View Full Version : The "Obama Girl" revelations

01-28-2010, 07:15 PM
OMG! The "Obama Girl" of YouTube (?) fame has supposedly fallen out of love with Obama... coming next up on the Sean Hannity Show. I'm kind of watching it in the background as I try to keep up to speed on this forum... and stuff my face.:o

01-28-2010, 10:16 PM
OMG! The "Obama Girl" of YouTube (?) fame has supposedly fallen out of love with Obama... coming next up on the Sean Hannity Show. I'm kind of watching it in the background as I try to keep up to speed on this forum... and stuff my face.:o

How can you have an appetite and think about that "O" word at the same time.(who took the barfing smiley?) I ran my hand thru my table saw couple weeks ago so still mending. Chose to go work on a rusty shotgun with kroil and steel wool rather than listen to the propaganda last night. Kroil really hurts in open wounds but I made the right choice.
No teleprompter was used in the making of this message......................

01-28-2010, 10:22 PM
Millions of people were fooled into thinking Obama was competent and able. A year of incompetence and inept fumbling makes an impact. He's becomeing an embarassment worse than Carter...and that's saying alot.

The girl seemed pretty bright when she was on Hanity's show a year ago.

01-28-2010, 11:33 PM
Ouch! I know about the table saw... I was using one once and felt a tug on my glove -- took the end off my left thumb -- just the skin, though, not the nail or bone... very lucky. I don't want to do that again. I hope that your incident wasn't too bad... didn't whack off your trigger finger or anything!?:eek: I hope that your tetanus shot is up to date!:p
And yeah, the girl isn't stupid... and she's easy on the eyes. A lot of people are not so happy with "change" and the Great Teleprompter-Reader any more. Isn't it funny that some of the most incompetent people have received Nobel Awards?? Bumbling Carter(source of North Korea's nuclear plant!), the sky-is-falling proprietor of the global-warming hysteria, almost President Gore, and the Great-Teleprompter Reader who hadn't done sh*t yet, to name a few. Oh, the whacko George Bernard Shaw... if you saw the clips of him from last Friday on Beck's documentary. What a crowd!
Don't forget the VCR, DVR, or watch the second episode tonight. Or later you can probably find it at YouTube or elsewhere. That's a lot of stuff you won't see on the Obama Support Networks.:puke: (Barf boy's on the right side middle. I had to look a while, too.)

01-29-2010, 07:13 AM

01-29-2010, 08:53 AM
For damn sure! He did stuff I didn't like, but he was the right president for when the SHTF. He didn't sit around waiting for the next shoe to fall, or lob a few Tomahawk missiles into the desert. The Bushes didn't beat around any bushes when it came to defending this country. If I had my druthers, I would love to see our last governor, Jeb Bush, as president. He was good for Florida and would be good for our country. He certainly wouldn't be running around all over the world apologizing for the good we tried to accomplish... or trying to "fundamentally change" <<to a marxist/socialist society>> our greatest-in-the-history-of-the-world nation. Thank God, or whatever deity you want, that overstuffed-gotten-rich-hyping-global-warming Al Gore didn't steal the election from GW.:D

01-29-2010, 02:48 PM
Can you imagine what would have happened if Bush would have tried half the stuff the muslim missing link is doing. They were extremely hard and relentless and never cut him any slack. Criticised every move he made. Your right in that he was the right man for the job at a bad time. Only better would have been maybe Reagan or Eisenhower. I would have loved to see what McCain did with everything, a genuine honest to goodness war hero, born in america, with america his first priority. The VIP was a lot better to look at too. A truely sad day in history.
Wynn, sadly the trigger finger took it the worst, mostly kick back, messed up the critical joint but it's getting better. Blew the nail right off the Obama finger but it'll grow back. Had a towel handy so didnt bleed out, made it to the house before the light headedness started. Wonder why that always is when nails go, you get really light headed. I didn't even cry, nobody around to see it anyhow so why bother.
It's all good.

01-29-2010, 03:00 PM
Damn. That sure sucks. I'm glad that you're okay. It can really get bad if you're alone and sh*t happens. I think about that all the time. When I'm venturing onto the roof or something risky, I carry my cell phone in an old clip-less holder inside a nylon belt carry case -- pretty secure. I hope to be able to call 911 if I fall and am lying there unable to hardly move.... I've come close to taking a header off the roof before. Ours is really steep and the ~14 year-old "20 or 30-year" roof shingles are shedding the sand or grit like little ball bearings! It's real scary up there trimming branches or adjusting/installing the TV antenna!
I've had several incidents where I felt like I might pass out... from shock. I've had the decreasing "tunnel vision" and know that if I don't sit down or lie down, I'll be there in a heap shortly. One was when I dislocated my left thumb trying to open a push-button door handle on my car... on base, thankfully, and close to the hospital. !! Glenn Beck's Documentary part 2 is starting!!
I almost passed out at the counter... saw the decreasing tunnel-vision and told the attendants who quickly put me in a wheelchair. I was going into shock, I guess.
Got to take stuff outta the dryer and watch Beck.
Take care and mend well, especially so you can shoot again!

01-29-2010, 04:29 PM
We'll be fine, good time to work on weak hand drills, but not too much. I do just like you, carry my cell at all times and my K40 on my ankle in case I have to fire a distress signal. (I've done it). I'm already full time in a wheelchair due to a work injury. Broken back. (now that really sucks). Full mobility so don't effect my shooting or gun stuff. I ran my riding lawn mower out of gas way out in the front 40 and what do you do? (Check the gas before every mow for sure to start.) Got stuck out at the wood pile for awhile last week. Just couldn't get out, nobody around. Finally just had to get on the ground man handle the chair to higher ground and get back in. If it was easy everyone would wanna do it.
Loved your description, the tunnel vision. lay down or fall down. I had that big time. Quick tally, turn off saw, check, turn off propane heater, check, stop flow of blood before bleeding on wifes floor, lay down or fall down.
It's all good.

