PM
Looks like you have two 1911s and neither one is a Para Lda so how do you compare two completely dirrerent concepts.

01-26-2012, 10:29 PM
Can you tell me more about the action job? Who did it? What is it like vs. a Kahr trigger? Pull weight more than 9# or less?



I have ordered the 357 LCR with laser sights. Cabelas's is taking my Nano back for credit. The Nano was almost fail proof but my whole idea of buying a pocket rocket is for self defense and 99% reliable doesn't cut it that is why I am going revolver and the LCR in my opinion has the best trigger of revolvers which hopefully will equate to more accurate.

I plan to Target with 38 and conceal with the badest 357 round known to man..

I figure if my life is on the line the adrenaline will overcome the pain of the recoil and if I miss the noise will scare the bad guy away.

The 357 is 4 oz heavier so if you plan to shoot 38 only you will have less recoil over the lighter 38 LCR.

I chose the laser partly because I pocket conceal and the grips on the laser are smaller and will not stick to my pant pocket pulling out. The down side of th laser grip is my hand will feel the recoil more but the beauty of the 357 is I can shoot the light 38 loads when target shooting.


P.S. One more advantage going 357 over 38 for me. When I go hiking in the Utah mountains if I encounter a black bear (approx 10 shot in one summer a few years back) I want a 357.

01-26-2012, 10:38 PM
Can you tell me more about the action job? Who did it? What is it like vs. a Kahr trigger? Pull weight more than 9# or less?


You had to ask didn't you...
I personally believe the old classic pre-lock S&W revolvers had some of the best
double action triggers on revolvers period.
Find a quality gunsmith to polish and deburr everything?
And it just gets better.
Finally, with use, the stainless steel actually polishes itself and the action gets even smoother!

I've never weighed the triggers.
And with a glassy smooth trigger job it's deceiving.
Producing a lighter than it really is feeling.

I have professional trigger jobs on all three of my S&W revolvers.
Norman Youngblood of Tampa did my beloved S&W Mountain Gun.
I've heard that Bob Lloyd does some of the best S&W action jobs in the nation.
Lot's of good S&W guys out there I'm sure others can recommend
(jeepster seems to have LOTS of work done on his never ending arsenal - LOL)

Compared to Kahr it's longer and has a more constant pressure.

Plus I must say.
Like always, I cheated.
My 629 is 1989 vintage and ALL stainless steel (trigger and hammer included).
I had an over-travel adjustment screw drilled and fitted
into the smooth narrow combat trigger that came from the factory.
That big N-Frame classic now has the best trigger of all my guns.

J-Frames have been basically the same for a very long time and many
parts are interchangeable.
Back in the day - I feel like I'm old like Jocko now LOL
Stainless Smith guns came with stainless triggers and hammers.
Even my pre-lock 342 and 640-1 didn't have them.

But I scoured the internet and found real J-frame stainless steel triggers for them.
I'm having a Mr. Yougblood turn the SS narrow serrated trigger
into a rounded combat trigger on the 640 as we speak!
Picking it up at 2 PM today - LOL!

I've spent a lot of money on my guns.
And I'm big on triggers.

The truth is we are talking light pocket pistol, not range gun.
Either one will fill that role for you.
S&W will have a never ending selection of holsters, grips, speed loaders, sights.....
That's likely the greatest advantage it has - really.

Ergonomics are something you have to decide for yourself.
You can surely rent/borrow a j-frame

01-27-2012, 12:35 AM
You had to ask didn't you...

I'll be renting a S&W soon, need to locate a Ruger. Right now, I'm thinking a 17 oz. or even heavier Ruger. Keeping an eye on the possibility my GF may shoot someday or at least grab it for home defense.

Thanks for taking the time to do a detailed response.

01-27-2012, 12:37 AM

I have ordered the 357 LCR with laser sights. Cabelas's is taking my Nano back for credit. The Nano was almost fail proof but my whole idea of buying a pocket rocket is for self defense and 99% reliable doesn't cut it that is why I am going revolver and the LCR in my opinion has the best trigger of revolvers which hopefully will equate to more accurate.

I plan to Target with 38 and conceal with the badest 357 round known to man..

I figure if my life is on the line the adrenaline will overcome the pain of the recoil and if I miss the noise will scare the bad guy away.

The 357 is 4 oz heavier so if you plan to shoot 38 only you will have less recoil over the lighter 38 LCR.

