View Full Version : your thoughts on winchester super-x vs usa
01-27-2012, 10:32 PM
so, my question re super-x vs usa is really a result of wanting to (as best as possible) match my carry round. i've recently switched over to the winchester pdx1 147gr in my P9 and really like the round. but, shooting tons of them is not cheap at around $1/round. so i am looking at bulk prices on the closest 147gr and thinking at least winchester would be the closest match (shooting) to their own products.
so i'm just curious what your thoughts are on both questions.
1. does it really matter, winchester or somebody else, as long as it's 147 grain in the 900-1000fps range?
2. any significant diff in the super-x vs usa badged winchester ammo. i've seen both in bulk but the prices are significantly different. super-x is about $115 for 500 rounds vs probably $150+ for the usa badged stuff. any difference?
in the end, i guess practice practice practice trumps throwing different brands/weights etc down-range...but i prefer to reduce the number of variables in the equation as much as possible.
01-28-2012, 07:59 AM
I use the Winchester PDX1 124gr +P in my P9. Great ammo. I use NATO ammo in practice. Same bullet weight, a little hotter than normal bulk practice ammo and fairly cheap. If I used a 147gr round and wanted a good practice round, I'd probably gravitate toward the Speer Lawman brand. I've used it over the years as well and always found it as accurate as carry ammo.
Question 1 - I think you'd have to shoot a box of whatever you find in order to see if the round hits in the same place as your PDX1. Whichever brand comes closest should suffice.
Question 2 - If you can find Winchester Super X that cheap then use it... search over IMHO.
01-28-2012, 08:50 AM
for range fodder, I use WWB from wal mart 115 grain. It is the lowest priced ammo I can find, it shoots for me every time. It is more accuate thaqnI am. Wal Mart is 2 miles frm me. I get 10% discount there due to wife working there for 25 years. Most allofmy defense ammo is 124 grain something, mostly corbon and speer. I am found of powerball if for no other reason as that it feedslike a fmj round. Probably not the best round when compared to gold dots or some of theother hot good hp rounds but, it is a hot round, and shoots very qaccurate in all 3 of my kahrs.(again better than I can do)
01-28-2012, 12:13 PM
the 115 wwb from walmart is what ive been shooting for years, but have always found it to be a bit snappy and that became even more prominent in the p9. so over the last 6 months i started the search for something new and settled on the pdx1 147. its a dream to shoot in the p9 and acts more like a 45 in that it feels more like a push rather than a snappy muzzle flip.
i guess trying a few as suggested is my best bet. in the end, $12 or $15 isnt going to break the bank. i typically only kept around 1000 rounds of range ammo (the 115 wwb) at any given point anyway. but i think i will definitely transition to wwb 147 jhp as my bulk secondary SD round, pdx1 147 as my primary carry round, and something cheap 147 as my bulk training ammo.
thanks for the tips...keep 'em coming!
sas PM9
01-28-2012, 12:58 PM
the 115 wwb from walmart is what ive been shooting for years, but have always found it to be a bit snappy and that became even more prominent in the p9. so over the last 6 months i started the search for something new and settled on the pdx1 147. its a dream to shoot in the p9 and acts more like a 45 in that it feels more like a push rather than a snappy muzzle flip.
i guess trying a few as suggested is my best bet. in the end, $12 or $15 isnt going to break the bank. i typically only kept around 1000 rounds of range ammo (the 115 wwb) at any given point anyway. but i think i will definitely transition to wwb 147 jhp as my bulk secondary SD round, pdx1 147 as my primary carry round, and something cheap 147 as my bulk training ammo.
thanks for the tips...keep 'em coming!
You can buy a very similar round to the pdx1 147g by looking at and do a search for ZRA9B. It's a winchester product 147g Bonded HP, nickel cased. $19.50 per box of 50 in quantities of ten.
01-28-2012, 01:26 PM
steve, thanks a ton...will check that out. that would be a much better replacement for my secondary SD round. prob much better than the wwb for the intended purpose. didnt know that existed. thanks!
01-28-2012, 01:45 PM
ah, so thats the ranger...but at a cheaper price than ranger is typically found. cool. from the description, seems its just cosmetically not up to LE standards. you get a slightly pre-pdx1 bullet at the walmart price of the wwb 147 jhp. i am all over this. have never seen the ranger for anywhere near this price so ive just been stocking up on he newer pdx1 as i ran across them for a decent price. thanks steve!
02-10-2012, 11:35 PM
well poop. snooze and loose. seems sgammo no longer has any zra9b. will call tomorrow to confirm, but they had it a week back (i thought) but not even listed now.
if anybody runs across it elsewhere online, please let me know...i will keep a watch on this thread.
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