PS- stay off the roof, that can really cause bad thing. We just had a city engineer fell off his roof at home. Found him dead in the yard. Hug everyone you meet, you just never know................:hippie:

01-29-2010, 04:30 PM
For damn sure! He did stuff I didn't like, but he was the right president for when the SHTF. He didn't sit around waiting for the next shoe to fall, or lob a few Tomahawk missiles into the desert. The Bushes didn't beat around any bushes when it came to defending this country. If I had my druthers, I would love to see our last governor, Jeb Bush, as president. He was good for Florida and would be good for our country. He certainly wouldn't be running around all over the world apologizing for the good we tried to accomplish... or trying to "fundamentally change" <<to a marxist/socialist society>> our greatest-in-the-history-of-the-world nation. Thank God, or whatever deity you want, that overstuffed-gotten-rich-hyping-global-warming Al Gore didn't steal the election from GW.:D

I agree about George W. Being a fiscal conservative, I hated what he and the Republicans did about spending, but when it came to tax cuts and keeping us safe, he was right there. Can you imagine "Obama" and another 911 incident? I didn't think so.

01-29-2010, 05:06 PM
Damn. That sure sucks. I'm glad that you're okay. It can really get bad if you're alone and sh*t happens. I think about that all the time. When I'm venturing onto the roof or something risky, I carry my cell phone in an old clip-less holder inside a nylon belt carry case -- pretty secure. I hope to be able to call 911 if I fall and am lying there unable to hardly move.... I've come close to taking a header off the roof before. Ours is really steep and the ~14 year-old "20 or 30-year" roof shingles are shedding the sand or grit like little ball bearings! It's real scary up there trimming branches or adjusting/installing the TV antenna!
I've had several incidents where I felt like I might pass out... from shock. I've had the decreasing "tunnel vision" and know that if I don't sit down or lie down, I'll be there in a heap shortly. One was when I dislocated my left thumb trying to open a push-button door handle on my car... on base, thankfully, and close to the hospital. !! Glenn Beck's Documentary part 2 is starting!!
I almost passed out at the counter... saw the decreasing tunnel-vision and told the attendants who quickly put me in a wheelchair. I was going into shock, I guess.
Got to take stuff outta the dryer and watch Beck.
Take care and mend well, especially so you can shoot again!

Completely off track as usual but all our members have roofs of some sort so I'll share an old roofers trick. Especially on steep roofs like you describe take a big piece of foam rubber, couple inches thick 3ft square or so. If you start to slip or you want to stay in a spot to work jump on the foam. Can be tricky if your sliding but get on the foam and you'll stop..........

01-29-2010, 06:15 PM
Bawanna45cal: "
Completely off track as usual but all our members have roofs of some sort so I'll share an old roofers trick. Especially on steep roofs like you describe take a big piece of foam rubber, couple inches thick 3ft square or so. If you start to slip or you want to stay in a spot to work jump on the foam. Can be tricky if your sliding but get on the foam and you'll stop.........."

Thanks. That sounds like a good trick. I try to get the grippiest shoes and use my butt and hands to stabilize. I really need to use a line tied around my waist, but that's a lot of trouble, especially finding something to tie the other end to.
I remember you saying that you're in a wheelchair, but you are more active than I am most of the time. You just have to plan ahead and try to learn from your mistakes... like checking the gas, and try to always have a charged cell phone with you, as well as your CCW. That phone can do a lot for you and you can never tell when you might need it.
I watched Beck tonight and most of the program was about the Progressive Party and their progress in achieving their goals over the last hundred years or so. This is really creepy stuff. Most people seem to think that it's just a Democrat versus Republican "fight" or debate when it comes to politics, but then there are the Libertarians who don't have much of an organization. What's scary is that there's another group that people don't know about or don't understand what it means when the word "Progressive" is used. This bunch has hijacked the Democratic Party and people can't see that. They are NOT Democrats but they hide within it and other organizations. Well, they are coming out now and taking off the gloves. Obama has unprecedented power and seeks to grab it all. He and his group of elitist Progressives want to completely do away with our Constitution and build a new socialist society where they -- the benevolent, intellectual elites will take on all of our responsibilities (and freedoms) and take good care of us... the ones they want to keep around.
Try to catch Beck's Friday night shows -- the last 2 now. They are available at YouTube and other places. This "Progressive" thing is real... a real conspiracy going on for over a hundred years. Beck has shown plenty of video clips where these people openly state their beliefs and talk about being inspired by the likes of Mao. Our educational system has been tailored by them to downplay or omit the U.S. Constitution and the aims of our forefathers when they wrote it. Too many people today have never learned the truth about our country's origin -- the why and how it was formed.
Sorry, I can't start typing here without getting carried away. Our country is in the most dangerous situation ever, and the danger is from within.
Damn, I had better stop! Sorry. Diarrhea of the mouth and keyboard. :blah::typing:
Hey, I got my XB Minituck for the PM9 today and I have it on. This sucker is not easy to put on and is very noticeable without a larger, floppy shirt. It's noticeable weight-wise, too. The PM9 isn't as light as I thought it would be in this rig. I need to get used to it and see if I need to adjust it. I don't know where to begin, yet.
Well, I'll shut up! Take care.