I chose the laser partly because I pocket conceal and the grips on the laser are smaller and will not stick to my pant pocket pulling out. The down side of th laser grip is my hand will feel the recoil more but the beauty of the 357 is I can shoot the light 38 loads when target shooting.


P.S. One more advantage going 357 over 38 for me. When I go hiking in the Utah mountains if I encounter a black bear (approx 10 shot in one summer a few years back) I want a 357.Good choice, Russ but I'd research what it takes to stop a bear just a bit more. Good track shoes an option?

01-27-2012, 09:44 AM
I'll be renting a S&W soon, need to locate a Ruger. Right now, I'm thinking a 17 oz. or even heavier Ruger. Keeping an eye on the possibility my GF may shoot someday or at least grab it for home defense.

Thanks for taking the time to do a detailed response.

You're welcome.

If you're going to rent S&W J-frame and want some extra weight?
Make sure and try a S&W 640/357.
23/25 oz of stainless steel is sweet with 38s.
I have a 640-1 with pachmayr compac (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=Yi9&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=np&sa=X&ei=JcYiT_6FBNKutwey2vyhCw&ved=0CB4QvwUoAQ&q=pachmayr+compac&spell=1&biw=1440&bih=289) grips that's heavenly.

The new 640 Pro comes with a S&W Custom Shop tuned trigger,
full sights and no lock.

01-27-2012, 09:50 AM
Good choice, Russ but I'd research what it takes to stop a bear just a bit more. Good track shoes an option?

Black bears are quite small as far as bears go, and thankfully, the only bears in my region. I have read numerous times that a good 357 would be adequate.

01-27-2012, 10:01 AM
Black bears are quite small as far as bears go, and thankfully, the only bears in my region. I have read numerous times that a good 357 would be adequate.

These bear gun threads have become popular as of late.
I would think a 357 mag would be minimum protection.
But not from a snub nose.
1450 fps 600+ E turns into 1200 fps and 400e from a 2" barrel.
Good for people.
Not good for wild animals that want to kill you.

I'd re-think that one.

les strat
01-27-2012, 10:34 AM
These bear gun threads have become popular as of late.
I would think a 357 mag would be minimum protection.
But not from a snub nose.
1450 fps 600+ E turns into 1200 fps and 400e from a 2" barrel.
Good for people.
Not good for wild animals that want to kill you.

I'd re-think that one.

Barth's got it right. .357 with at least a 5" barrel minimum even for black bears. A good .44 mag in 5-6.5" and a good full-house load would be preferable. No soft lead either. Those skulls are like steel.

01-27-2012, 11:30 AM
The new 640 Pro comes with a S&W Custom Shop tuned trigger, full sights and no lock.

Barth, I looked on the S&W website, including Performance Center, and did a search. But I couldn't find this Pro model.

01-27-2012, 04:48 PM
Barth, I looked on the S&W website, including Performance Center, and did a search. But I couldn't find this Pro model.

Usually Performance Center guns have tuned actions.
According to this review it doesn't?
At any rate I went for a used 640-1 as these were pricey when they
were first released. Just got it back from the gunsmith and the action is sweet.


Pro Series

• Dovetail Night Sights
• Cylinder Cut for Moon Clips

Completing the line between main production and the Performance Center, the Smith & Wesson Pro Series represents the next step from standard models. These firearms are offered with a variety of enhancements yet still remain true to "stock." Bringing competition specifications and features to factory models, the Pro Series offer that ready-to-go package while still maintaining production line integrity.

01-27-2012, 05:18 PM
I have an all steel S&W 640-1 .357 that I've owned for years. It's been relegated to being my wife's bedside gun. Why? Too heavy for pocket carry. I also have a couple of airweights and one of them is in my pocket now and every day. I owned a Ruger LCR .38 for awhile and the trigger (out of the box) is superior to the J frame (out of the box). The J frames smooth out real well and can be home gunsmithed with an Apex kit. I would recommend the Smith Airweights. The 642 and 442 (my favorite) can be had no-lock, which is the way to go. I got rid of my LCR because I didn't like the feel of it, the stock grips are much bigger than the Smith, and it's just plain ugly (to me). I consider none of these to be a good primary self defense handgun but they are great for backup, grab & go, or a ladies purse. They are more difficult to shoot than a good semi so you need to practice with them lots. I shoot mine every time I go to the range with a big gun. I actually enjoy the +P slap. Everyone should own a J-frame or two.

