View Full Version : Serpa for cw9

01-28-2012, 01:10 AM
Hey new kahr owner here, just wanted to share with you all that I successfully (to my standard) converted a serpa holster for my glock 29 to fit my cw9.... I simply cut some pieces from an old leather holster, about an inch wide by half inch long. Glued them inside the holster in 2 places. First, where the bottom of the trigger guard would touch. This is to press the weapon forward. Second I glued a piece to the left of the trigger guard so it would push the weapon away from the body and into the lock. Let dry for half hour...gave it a try and......."click" prefect fit. No movement, very secure. I trust it, but thats me.

Pm me if you want pictures...it looks sloppy for now but i plan to clean it up tomorrow.

01-28-2012, 02:12 AM
Welcome to the forum. I use a Blackhawk holster for my CW40 and 45.