p.s. for bear get a big gun;)

01-28-2012, 07:14 AM
I have an all steel S&W 640-1 .357 that I've owned for years. It's been relegated to being my wife's bedside gun. Why? Too heavy for pocket carry. I also have a couple of airweights and one of them is in my pocket now and every day. I owned a Ruger LCR .38 for awhile and the trigger (out of the box) is superior to the J frame (out of the box). The J frames smooth out real well and can be home gunsmithed with an Apex kit. I would recommend the Smith Airweights. The 642 and 442 (my favorite) can be had no-lock, which is the way to go. I got rid of my LCR because I didn't like the feel of it, the stock grips are much bigger than the Smith, and it's just plain ugly (to me). I consider none of these to be a good primary self defense handgun but they are great for backup, grab & go, or a ladies purse. They are more difficult to shoot than a good semi so you need to practice with them lots. I shoot mine every time I go to the range with a big gun. I actually enjoy the +P slap.

Everyone should own a J-frame or two.

p.s. for bear get a big gun;)


That should be my name. I just want one gun that will go bang. I decided to go with an ugly LCR 357 but I have asked for crimson grips because they are small like the S&W and will fit in my pocket.

I also upgraded the front sight to a fiber optic.

I can't wait for this ugly lady. She will be faithful and that is what I am looking for in a relationship.

01-28-2012, 10:21 AM

That should be my name. I just want one gun that will go bang. I decided to go with an ugly LCR 357 but I have asked for crimson grips because they are small like the S&W and will fit in my pocket.

I also upgraded the front sight to a fiber optic.

I can't wait for this ugly lady. She will be faithful and that is what I am looking for in a relationship.

I have three S&W girlfriends myself.
One is just not enough
They are all lookers.

But one of the three I can't really take out in public.
All eyes on her. Everyone wants to touch her.
And she really, truly, is dangerous.

01-28-2012, 10:41 AM
I have three S&W girlfriends myself.
One is just not enough
They are all lookers.

But one of the three I can't really take out in public.
All eyes on her. Everyone wants to tough her.
And she really, truly, is dangerous.


You know what they say about large ladies the more too love.

Thanks for the picture


01-28-2012, 11:06 AM
Wow, Barth! I think you and Jeepster have enough guns that you should put all of us regular guys here on the forum in your wills so those beloved guns will have good homes after you're gone! :D

01-28-2012, 11:48 AM
Wow, Barth! I think you and Jeepster have enough guns that you should put all of us regular guys here on the forum in your wills so those beloved guns will have good homes after you're gone! :D

Just got my S&W 640-1 back from the gunsmith.
Had the serrated, narrow, stainless steel trigger
polished, smoothed and rounded into a combat trigger.

The gunsmith said the action actually feels lighter with the combat trigger!
I have to agree. All I can say is - Sweet

01-28-2012, 12:00 PM
Just got my S&W 640-1 back from the gunsmith.
Had the serrated, narrow, stainless steel trigger
polished, smoothed and rounded into a combat trigger.

The gunsmith said the action actually feels lighter with the combat trigger!
I have to agree. All I can say is - Sweet

Put me down to inherit this one! :photo:

01-28-2012, 09:29 PM
Last summer I started looking for the best CCW for me. I was sure that I was more comfortable shooting a revolver. I tried quite a few belonging to a friend who is a collector and ex police officer. I fired the S&W Model 60, 640, 66, 642, as well as the Ruger LCR, plus quite a few of his pistols (Glocks and others). I was sure that the LCR was it....mainly because of the trigger. Then I discovered the Kahr PM9/CM9 and ended up with the CM9.

After breaking in the CM9, I realized that my grip is not strong/consistent enough to be confident of no failures. So now I'm selling the CM9 and going back towards a snubby revolver. I also purchased a K9 that I'm very happy with. I can carry the K9 IWB or OWB but not in the pocket. This time I'm not going with the LCR, but with a 642 instead because I think the J-frame will do better for pocket carry.

We will see how the 642 works out. I really wanted the CM9 to work for me but being confident that my CCW always goes bang is paramount.


01-29-2012, 07:01 AM
Last summer I started looking for the best CCW for me. I was sure that I was more comfortable shooting a revolver. I tried quite a few belonging to a friend who is a collector and ex police officer. I fired the S&W Model 60, 640, 66, 642, as well as the Ruger LCR, plus quite a few of his pistols (Glocks and others). I was sure that the LCR was it....mainly because of the trigger. Then I discovered the Kahr PM9/CM9 and ended up with the CM9.

After breaking in the CM9, I realized that my grip is not strong/consistent enough to be confident of no failures. So now I'm selling the CM9 and going back towards a snubby revolver. I also purchased a K9 that I'm very happy with. I can carry the K9 IWB or OWB but not in the pocket. This time I'm not going with the LCR, but with a 642 instead because I think the J-frame will do better for pocket carry.

We will see how the 642 works out. I really wanted the CM9 to work for me but being confident that my CCW always goes bang is paramount.


An air weight J-frame Centennial, with boot grips,
has been the classic pocket pistol all others are compared too.
You really can't lose with that choice.

01-29-2012, 10:58 AM
Last summer I started looking for the best CCW for me. I was sure that I was more comfortable shooting a revolver. I tried quite a few belonging to a friend who is a collector and ex police officer. I fired the S&W Model 60, 640, 66, 642, as well as the Ruger LCR, plus quite a few of his pistols (Glocks and others). I was sure that the LCR was it....mainly because of the trigger. Then I discovered the Kahr PM9/CM9 and ended up with the CM9.

After breaking in the CM9, I realized that my grip is not strong/consistent enough to be confident of no failures. So now I'm selling the CM9 and going back towards a snubby revolver. I also purchased a K9 that I'm very happy with. I can carry the K9 IWB or OWB but not in the pocket. This time I'm not going with the LCR, but with a 642 instead because I think the J-frame will do better for pocket carry.

We will see how the 642 works out. I really wanted the CM9 to work for me but being confident that my CCW always goes bang is paramount.



I feel your frustraton. It took me 7 months and 2 semi autos (CM9 & Nano) to figure out old technology (revolver) is more reliable and that is number one for a ccw in my book.

I have ordered the Ruger 357 LCR wtih front figer optic sight and laser. I elected to go laser because the hogue grip was too big for pocket carry and I plan to carry 357 but practice with light 38 and the extra 4 0z over he LCR 38 will help with the recoil especially shooting with crimson laser grips.

Good luck I struggled between the LCR and S&W but in the end the trigger on the LCR out of the box is smoother and I am not interested in having my trigger worked over.


01-29-2012, 06:51 PM
This time I'm not going with the LCR, but with a 642 instead because I think the J-frame will do better for pocket carry.

We will see how the 642 works out. I really wanted the CM9 to work for me but being confident that my CCW always goes bang is paramount.


A Galco Pocket Protector is a great holster for my 642. Hides well, easy draw and yet it stays in my pocket until I need it to come out. For about $25 it's woth it.
P.S. I vote for the 135gr. Gold Dots for this revolver.

01-29-2012, 07:26 PM
A Galco Pocket Protector is a great holster for my 642. Hides well, easy draw and yet it stays in my pocket until I need it to come out. For about $25 it's woth it.
P.S. I vote for the 135gr. Gold Dots for this revolver.

My 342 ti sports Hogue Bantam Grips and a XS Big Dot front sight.
Favorite pocket holster is a DeSantis Nemesis.

+1 on the Gold Dots.
Specifically the Speer GDHP 135 gr 38 +P Short Barrel.
They are widely considered the Gold Standard for snub nose ammo.
Check the FBI Protocol test results from a 2" barrel -

les strat
01-30-2012, 08:51 AM
I run the Hogue Bantams (in wood) as well and it rides in a nemesis. It is flat-out amazing how quick you can draw with a hammerless j-frame, slick grips, and a holster like the nemesis. I am almost at the pont of going back to the 642 for EDC. It hides really well being rounded and not having sharp corners.

01-30-2012, 01:14 PM
I run the Hogue Bantams (in wood) as well and it rides in a nemesis. It is flat-out amazing how quick you can draw with a hammerless j-frame, slick grips, and a holster like the nemesis. I am almost at the pont of going back to the 642 for EDC. It hides really well being rounded and not having sharp corners.

I did this a few weeks ago. I swapped my CW9 for my 642 for a change of pace. I was surprised how much I missed having that little j-frame in my pocket. Now I make sure to rotate my guns so that they don't get an inferiority complex.

01-30-2012, 03:01 PM
Failure of revolver.........